
Horses of War

From birth Agrio was different but would his difference aid him in his journey or become an obstacle he needs to overcome. Who are his allies, who are foes.

Hazel_and_Pookie · Action
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11 Chs

The Face off.

As Clara approached Agrio, she tells him in a commanding whisper, "Watch yourself, Horse."

"I have a name you know," Agrio shoots back, angrily knowing that she could not understand him. Once Clara got on Agrio, he spots Duke looking at him as if to say 'This is your last chance.' and

Annoyingly, Duke's friend and colleague, Pollux snorts, "Good Luck kid. Don't do anything stupid again."

Then as Clara takes Agrio around the ring, Agrio mutters, "If she pisses me off I might not be so forgiving like I was with those other noobs."

A minute passes and Clara starts pulling the reigns. Hard. Agrio stops immediately. Clara kicks him. Then crouches down to Agrio's ear and says, "If you don't start trotting, I WILL use the wip. That is my specialty after all."


He doesn't move.

Agrio's shiny black and buckskin coat contrasted his bright blue-grey eyes beautifully, which now did not look so bright or beautiful. He snorted loudly, clearly saying to any horse, human, or monkey; "Try me."

Clara takes out her black leather wip and raises it up behind her slowly, menacingly, giving Agrio one last chance to start moving. Then she brought it down so fast that everything stopped. Everything within the War station stopped, to pray for the horse that disobeyed Clara, as the Crack was a distinct crack that only came from Clara herself.

That is until there was a sharp whinny that was louder than the crack. Never heard before. Never before -- "Genikòs?"

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