
Honored One In Naruto(being rewritten)

AU, Cover page not mine got on google MC died and reincarnated in Naruto with some perks I do not own Naruto, Naruto shippuden or JJK or any anime/manga I used here Naruto Genderbender, Naruto=Naruko

Weavile_3900 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Rookie Nine

"Man, you guys are here too, this exam's such a drag," said Shikamaru seeing Team 7, the strongest team here

"and did you have to do that," asked Shikamaru while looking at the beaten-up examinees

'Shikamaru Nara, the Lazy guy, I would have said Genius but after observing him since they academy, this guy does not have the 200 IQ he was stated to have in the anime/manga, well he is smart for sure, but I am smarter than him and my IQ is 79,' thought Cid while looking at Shikamaru for some time before retracting his gaze

"It was fun," answered Cid

"Cid it's not fun to pick on the weak," said Sasuke while looking at his best friend

"What idiot will pick on the strong," said Cid,

"Munch munch munch, sup guys," said Choji while eating,

'Choji Akimichi, this guy just ... eats, that's all he does, I have never seen him do anything other than eating, how the hell does his stomach handle it?' thought Cid

"Sasuke, I missed you so much," said Ino as she hugged Sasuke from behind, he looked at Cid for help, this woman had been bothering him since the academy

'Ino Yamanaka, she and the trashbin have been annoying since the academy, even if Sasuke told them he does not like them, she still annoys him, well she annoyed me too but I just beat her up, ahh those were the days,' thought Cid

"Well look we have here," said Kiba who just arrived

"Oh, Hi Sasuke," said Hinata while fidgeting with her fingers

"Hello," was all Shino said

'Kiba Inuzuka, this guy thinks he is some big shot and I don't like him, he kept bothering me after I sent him to the stratosphere in our first duel, I am thinking of banishing him to the Shadow realm but I have got stuff to do,' thought Cid while looking at Kiba

'Hinata Hyuga, probably due to Naruto being a girl, has a crush on Sasuke, at first I hated that but Sasuke is not that big a jerk this time, he helps his friends(I was shocked he had friends), He is also a lot kinder, this is probably due to 10 Uchiha kids surviving the massacre unlike in canon where only he survived, of course his goal to kill itachi is still stronger than ever,' thought Cid

'Shino Aburame, he is a mystery I have seen his face he looks quite good, to be honest, but compared to Kakashi sensei or Sasuke he looks bland, of course, I look way better than both of them combined,' thought Cid smugly

"Man, you guys too, everyone's here for this stupid exam," said Shikamaru

"I think our Sensei's just want to ditch us," said Cid,

"I agree probably due to us being too annoying, but being a Chunin is such a drag," said Shikamaru

"Here we are, the nine rookies," said Kiba with hands in his pocket, trying to act cool but failing miserably

"Did he say something," asked Cid

"Yeah I think he was advertising his clan's dog food," said Shikamaru

"Dog food I want some," said Choji

"So where were we again, I totally think Sasuke has a crush on Cid," said Naruko

"Bros before hoes," said Sasuke, as he and Cid fist bumped

"Listen to me idiots, from now on we are ROOKIE NINE, amazing right," said Kiba with marks on his face, suppressing his annoyance because he can't beat any of them

"Yeah cool, so I was here at 9:45, Sasuke invited Cid to his house, and when Cid returned he had marks on his collarbone, with Cid's strength do you think he would sustain such an injury against Sasuke, No of course not so I think they were doing something else entirely," said Naruko

'Should I eat Akamaru, he looks good,' thought Choji

"No, I was training, Cid just wanted to play Ninja Battlefields, he was like that because he lost nine ranked games in a row," answered Sasuke, as everyone nodded [A/N: this was the Ninja equivalent of COD]

"Huh, you guys should take us seriously now, I and my team have been training day and night, especially you Cid, you should hope you don't face me," said Kiba

"Oh don't worry It will be fine after all, you're kind of weak after all," said Cid while dismissing Kiba

"And here I thought you had changed," said Naruko with a sigh

"You are becoming more and more of a Chinese young master, this Laozi feels proud," said Sasuke 

"Hey Guys, you might wanna keep it down a little," said a guy with ash-grey hair and black-rimmed glasses

'Kabuto Yakushi,' thought Cid seeing the intruder

"I mean no offense, but you are the nine rookies right, fresh out of the academy," asked Kabuto

"Just cool down, this is not a school trip or a simple D-rank mission," said Kabuto

"Well who asked you and who the hell are you anyway," said Ino annoyed, well she is always annoyed if not with Sasuke

'I am your dad bitch,' thought Kabuto 

"I am Kabuto Yakushi, but really look around, because of your antics, most teams will target you now," said Kabuto

'He is right, looking at their faces, they think of us as prey,' thought Sasuke and the others, well except Cid that guy was just in his own world, 

"Look at those guys, all of them are from different villages, if you keep doing this they will think of you as easy targets," said Kabuto

"Well you can't help it, how can you know how things work, You're just rookies," said Kabuto

"Kabuto Yakushi, this probably is not the first time you have taken the exam," asked Naruko, seeing how Kabuto was so knowledgeable

"No, it's my seventh try," said Kabuto

'This guy, his acting skills are so good,' thought Cid seeing how Kabuto was acting

"Well they are held twice a year, so this will be my fourth year," said Kabuto

"Wow, I have never seen a bigger loser than you," said Sasuke with his mouth agape

"Yeah, he must be a veteran at failing by now, I bet," said Naruko

'Well, if I told them this guy is as powerful as Kakashi, then what would their reactions be,' thought Cid

"So the rumors about the exam being tough are true, oh man this will be such a drag," said Shikamaru while sighing

"Oh hang on, don't give up hope yet, maybe I can help you, kids, out a little," said Kabuto as he took out some cards

"Are we gonna gamble," asked Cid 

"No, these are my Ninja Info cards, they have Info about everything I have learned over the past four years," said Kabuto

"I have got more than 200 of them, so you see I do not have been completely wasting my time," said Kabuto as he crouched and put the cards on the ground

"They may not look much to the naked eye, but in fact they are blank," said Kabuto

"Are you kidding with us," asked Sasuke

"Have patience, but once I use my Chakra, this happens," said Kabuto as he put his finger on the card and started rotating, it then showed a map

"This shows the geographical distribution of all the candidates who have come to take the chunin exams, which village they come from, and how much from each village," said Kabuto

"Can you tell where my dad is, he said he went to buy milk but never came back," asked a random stranger but he got ignored,

"Amazing," said Naruko

"Do your cards have information about other candidates," asked Sasuke

"Of course, do you have someone in mind," asked Kabuto as Sasuke nodded

"Well, my information may not be hundred percent accurate, but I got information about just about everyone, including you guys of course," said Kabuto

"Tell me information about Cid Gojo and Rock Lee from Leaf and Gaara of the Desert from Sand," asked Sasuke

'Cid has done some missions solo, as he got permission from Kakashi-sensei,' thought Sasuke

'He asked for information about his own teammate,' thought the others

"Of course, here they are," said Kabuto as he took out three cards

"Oh?" said Cid,

"What oh," asked Naruko

"Nothing," said Cid

"Show them to me," said Sasuke

"OK First up is Rock Lee, he is about a year older than you guys, and his main suit is taijutsu, he has done about eleven C rank missions and twenty D rank missions, last year he did not choose to participate in the chunin exams, so this will be his first time, his main suit is Taijutsu and he is also good at dispelling Genjutsu," said Kabuto

"Next up, Gaara of the desert, he has done eight C ranks and one B rank mission, there is not much information about this guy, as he was a rookie from a different village originally, but there is this, he survived every mission without a scratch," said Kabuto

"eight C ranks and a B rank mission as a genin and has never even been injured," gasped Shikamaru

"Man that weird looking guy, was so strong," said Naruko

"Now for Cid Gojo," said Kabuto and everyone's ears instantly perked up

"Cid Gojo, he has done twelve D rank missions, fifteen C rank missions and three B rank missions, his strong suit is unknown, his weaknesses he does not have any, he is suspected to have a Dojutsu, ," said Kabuto, as everyone fell down in shock

'When the hell did he do three B rank missions,' thought Naruko

'Man I thought that Gaara guy was impressive but Cid is in a league of his own,' thought Shikamaru

"Hey You guys hear me, no matter how strong you are I am gonna crush you and become the Hokage," screamed Naruko

"That girl was the one who beat you right Kankuro," teased Temari

'Cid Gojo, so he is here too,' thought Gaara

"What a bitch," said Tenten

"Well she has not lost any of her spunk," said Neji

"Neji, that guy is Cid Gojo do not underestimate him," said Lee with full seriousness

"Looks like you fools need to learn a lesson," said Dosu, as he attacked Cid, but Cid stopped his attack with a finger

'He stopped me a finger, impossible,' thought Dosu

"Man he is fucked," said Sasuke

"Yeah, Cid at least leave his body intact," said Naruko

"Shouldn't you help your teammate," asked Kabuto seeing Naruko and Sasuke just stand there

"Well, the people who need help, are those guys," said Naruko while pointing at Team Dosu

"Don't look down on us bastard," said Kin and Zaku as they ran toward Cid

"I hope you guys won't resist too much," said Cid as he grabbed Zaku and Kin while planting Dosu under his feet

"As it is difficult for me to control my power, it's difficult for me to step on ants without crushing them," said Cid

------------End of Chapter---------------