
Chapter 6: The zombie apocalypse

As Collin said that I was his girlfriend we heard a big explosion. We all headed outside to see what it was. We saw the town on fire! I rushed inside packing my bags like I knew something like this was going to happen. I went to the bathroom and changed into light blue jean shorts and a black V-neck shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped on my black and white checkered vans. I heard Collin rush in to check on me and saw me putting on my red and black flannel shirt around my waist. I had a bag around me and then after I put it on for some reason, I passed out cold. I woke up in my bed with a wet rag on my forehead with boards up covering windows and my balcony door. The lights were dim, but before I could see anything I passed out again. I woke up and started hyperventilating and Collin told me in a whisper, "Calm down and be quiet we can't be caught." I reached out and hugged him with his black V-neck shirt on. "What happened?" I asked him quietly. He showed me a newspaper that said Zombie Outbreak all over the world! Then I see everyone around me.

"You have been out for about a month now Bailey." Brooklyn told me with a sad face. I looked at Collin and asked everyone to leave while I talked to Collin. Everyone left and he started kissing me. I deepened the kiss and then he hugged me. "There is always Hope Bailey." Collin whispered to me. I looked at him and saw that it was dark through the boards. I was dreaming and it felt like a nightmare. "I saw this happen in my dream and then there is a knock that will happen in a few seconds." I told Collin, but he didn't believe me at all. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. He looked at me like I was different and being weird. "Come in." I told the person at the door. I saw Matty bring in soup and as he set it down, we both said at the same time, "Chicken broth your favorite." Collin and Matty looked at you weird. Matty walked out of the room and said nothing else after. Collin still looked at me weirdly and said, "Well Jaylynn and Addison dropped by when the explosion happened." Jaylynn and Addison walked in, and they both hugged me. And then I saw a shadow in the hallway, and I said, "Who is there?" She walked in with a smiling face, and I realized it was my mom! She ran to me, and we hugged. "Can me and my daughter have a minute while I discuss something with her?" mom asked. Everyone nodded and everyone left with only me and her in the room.

"I met your father in Hawaii and he explained some things to me." She said and I looked up at her with a smile. "You have another sister and brother." My mom said. "Who are they!" I screamed in excitement. "Come on in guys." She said leaving the room while they entered. I saw Addison and…Aden!!?? They both came over and hugged me as I'm in shock. They both left while I was still in shock. I had to process everything. Collin came in shutting and locking the door. He laid in the bed beside me, and we started making out and I was happy. Things got further and I realized what we were doing. It was my first time, and I was happy and really excited that Collin and I did it together. We slept for about an hour or so in bed and I got up and went to the bathroom and almost tripped. I caught myself so I didn't wake Collin and I shut the bathroom door. I started throwing up and heard someone come in so I got up and flushed the toilet, so no one knew. I walked out and saw Matty walk in. "Guys we got to go there is a big herd coming right for the house!" Matty said in a scared voice. Collin got up quickly and got everything packed of his and mine. I was still dizzy, so Collin helped me with getting me down the stairs without falling. We all got outside quietly and around back heading for the forest. We all ran and stopped at a hut with no one there. Everyone gathered inside and I heard a baby whining. I looked over to Brooklyn and Matty and she looked just like Matty in the eyes.

"We have to keep moving in this direction until we find a sturdy place." Matty demanded. We all got out and we were traveling for about ten hours, and it was almost dark. We all stopped and looked at the farmhouse that had fencing and we were on the road in plain sight. Someone running out of the forest with a crossbow and a zombie chasing him ran into me, shot an arrow killing the zombie and catching me before I fell. His hair was a dark brown and his hair at the front was flipped back with blond tips and his eyes are a chocolate brown. He wore a blue shirt with white long sleeve and black skinny jeans that looked torn up. "Watch it!" I told him. I saw him looking into my eyes as I looked into his. Collin rushed to my side and helped me lean back up. The mystery guy that looked hot by the way just asked if I was okay. He had a devious smirk on his face as he held his hand out introducing himself while everyone watched. "I'm Andrew." He told me. I held my hand out, shaking his hand nervously and said my name. "Come on I have a place for you all if you want because it's getting dark." Andrew said while staring at me. He led us to his farmhouse and told us to pick rooms. Collin held my hand, and I can tell from what I saw in my dream that this begins a love triangle, but how could I love Andrew we just met. Collin can tell that something was wrong with me and took me outside to talk.