


Knock, Knock, Knock, goes Mr. Albert’s door, an elderly man in his late 50’s who lives a very simple life in his comfortable cottage all alone. He goes downstairs to see who might be there knocking at his door.

“Hello, anyone there”, Mr. Albert says as he opens his door to see no one there. He looks down to see a white bag full of food items. He looks at it.

“Oh dear, silly me. I forgot to take my grocery bag in”, he says as he lifts the bag and walks to the kitchen to unload it. He finishes unloading it, as soon as he goes halfway upstairs, he hears again, Knock, Knock, Knock, at his kitchen entrance door.

“Who might be there?” he asks in a shaky voice. He looks down to see no one as he shakes his head and decides to ignore it. He continues his journey upstairs as he hears again Knock, Knock, Knock.

He turns his head in fright as he decides to go downstairs. He walks down the steps slowly as he moves to the kitchen and slowly opens the door, he looks around as he sees a bird at his window.

“Oh, it might have been you little fella”, he says as he smiles and opens the window for the bird to fly out. “Bye bye birdie”, Mr. Albert says as he waves at the bird.

Mr. Albert moves up the stairs as he goes to the restroom. “I have to clean it today, getting too dirty already”, he says as he gets a bucket of cleaning equipment.

As Mr. Albert is scrubbing the bathroom floor, he hears again Knock, Knock, Knock. He drops his scrub brush as he is extremely terrified. “Who is it? What do you want from me?” he shouts as the door goes again.

Knock, Knock, Knock, goes the door again as Mr. Albert screams out “get out, get out of here”, as he runs out of the restroom and goes to the living room. “Whoever you are, just stop”.

He starts sweating a lot as he looks around and hears his front door go Knock, Knock, Knock. He runs to the door and opens it with great force as he is about to speak, he sees Mrs Clara, the nurse in her late 40’s.

“Sorry to disturb you Mr. Albert, but I heard alot of screaming and I was quite terrified and worried and came to see if you are ok”, Mrs Clara says to him.

“Thank you dear, sorry about the fuzz, my wooden stairs was just being too creaky and it terrified me alot”, he responds to her. “Ok then, I will call the woods man to fix them up”, she responds as he quickly “No, no need dear, I will fix them up today”.

They bid each other byes as Mrs Clara goes. Mr Albert runs upstairs and goes to his room as he walks to his bed and sits down. “Dear I am really sorry for the disturbance I caused you and that stupid neighbour of ours caused you too”, he says.

“I love you dear, I will never leave you dear”, Mr Albert says as he kisses his wife who has been dead for 30 years and smiles at her.


Ms Sarah was a young beautiful woman who fell in love with Mr Albert, they both dreamed to have a little garden in their own house with three kids. Some months after they got married, Mrs Albert had a son called Robert, they all lived so happily together until their son at eight years of age fell ill and died.

They were unable to have another child and unable to save him too. Mr Albert and Mrs Albert became really sad till Mr Albert fell ill and Mrs Albert died.

He lived alone for years with her dead dirty body after digging it up from her grave and covering the smell of her corpse with cinnamon, passion fruits and thyme.

One beautiful night Mr Albert woke up as he heard again Knock, Knock, Knock at his house front door. He went downstairs hearing the knocking sound repeatedly in the same rhythm. He goes down to his door.

He stands and opens it slowly as he sees no one. He squeezes the door knob and shuts it closed forcefully. Mr Albert turns to walk away as he hears Knock, Knock, Knock on his door again.

“Who is it?” he says in a very whispering like voice. He clenches his fist as he hears Knock, Knock, Knock, again. “Who is it?” he shouts out as he turns his head sharply towards the door and opens it immediately.

Mr Albert’s eyes widen as he sees a black human like figure staring straight at him. “Hello”, the figure says in a distorted voice. Mr Albert closes the door and runs away to his room and locks his room door.

Some minutes later, Knock, Knock, Knock goes Mr Albert’s room door. “Go away”, he says in a shaky voice. Knock, Knock, Knock goes his door again. “Go away” Mr Albert screams as he rushes to pick up his double barrel shotgun.

Knock, Knock, Knock goes his door again as it becomes faster and faster. Mr Albert screams as he shoots his door three times. Silence feels the place as Mr Albert slowly drops his gun.

A loud and fast Knock, Knock, Knock hits the door three times repeatedly as Mr Albert falls to the ground passing out. He wakes up as he hears he doorbell rings. He goes downstairs looking so tired and smelling of fear.

He opens his door slowly as he sees Mrs Clara. “Sorry to bother you, but there were some serious shouts and gunshots coming from here”

Mr Albert looks at her with weak eyes and says “Sorry about it dear, please may you come back some other time, I am truly tired, please don’t tell anyone about this noise”. She nods as he closes the door and moves upstairs.

“I wonder why that awful woman keeps on coming, sorry honey, I will keep her out”, Mr Albert says to his dead wives body.


Mr Albert is cooking in his kitchen. He is about to cut an onion. He then hears again Knock, Knock. He is confused as he usually hears three knocks at his door. He then moves to the living room.

Suddenly he starts hearing knocks from all over the house. He breaks out in sweat the knock goes all around. He runs upstairs and goes to the bathroom as he locks himself in. He holds his eyes as the knocks continue and the suddenly stop.

He removes his hands from his head and breathes heavily as he is still frightened. Next thing he hears Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock, Knock repeatedly in heavy hits till his door bursts open.

He moves back and slips on water hitting his head on the bathtubs rim as everything fades and darkens out.


Mr Albert can you see me, Mr Albert is called out by Mrs Clara as he slowly opens his eyes. “Where am I?” Mr Albert asks. “The hospital, police have gone to investigate what was wrong in your house, they have brought back your wives dead body too”, she says to him.

“No, you fool, I told you not to call anyone”, Mr Albert says as he tries to run away. He pushes past Mrs Clara and on the hallway he bumps into two security agents for the mental hospital.

“No, let me go, My Clara needs me”, he shouts out as he struggles. They carry him back to the hospital room and he is sedated.

Mr Albert wakes up a few minutes later and sits in the bed as he cries softly. “Sadly Mr Albert has a serious brain tumor, he might not remember but he is the one who killed his wife”, Mrs Clara says to another nurse.

“Poor man indeed, he needs help, he has been screaming out there is a demon in my house”, the nurse responds to her.

Mr Albert breaks out into cry laughs as he hears this. He sees a scalpel on the desk tray and picks it up and lies down. Mrs Clara comes to check on him.

“Thank God, you are finally calm”, she says to him. “Why? Why did you ruin my happy life, I lived peacefully with my wife and you took it all away from me, why?”, Mr Albert shouts out as he cries loudly.

“Sir please don’t be sad. I am only doing what Sarah would have really wanted. There are no demons and Sarah is not alive anymore”, she says to him. “Lies”, Mr Albert screams out as he cries louder.

Mrs Clara walks up to him and hugs him as she tells him “everything will be fine”, he stops crying and says “Only when we join her”, he grabs the scalpel and slices her throat first ahd his own.

They bleed to death slowly as people rush to their aid. Oh poor Mr Albert, tortured himself to death, if only he knew he was the one making the knocking sounds and imagining more of it, so sad his demons never existed. The only demon was his mind.