
Horror Harem

Once in a Lifetime Promotion is now LIVE!!!!!!! Please see details below! It runs from now to October 31st at midnight. The promotion has three parts to it: Part 1: All privileged chapters are 90% off! That's hundreds of coins in savings if you buy during the promotion period. Part 2: Anyone who donates a Magic Castle or higher will have a character or person of their choice appear in future chapters of their selected series I created. They also will have their name placed in a special chapter dedicated to those who donated during the promotion period. You will be honored for all time. Part 3: All powerstones carry DOUBLE their weight! Which means you only need 25 powerstones to unlock level 1, and 50 to unlock level 2, etc. Do not miss this once in a lifetime promotion and be apart of history! Please share this as much as you can to spread the word. ***Discord is open!*** https://discord.gg/cR2KY2R4sF Charles Xavier Penwith is a high school student living in the once quiet town of Blackwood. Now, the apocalypse has been unleashed, and monsters have eaten or turned most of the world's population. Charles wakes up not knowing that while he slept soundly monsters have taken over the world. Once he finds out it is a fight for survival. Fighting with other survivors over resources or running from hordes of the undead. There is also the titan smashing buildings downtown that could gobble him up for a snack. That's when he finds a haunted mansion near the edge of town and sets up shop. One by one attractive and sexy monsters girls find him and join his ever growing harem. Together they build up their home base and explore this new terrifying world together. What tantalizing and horrifying treats will Charles uncover? Subscribe and find out for yourself.

HaremKing777 · Horreur
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15 Chs

HH Chapter 1

Charles sat up in bed and stretched his arms out, trying to shake off the last of his drowsiness. He glanced over at his alarm clock and saw that it was already past noon.

"Well, look at that," he said to himself with a sigh. He had stayed up late watching one of his favorite animes, Phantasia Star Online, and now he would be paying dearly for it.

He let himself enjoy the memory of the amazing battle scene before the last episode ended on a cliffhanger, then he got up and made his way to the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth, showered, and snapped at his reflection in the mirror as he did so. Charles was generally not a morning person, but today he was even crankier than usual. He had stayed up late watching his favorite anime, Phantasia Star Online, and now he was going to pay for it.

But despite his cranky mood, Charles was not one to skip breakfast. Eating was one of his favorite things in the world, and he took great pleasure in it. So, after his shower, he made his way downstairs and started fixing himself a hearty meal.

As he cooked, he couldn't help but reflect on the previous evening, and the amazing hot scene where the big boobed heroine fell on the protagonist and smashed his face between her large mounds.

"Damn it," he muttered to himself as he flipped the bacon, "why can't I have that happen to me?".

Charles cooked his breakfast in oblivious peace, not noticing the emergency broadcast that was playing on the TV warning people to stay inside and board their windows. He finally finished his meal and sat down at the table to eat it, still completely unaware of what was going on outside.

"Mmm, this is really delicious," he mumbled to himself as he took a bite of his eggs and bacon, lost in his own little world of pleasure and contentment. He didn't even notice the flashing lights outside through the window of his two floor house, and he certainly didn't hear the approaching sirens.

After eating his breakfast he grabbed his book bag, grabbed a fresh coke, and stepped out of the door. While he locked the door, a man crawled across the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road and died. Several zombies grabbed his corpse and dragged him into the darkness of the garage.

Charles stepped out of his house and into the streets, his book bag slung over his shoulder and a bottle of Coke in hand. He was taking in the scenery and enjoying a moment of peace, when suddenly he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

He turned to look and saw a man crawling across the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road, heading towards him. The man looked sickly and pale, and Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as he watched. Before he could even react, several zombies emerged from the darkness and surrounded him.

Charles looked around in confusion as he heard the zombies growl and snarl hungrily around him. He was still too oblivious to what was going on, and made a joke to try to defuse the situation.

"Wow, nice costumes," he said with a nervous laugh.

At his comment, the zombies all stopped growling and let out a unified shriek. They then turned on Charles and started towards him, teeth bared and ready to feast on his flesh.

"Oh fuck! Real zombies! Real zombies!!!"

With sheer terror and panic in his eyes, Charles started running for his life, hoping to escape the clutches of the undead.

Charles frantically ran back into his house, slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. He leaned up against it, taking a few quick deep breaths as he regained his composure.

He then noticed the emergency broadcast and smacked his head.

"You've got to be kidding me!" he exclaimed aloud.

He was shocked at his own stupidity and cursed his luck for not having paid more attention to what was happening outside.

Zombies began pounding on his door, shaking it violently with each pound of their fists. One zombie decided to use his entire body wait and smash into it relentlessly. Charles leaned against the door to try and brace it, but it wouldn't hold for much longer.

More zombies suddenly appeared and joined in, pounding on the windows and attempting to break them. Before long, the glass shattered and the zombies tumbled inside.

They let out a chorus of growling and groaning as they began to close in on Charles. With sheer horror and panic, he ran to hide in the corner of his living room. As he huddled in the corner, he pulled out his cell phone and sent a message to his best friend: "ZOMBIES, HELP!!", in hopes that help would arrive before it was too late.

Charles frantically searched for something to use to defend himself against the advancing horde, when his eyes landed on a Roomba. He threw it at one of the zombies, knocking it to the ground. He then grabbed the mop that was left over from last night's cleaning spree and he whacked it at the next zombie, knocking it back as well.

They seemed confused but undeterred, and they continued to approach him relentlessly, growling and groaning. Charles was running out of ideas quickly, as the Roomba had only slightly slowed the zombies down and the mop was only useful for knocking them back not out.

Charles manages to snag the mop handle and turns it into a makeshift spear. He hurls it blindly at one of the oncoming zombies in a panic and accidentally pierces its neck, spraying all over the room.

The zombie stops moving as the blood gushes out from its neck but the other zombies seem unfazed, they continue to approach him slowly and calmly, undeterred by their fallen comrade. Charles is running out of ideas and the realization is beginning to sink in...he might actually die here.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!!" He screamed as the zombies approached him.

Charles ducks out of the way of the zombie's swing, managing to avoid its grab. He rolls across the shiny linoleum kitchen floor and snatches up two big knives from the counter. He starts wildly flailing them around, slashing at the advancing zombies as his eyes dart around in terror, looking for a way out...a way to survive.

But the knives are only mildly effective at holding back the zombies, who continue to approach with single-minded determination. There's no escape from the undead horde that approaches, no escape from Charles's fate. He has to fight back or die and he knows it. But how can one man fight back against so many?

Charles continues to slash at them with the knives, doing what little damage he can. The horde continues to advance, not a hint of fear in their empty eyes, their growling and shambling slowly but surely towards their dinner.

"Am I gonna die?" Charles thought, tears forming in his eyes as the zombies close in.

In all of the chaos, no one heard the silent tread of the stealthy figure that has just entered. Before the zombies can reach Charles, their skulls are removed from their bodies in a single stroke of razor-sharp metal. The shadow cuts down the zombies like ripe stalks of wheat, a merciless death to each zombie. The horde is cut down like wheat in a field.

Charles watches this in stunned silence, frozen in astonishment and unable to believe what he is witnessing. The shadow whirls around the room, slicing and dicing the remaining zombies with expert precision, until the room is cleared of them.

As the darkness clears, Charles sees a vision before him. A goddess, her body perfect, her skin pale, eyes a deep and enchanting red. Her clothing is barely present, clinging to the curves of her body as if crafted just for her.

Her silver hair flows effortlessly to the floor, cascading over her perfect soft thighs and accentuating her supple, round hips. Charles is breathless, not knowing what to say as his gaze trails over every inch of her breathtaking body; the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on.

She adjusted her black silk panties with her finger and let the strap snap back in a very provocative way. She knew all too well that he desired her, her senses finally tuned the most minute changes in the air. His pheromones left a powerful first impression. She cupped her breasts and lifted them up inside her see through black dress.

She gave him a mischievous grin and parted her lips as she licked her upper lip.

"Tell me...mortal...do you desire me?"

Charles is stunned, unable to speak in the presence of such beauty. The goddess stares at him with lust in her eyes, her question lingering in the air. He finds his voice and responds, his confidence boosting with her words.

"Yes...yes, I do... goddess, I desire you."

The moment is electrifying, and Charles feels himself begin to melt in her presence. Her power, her beauty is like nothing he has ever felt, but he is mesmerized by the heat in her gaze as her body curves towards him.

Charles is entranced by her words, and her body as she curls towards him is mesmerizing. His legs walk him towards her subconsciously, his thoughts unable to resist her allure.

He makes his way towards her, and her body curves against him as she whispers, "Then come here and let me taste you."

Charles was completely helpless to her will, his body and mind were hers to command. He was a mere plaything to her and her power over him was intoxicating. He leaned in towards her, his thoughts consumed by her beauty and the power of her desire.

His breath catches in his chest as her lips land on his and her soft, supple curves brush against him. Her leg rubs across his thigh, teasing him as she holds him gently, caressing his black hair and his neck.

Her kisses are tender and passionate, and he can feel his heart rate quickening. Her lips against his neck were so gentle yet they had him trembling. Her tender embrace and love was so intense he couldn't think of anything else. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and every part of him was yearning for her.

Her tender kisses on his neck and the light nibbling sent shivers down his spine. His breath quickened with every touch and his heart raced in his chest. She gently rubbed her thigh against him and his bulge grew even more, and the feeling of her soft skin against it was intoxicating and intense.

He was so lost in this moment, so caught up in the pleasure and the love that he didn't even notice the heat and electricity of the moment. Every inch of his body was on fire for her, and he wanted her now.

She moans in ecstasy as she drinks his potent scent in through her nose. Then she leans in and whispers,

"Time to die my love."

Her words hang in the air as Charles processes the meaning behind them. His breaths grow rapid, panic and fear coursing through his veins and his mind racing with the impossible thought.

Her voice is calm and sweet, filled with love and joy, but those words strike fear and uncertainty in his heart. He is filled with confusion and doubt as his heart races, torn between the feelings of love and the reality of her words.

As she bit into his neck, Charles felt the sharp pain at first but the feeling quickly vanished. An intoxicating and powerful aphrodisiac quickly overtook the pain, filling him with pleasure and causing him to forget all pain.

Instead he became focused on the goddess's beauty, her tender fingers caressing and teasing his body, her soft lips on his neck. The world faded away as he became focused only on her, her kiss on his neck, his veins filling with the power of her aphrodisiac, as she continued to feast on his blood.

"This…this feels so good. Why does this feel so good? Am I dying? This feels amazing! I love her." He thought to himself, his thoughts racing as his life quickly drained away.

Charles feels the life drain out of him, as if time had slowed to a crawl. His vision becomes hazy, his thoughts blurred and his body becoming limp and unresponsive. He is caught in a euphoric trance, the feeling of her love and the taste of her kiss still on his lips and in his mind.

As he fades into darkness, he can hear her soft voice in his ears, her moan of joy as she drinks the last of his precious blood and savors it as a treat she shall remember dearly.