
Honored One In Naruto(being rewritten)

AU, Cover page not mine got on google MC died and reincarnated in Naruto with some perks I do not own Naruto, Naruto shippuden or JJK or any anime/manga I used here Naruto Genderbender, Naruto=Naruko

Weavile_3900 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Yuki Hasumo

'An Uzumaki and Yuki?, but they were exterminated,' thought Kakashi

"I know what you are thinking, Even I was surprised when I found out, Guess my luck was shining that day," said Zabuza with a mocking smirk

'What is this place,' thought Cid as he could sense that something was off in this place

"Huh you can sense it, you are most likely special like me," said a hoarse voice coming from nothing there was just mist and fog there

"Oh rude of me, allow me to introduce myself, My name is Hasumo Yuki, and Welcome to my Ice Domain," said Hasumo as he manipulated the water molecules in the air to form Ice spikes and fired them at Cid but he dodged them but then they suddenly appeared behind him and stabbed him in the elbow, but that was not all more He could not move, it was like he was frozen in place

"What was that," asked Cid, his Six eyes could not sense anything like it was invisible, not only that this Yuki guy's chakra was not depleting,

"Oh looks I forgot to tell you, In my Ice Domain I am the god of ice, I can control any Ice present here, and not only that it allows me to 'see' anything present here, but I can also attack you, change the trajectory as well as completely dispel any of my attacks with a mere thought , that is not all I can teleport myself and sense faraway attacks with ease," said Hasumo

"But that does not explain your chakra not decreasing," asked Cid, even with Hasumo's large chakra reserves he could not do all this without losing chakra

"Do you really think I can use this Jutsu anytime, If I could, Will I go around hunting drunken old men?" sneered Hasumo

'these guys attacked us later than in canon, So oh I get it,' thought Cid

"You guys were setting up this Jutsu all this time with the amount of chakra required to do this Jutsu must have taken most of your time, that must be why you didn't attack us when we were bringing that Old man here, but why all this preparation it's stupid," asked Cid, as doing this to kill an Old man is stupid in his opinion

"Well, the Copy Ninja was here and we didn't know his strength so our goal was to kill him in one fell swoop using this Jutsu," shrugged Hasumo 

"Well enough talking now bye bye," said Hasumo while waving his hands, as soon as Hasumo said that chains came out of the ground and wrapped around Cid

'These are ADMANTINE CHAINS? he was an Uzumaki as well and explains how he could ever hope to perform this jutsu, but I should be able to sense this, I see this must also be a special property of this Jutsu to hide the Chakra,' thought Cid while trying to find a way to get out of this,

'I can't use my shikigami without hand signs, it's the same for the Sukuna powers, tsk damn it,' thought Cid

'I see I should use Sukuna's fire arrow as it only requires chanting,' thought Cid

"Kamino Fuga( Divine Flame Open)," said Cid as the Chains around him started burning, but what surprised him was that Hasumo was not surprised

"You know these chains can sense the amount of strength and chakra of an opponent, Your strength is formidable stronger than even Lord Zabuza, and I can't even sense an end to your chakra but you should also know," said Hasumo as he disappeared 

'Wait his target is Tazuna,' thought Cid as he turned around only for Hasumo to stab him from behind using an Ice sword,

'Focus use RCT,' thought Cid while panicking about not being in a situation like this before

"The reason you lost to me is because of your arrogance," said Hasumo as he continued stabbing seeing Cid recover from his wounds

"Thinking the world is beneath you, thinking you could do anything with your measly power," said Hasumo

"But where did all that power get you lost to a person weaker than you," said Hasumo while smirking

'What is happening, it should not go like this,' thought Cid slowly turning so crazy that he even forgot to use his Domain, this was the first time Cid was brought out of his comfort zone, his opponents not doing in one hit, he realised one thing

'Arrogance?' thought Cid as he remembered what people said to him in the past

"Cid you are too arrogant," said Naruko

"Cid, remember no matter how powerful you may be you must not be arrogant," said Hiruzen

"Cid, never underestimate your enemy, otherwise you will die," said Kakashi

"Cid, it's not nice to pick on the weak,"

'SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, you bastards all of you,' thought Cid as tears streamed down his face but then he saw the mocking smile on Hasumo's face seeing his misery

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME, BASTARD," screamed Cid as markings appeared on his face, not only that he gained two more eyes

Hasumo seeing Cid instantly jerked back,

'What happened, why did I stop, why is my arm shaking, am I scared,' thought Hasumo but then he saw a maniac smile on Cid as he disappeared and appeared behind Hasumo ,Hasumo sensing him teleported again, he suddenly saw Cid stop as if contemplating something, seeing an opportunity he attacking Cid with ever-increasing Ice arrows

'Huh, what was that I was scared, these Ice arrows will keep on increasing, leaving him no room to run,' thought Hasumo seeing Cid not dodging

"Hollow Wicker Basket," said Cid as all the arrows that hit him started dissipating as if neutralized

"WHAT IMPOSSIBLE," said Hasumo seeing his attack fail

"Spiderweb," said Cid as he touched the ground making it collapse

'Damn it what's going on, he gained markings and instantly become so powerful?' thought Hasumo as he prepared for a counterattack but then he saw Cid's shadow expanding

"The night goes by, wolf's howl, As the shadow expands I call for Tiger Funeral," chanted Cid as a huge tiger appeared behind him, with the combined attacks of the both of them, Such speed that Hasumo could not follow

At this moment Hasumo knew that he had already lost

'I understand now, I was too arrogant thinking everyone his below me, thinking everything would be fine because of little power, I forgot about the dangers of the Naruto world, Everything cannot go the way I want, I must thank you for making me realise this,' thought Cid as he looked at the sweating Hasumo before him

"Any last words," asked Cid as the marking around him disappeared as well as the shikigami, he could have used Hasumo as a sacrifice but he didn't, As Hasumo was a person he acknowledged

"Please spare Lord Zabuza and Haku," begged Hasumo, after seeing Cid's strength he knew killing Zabuza and Haku would be easy for him, but then he saw Cid squat next to him and put his hand on his chest healing his wounds.

"Why?" asked Hasumo seeing Cid heal him

"Zabuza and Haku might already be killed by Kakashi-sensei, same for Haku," said Cid 

"Go to the hidden mist village, help a girl called Terumi Mei dethrone Mizukage, and then become one yourself, You should know why Zabuza was earning money and why he defected you seem smart," said Cid as Hasumo nodded but what puzzled him was how Cid knew this stuff but he still obeyed and did not question Cid, As he could not die before killing the Mizukage to avenge Zabuza.

"Bye," said Cid as he disappeared

"Heh, Haha, going back to that place," 


"Haku eat this," said a Red-haired kid handing a loaf of bread to the one named Haku

"But Hasumo-san you haven't eaten anything for three days," said Haku in concern refusing the bread

"Haku you are young you need feed, I am fine trust me cough cough," said Hasumo while coughing but then he saw someone, a man with bandages like a mask looking at them

"Haku hide behind me," said Hasumo, when he saw this man his danger senses he developed while hunting in the wild warning him like crazy

"Hmm kid you two are strong, how about this follow me become my tool live for my sake," said Zabuza as he saw those two kids had no will to live and were only living because of one another

"Why us," asked Hasumo

"Because you two both have the same eyes as me," said Zabuza

----------Flashback End-------------------

[A/N: I wanted to give MC a reality check, and the reason MC was so arrogant is that was what would happen if you gain power overnight, like imagine gaining superman level strength overnight? and he was a normal human before this so yeah, MC's will now be humble and give strong opponents respect kinda like sukuna minus the psychotic side]