
Hope Comes with Despair

Wielders, individuals that are gifted by the Gods an ability to materialize a weapon of their choice with their magic, are sent to the Kingdom of Rudeforth to train and hone their skills as they prepare to end a hundred year old war with the Banished, once was called the villagers of Serwynn; they were exiled from the kingdom a hundred years ago for attempting to forcefully dethrone King Alfred through blood and violence, which resulted to countless of bloodshed that stained the palace’s walls. Fortunately they had failed, but despite the King’s efforts to completely wipe them out, the Banished was still a great force that can’t be defeated that easily. Having no choice, King Alfred summoned a dome like barrier that encages their whole part of the land, one where their bloodline can never penetrate nor can they ever get out. Looking at the present, Vivian Serwynn, the new proclaimed village chieftess of the banished had successfully invented a magical apparatus that weakens the one hundred year old barrier; it shifts the main responsibility of current wielders and that is to destroy those before it completely breaks the enchanted dome, the activity is called “Raids”. Kiara Eleanor is the first Wielder born in her village, expectations and hopes from her fellow people weighed utterly heavy on her shoulders; there was only one problem, at the ripe age of 18, she cannot summon a single weapon no matter how hard she tried. And at 2 weeks top, after being transferred to the palace, she was to begin her first Raid. The plan was to be stealthy and be out of the enemy’s range of sight as she attacks with however she can, but what would happen if she were to catch the attention of the chieftess? Will she survive and live to finish her duties as a Wielder? or would she be dead and fail her kingdom and village? Or maybe, something unexpected can intervene with the inevitable results of the war.

Lone_Cyan · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Curious of Who You Are

The ceremony happened and in the whole short while, the priestess merely whispered an incantation like she did before with her, minus the whole non-existent wind that she experienced, and one by one did she gently touched their symbol with a faint blue glow in its wake.

Kiara, since it's her first seeing such occasions, glued her gaze at the whole occurrence, with her eyes holding a sort of entertainment and giddy comparing to a naive child, her mind forgetting the fact that it was all for preparing her for a battle—a war, she was yet to accept to fight for, a loyalty she was yet to offer, and a life she was yet to give.

However, has she got a choice?

Refusing would mean betrayal to the kingdom, to the king who never really cared nor acknowledged their existence. It was an awful feeling tugging painfully in her stomach, yet before her doubts cloud her mind, she needed information, she needs to know the knowledge that she was deprived of and learn who and what she's fighting against, and what she's fighting for.

The ceremony ended with a prayer, with the Wielders kneeling on front of marble statues Kiara didn't recognized; Those were at least 8 feet tall, intimidating not only for the its height and how it dwarfs everyone, but for the weird ominous atmosphere it carries in the air that made the young lass shiver. Being too focused at the feeling, she failed to notice Margarethe's call for her as they readied to leave the establishment. If not for the rather heavy pat on her shoulders did she all but kept her head down low, eyes tight shut and a mind full of alarmed thoughts.

"Let's go bumpkin" Kiara snapped her head at the princess and shortly nodded her head, flushed as she realized that they were waiting for her at the exit. "R-right, sorry".


The ride in the carriage were once again awfully awkward for being invited by Brandon to instead with them rather than with Lorne's company. She figured she was going to be interrogated, for having a private conversation with Priestess Minchelle. With the steady rhythm of galloping hooves, and the silence almost unbearable, her intuition was proven right with the prince initiating a conversation. "The priestess is never one to enjoy an idle chat" She looked at his face, observing his expressions as discreetly as she can, not forgetting to be polite, she merely gave him an interested look. "So I reckon it must be important, and personal?" He asked

Was she to say something about what happened? Not like she can say anything useful nor informative, the priestess didn't also made her motives clear but to ask how her village fair. "She just asked about Eleanor, given that she hasn't heard about us for over a hundred years" Now that it came from her own mouth, she noticed a detail that was supposed to be concerning. Her brows furrowed and her head tilted to the side She hasn't got news... for over a hundre— she's a hundred years old?!

Being her expressions a dead giveaway, Margarethe returned to her arrogant self, with a high held chin and poise of one with an abundance of high esteem, she scoffed and rolled her eyes at her "Yes, she is basically a living fossil bumpkin, and so is our father who'd fought along with each other when this all..." she swirled her hand in the air before she continued "started"

Shock was an understatement, were Wielders and Priestesses able to live that long? wait she wasn't sure if their father was even a wielder, she wasn't sure of anything honestly, and it was making her mind a good source of headache. Clutching her head, she scolded herself for not having the ability to absorb every information thrown at her, the priestess must have noticed, hence reminding her to take a rest before venturing through books and such that holds valuable knowledge that can help her understand more.

Noticing her troubles, Brandon figured that it wasn't the time to bombard her with things, despite lacking empathy, a flaw that never really bothered him, nor did he considered it as one, for he knew it would never serve him well in the battle or at his duties, he faked one just for the troubled lass that was mentally writhing in frustration. Keeping the same smile he used for everyone he spoke gently right before his sibling could utter another word "I think its best we rest, continue all this talk tomorrow yes?" Margarethe looked at him, and crossed her arms before leaning back to the cushion chair.

Kiara shot her gaze at the lad giving her a smile that for once didn't made her nerves agitated. It was of a pure concern, something that she didn't knew Brandon couldn't do, she mentally scoffed, obviously there was a lot of things she doesn't know about them lot and here she was judging them already. Returning the smile, yet a rather weak one, she uttered an apology for not being able to keep up.

"Don't be, we were preparing for this in our whole life, you're just starting now, I understand that it can be overwhelming" And d*mn right it was, Kiara thought.

"Don't worry, we'll go slow until you get the hang of everything else important, I'll assure you that I'll fill you in with whatever you need" this time it was Margarethe's turn to be shocked, snapping her head towards her brother with her eyes screaming bewilderment, she knew her brother never cared for anyone, and yet here he was, comfort spilling from his mouth with a soft look in his eyes. It was new, yet she was unaware if it was pleasant or not, however, she shortly ignored once again as they near the palace, it was almost time to meet their father, she wondered what would happen then with Kiara in his presence, for she knew, that the lass, was all but an ordinary Wielder