
Horror Paradise

James Stuart woke up from his dream and found himself entering a horror game. He must work with five other people to struggle and survive in a terrible world. Every effort is made to get back to reality, and the name of the game is… “Infinite Reincarnation”. Soon, James will realize that the human heart is far more terrible than the game. ( Writing quality isn't top grade so don't spam that it's shitty in the comment section because I already know it's shitty and also English isn't my native language.) ( If you like the content of the novel you are free to read it and give your opinions in the comment section and if you dislike it just vanish off from here and read some other novel that you like.) (The Cover art doesn't belong to me and if the real owner wishes to remove them please contact so.)

Sleepy_head_2828 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Chapter 3

It turns out that he was so prescient that the table lamp could be used, but the light was extremely bright and dazzling, not the gentle and dim orange light of ordinary table lamps, but as pale as the chandeliers in the living room. I'm afraid this room will be illuminated like a day.

He carefully opened a little quilt, exposed extremely faint light, took the card over, studied it again and again, and finally understood some of the meaning, then he turned it over and found that there were still words on the back.

[Don't turn on the lights, the light will attract them. ]

[How weird, species that should only exist in the dark, but look for the light. ]

James instantly thought of the four characters on the snow-white wall, and immediately shuddered, what a ghost game!

Monsters are attracted by light, so they can't turn on the lights, but if you don't turn on the lights, you can't see the contents of the cards and walls, and you don't know that you can't turn the lights ...

What a great hint, this is a dead-end!

James can't wait to tear up the card, but in the end, he still has no choice but to let it go. After all, this is the only clue, he has seen all the prompts on the card, but he can't see anything, where he is, what is outside, what is the clearance task, and he has no clue at all. It seems that he has to find another one first. Of five teammates looking for information from them.


James was hesitant. To find someone, he had to go out. To go out, he had to deal with the monsters outside.

Yes, monster.

He can be sure that the outside is not a beast, and what kind of monster should be, because the card says [only species that should exist in the darkness, this darkness is not like a night simply, and even if it is, then there can also be no animals that only exist at night. This sentence reminded him of some bad things, such as vampires or something.

Although absurd, this is a horror game, and everything appears normal, isn't it?

There are still some things that are not right, but James did not know why and ignored them subconsciously.

However, it is imperative to first understand what kind of monster is outside the door. He turned back to the living room, gently moved away from the tables and chairs at the door, exposed the cat's eyes on the security door, and looked out.

This house should be an old building with a very old type. Unlike the newly built building, where there are only two households on the first floor, that is, the left and right doors, there are three households in this building.

There is no elevator yet.

There is only a dirty corridor, James is right in the middle door. When I look out, I can see half of the stairs down. There is a window in the lower half of the staircase. The time is indeed at night, and the glass is black and rumbling, as if weird with a black mouth. The beast was about to choose someone to eat, but the stairwell was illuminated by the impact just now, so Xin Meng's sight was clear, but he saw nothing.

The rough gasp and roar outside was still clearly there, why was there nothing?

Is the cat's eye range too small? James got closer again, but did not expect that the light suddenly dim, a huge, blue and white eyeball occupied the entire cat's eye, facing him straight!

James was scared and almost turned over from the table and chair!

Lying down! What a ghost!

If you don't remember to make a sound in your subconscious, James would have screamed!

That eyeball is too terrible. It is not like normal human eyes. It is covered with upper and lower eyelids. Instead, it looks like a whole intact eyeball is exposed outside, the eyelids are gone, the eyes are white and grey, and the spider web is dark red The bloodshot eyes, and the pupils were pale, staring at him like this!

james's hands began to shake again. In the quiet room, he could hear his rapid and dull heartbeat, as if filled the whole eardrum, and for a moment he could hear nothing! He almost turned around and ran back to the bedroom, never to be here again!

But reason stopped him. James wanted to live. Not only did he not want to be bitten by a monster, but he also didn't want to be starved alive. There was nothing to eat in this room. He must not hide for too long, no matter what it was outside. He always had to face, not to mention the door at this time.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of ...

James comforted herself in the heart, struck her fingers hard, renewed her courage, and carefully approached the cat's eyes again.

This time, he saw the whole picture of the monster completely.

A zombie, this skin-like humanoid monster has no more accurate description than this word.

When the zombie was alive, he should be an adult man with a torn and blood-stained suit hanging on his body, his bulging belly being ripped open, the rotten and dirty intestines and viscera being pulled out of his body, his hair completely missing, and a piece A mottled blue and white scalp, and the whole body is rotten, with black and yellow pus flowing. At a glance, you can see the black bones with broken meat inside, and there is no good skin on the face. Eyeballs And the gums are completely exposed, and there is still much ground meat on the teeth ...

No, there is another, beside him, there is also a female zombie!

At that time, the lights in the house attracted two zombies before and after. At this time, they were all blocked at the door, wandering around aimlessly, sending out irrational hissing gasps, James saw the female zombies in tattered pyjamas. The stinky tongue was almost broken in half, and the purring was pulled out of the teeth.

They can no longer be called people.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect. After seeing their appearance, James'' olfactory sensation has been unblocked all the time, and it seems that he can smell the strong and disgusting smell of the corpse from outside the door. There was a surge in my stomach and I almost spit it out.

But more important than the physical and psychological fear and nausea is that the reality is not optimistic.

The light in the stairwell is still on. Who knows how many monsters are nearby and will be attracted by this light? Even if nothing else comes, there are two of them, both blocked at the door, what to do?

James was frightened and anxious. His brain was okay, but his physical strength was not good. He couldn't say that he had no power to bind chickens, but he hadn't practised any martial arts. Taekwondo, remembering the kind of horrible two zombies hit the security door just now. Calling the force of terror, he was completely helpless.

Fortunately, after the sensor light went out this time, it did not light up again.

James was slightly relieved and pulled back a little, staring blankly at the security door, but his brain turned quickly.

Two zombies are together, he can't deal with it at all, what if the introduction of one by one solves it? Put one in, and the other behind the door, kill this one and deal with the outside ...

No, it doesn't work, not to mention that the zombie is so powerful that he is not sure that he can close the other door in time, and he says it e in, and he may not be able to bite Solve it when it arrives.

Yes, James doesn't plan to kill the zombies with injuries. Who knows if there are any deadly bacteria in their dirty teeth, he will not take risks on his own.

What else can be done?

Since it is a game, it will take into account the physical characteristics of the player, so there should not be any way out for ordinary people, there must be other ways to escape.

Don't worry, think about it, think about it ... think about the characteristics of zombies ...

The zombie will be attracted by the light, so once he turns on the light, he will attract the attention of the zombie, if ... if it is dawn?

James had a clever idea and suddenly thought, what would happen if he waited for the sun to rise? Zombies like "seeking the light." It's dawn outside, but the room is dark. Will they be attracted to the outside?

Waiting in situ, this idea is It takes more energy to lose more energy in a moment. At that time, demobilization will make him face greater difficulties, but James has not found a better solution for a while, and can only try one.

Try, it's blue, think about other ways.

Waiting for daylight, he returned to the bedroom and tried to find some usable weapons. He didn't want to let the zombies come near, so the kitchen knife was useless, but he was looking for something long, similar to a long knife and a wooden stick.

Something is best.

Not to mention, he rounds one. It was on the balcony, a stainless steel pipe was inserted in the middle of the flowerpot, and the withered vines of the morning glory were entwined. It should be used as a flower shelf by the owner. James chopped down the dry flower stems, pulled out the steel pipe from the pot, and wiped the soil above. This steel pipe was a little longer than his arm, and he waved it in his hand, which was quite smooth.

After thinking about it, I went to the kitchen again and found a deboning knife, which was fastened to the end of the steel pipe with a rope, so I made a homemade weapon.

Then he leaned against the security door and waited for dawn.

There are no intact items showing time in this room. All the watch and alarm clocks were broken, the phone was broken in half, and his wrists were bare. There was nothing, so James couldn't judge the current time. The roar of the zombies outside, and the heavy footsteps moving back and forth counted silently in my heart, feeling anxious about the passage of time.

He never found the night so difficult.

Finally, I don't know how long, the sound outside was finally a little different. He heard two gasps in vain, and then became lighter, getting further and further away with the staggering footsteps, he quickly stood up and Lie into the cat's eyes to see, excited to find that the windows of the staircase are shining in, it is dawn!

The zombies in the dark stairwetumbled downstairs. Their joints were stiff and inflexible. There was no way to walk down the stairs step by step carefully, and they stepped on the air with a few feet, almost half rolling.

Going down, but they didn't know the pain, they were still able to get up and continue walking when they fell into a ball.

But this also confirmed James's initial thoughts. The zombies were attracted by the sun outside. This was his chance to leave! He pushed open the pile of furniture that was blocking the door, confirmed again from the cat's eyes that there were no zombies in the stairwell, and turned around in the room to find a few good clothes wrapped around his body, covering all exposed skin. Holding a steel pipe in his hand, he opened a small slit in the security door.

The breeze was blowing slowly, blowing in along the windows of the staircase, bringing the coolness of the morning and water vapour, to refresh his spirit, and the fatigue and drowsiness that had been boiled for a night were slightly relieved. Walked out lightly.

The light in the hallway except for the area near the window is very dim. The iron handrails are rusty and crumbling. Go down the stairs. The next floor is the first floor. Looking out from the open corridor, the outside view is completely strange. It should be in an old community, surrounded by the same dilapidated six-story residential buildings, and there should not be many people living in it. He saw that many of the houses were empty, and the windows and glass were not installed.

This should be a good thing, at least it means that the number of zombies should not be as dense as possible.

As james expected, there were only a few sporadic zombies on the road in the community, dragging their dirty and dilapidated bodies, and under the light of the sun, their limbs were stiff, as slow and purposeless as a puppet Walking, from time to time left cloudy yellow pus, or rotten minced meat, the odour of the corpse seemed to linger on the nose, making the stomach irresistible.

Nightmare-like scene.

james clenched his hand holding the steel pipe, tried to control her breathing, and carefully walked out against the shadow of the building, trying not to make any noise.

This method is very effective. Zombies are always dangling in plplaceshere there is sunlight, but there are relatively few shadows. He didn't ask for speed, but only for stability. In this way, he slowly moved to the neighbourhood of the gate.

But he still couldn't move forward, because there was a large bare vacant lot in front of the main entrance of the community, without any obstruction. Twenty or so zombies swayed under the bright sunlight, he couldn't avoid it!

- To be Continued