
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

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272 Chs

Chapter 131: "Anti-Entropy deserves to be punch"

To Kevin's question, Thea didn't know how to answer it.

What made her so hesitate to time travel?

Many things.

First of all, when traveling through time, you won't be able to look back. Which means from 2000 to 2013, time is locked, and time travel between them is taboo.

Thea still remembers that the real Bronya's mother died around 2000, after the second honkai eruption incident occurred. Knowing that she could have saved Bronya's mother's life if she didn't save Cecilia first, made Thea feel very guilty.

Not only that, the valkyries that died around 2000 and 2013 also can't be revived, which indicates that Thea has abandoned the lives of thousands of heroes just to save Cecilia.

Remembering it back, This left a very bitter taste on her tongue.

It also reminds her that time travel always has a price to pay. If violated, then it will be worse.

If she does as Kevin says, and saves Dr. MEI from 50,000 years ago. Then all the revival vouchers she has will be instantly destroyed.

This is a total waste of resources.

The second reason is the attitude of the Will of Honkai itself.

Having assimilated the stigmata Kaslana family, and possessing a portion of Kevin's memories, and knowledge from the previous era. Thea knew that the current Will of Honkai didn't have any power.

It could only choose who would become a Herrscher, and decide whether the humans on earth were fit to step up the test, or not.

Although in the second honkai war, with her appearance, Will of Honkai feels a little different from the original plot story. Will of Honkai is still Will of Honkai.

Prometheus is still there to keep the balance.

The only thing Thea is afraid of is the Will of Honkai's attitude towards her at the moment. Just like a neutral monster suddenly becoming hostile. Even though Thea isn't afraid of one on one, conflicts should be avoided as much as possible to avoid the risk of the car flipping over.

And after that... There's a lot more.

There were too many problems to the point where Thea didn't want to think about them anymore.

"How about like this grandpa. You know that traveling through time isn't that easy, right?"


Kevin nodded his head seriously.

After he got the memory shared by Thea from within the stigmata room of the Kaslana family. Kevin knows that Thea must meet several conditions to travel through time.

Thea wanted to save the lives of some important people first. If making a list, then her Dr. MEI would definitely be at the bottom of the line.

This made Kevin frown deeply.

"Grandpa already accepted the memory I gave right? It's not that I don't want to help grandpa, but there are still some things that bother me."

"Otto Apocalypse, that person already has an appointment with me to revive his Kallen first. But, after my inauguration ceremony became Saintess, he suddenly disappeared."

"I want grandpa to find where he was now. After grandpa managed to find him, maybe the progress to save grandma will be shortened by a lot."

Seeing Kevin's eyes suddenly turn more and more serious, and being able to see the light of hope in Kevin's eyes shooting out like laser beams, instantly ravaged her conscience. Thea, who was holding back her guilt, could only hold her chest in pain.

"Really? If I find that person, will you save MEI immediately?"

"I promise..."


Travel through time and save Dr. MEI?

Sorry, let's talk about that after we get over the Cocoon of Finality issue.

Giving Kevin the task of finding Otto was a pure waste of time, and to keep him busy.

At least until Otto was found. Kevin's mouth would be shut tightly, and he would not discuss the saving again.

If Otto was really found...

Then let's give him another mission.

Thea: "...."

Kevin: "....?"

I'm sorry grandpa, this your granddaughter has tricked you.

Thea could only sigh more tiredly.

"No problem. I will send Gray Serpent to look for him, and he will definitely be found wherever he is."

"I've waited long enough. Waiting a bit is doesn't matter to me."

Hearing Kevin's words are very sincere. Thea panted heavily, and her conscience grew even more aching.

"What's wrong with you?"

"N-No, I'm fine. Ahem! By the way, I'll be bringing the cosmic juggernaut back to Schicksal to do some research. Does grandpa want to go back to Schicksal with me, or back to World Serpant base?"

"I'm going home alone."


Parting ways with Kevin, and bringing the Cosmic Juggernaut back to Schicksal.

Thea handed the second divine key over to Nagamitsu, the main director of the St. 1504 lab for her to research, and she also immediately contacted the Sovereign of Anti-Entropy after a moment's thought.

Waits a few moments before communication is established. Welt Yang's exhausted voice could be heard from the other side of the communicator.

"[Good night, Saintess Thea... Why did you suddenly call me at night? Do you need something urgent from me?]"

"Yes, I need those two genius scientists of yours to cooperate with my researchers. One plus one always has more than double the strength, right?"

Welt Yang asked curiously: "[Research cooperation? What is this about?]"

Hearing this, Thea smiled.

"You'll know when you get here. If you want revive Welt Joyce, then come. I'll be waiting for you."



In another communicator...

When Welt Yang had just woken up, and was still digesting what Thea meant at this time. The chair he was sitting on was suddenly kicked, and Welt Yang immediately fell to the ground.

"Ouch!! Dr. Tesla why are you kicking me all of a sudden? Weren't you two already sleeping?" Welt Yang rubbed his butt painfully.

As someone who has known them since childhood. Welt Yang of course knew that Dr. Tesla, and Dr. Einstein was still asleep on the floor, and using their scattered research papers as their blanket.

As a senior researcher who can stay up all night for 7 days straight, sleeping anywhere is a passive skill that has been raised to the max level.

Welt Yang had wanted to help them clean up the mess they had made. But what he didn't expect, he fell asleep on the table, and it was Thea's phone call that woke him up.

At this time, Welt Yang had absolutely no idea why Dr. Tesla suddenly kicked him really hard.

Why is she angry?

I can't sleep here?


"I kicked you because I thought you weren't awake enough! I know that you are tired too, but hold on! Let's go to Schicksal's headquarters quickly!"

"W-Why?" Welt Yang still remained confused.

Einstein who saw Tesla raised her hand high, and was about to slap Welt Yang's face until it was swollen, hurriedly spoke to avoid violence in this household.

"Joachim, do you think we both never realized what you were hiding?"


"We already know about your wild theory that Thea can time travel."

"W-What... Wait, what do you mean?"

Tesla shouted angrily: "You are still playing dumb?! I raised you from a young age! How could I not notice your every suspicious move!"

"Enough with the bullshit! Now your wild theory has come true! Didn't Thea say that earlier from the communicator!?"

Welt Yang who was dazed, suddenly came to his senses, and he immediately opened his eyes wide.

"You mean..."

Einstein nodded her head: "Hm, although I don't know how she did it, I know at least she won't lie. Cecilia and Sirin are living proof of her success in resurrecting the dead."


Tesla: "Let's bring Welt Joyce back to life!"

Could see Tesla's teary eyes, and saw Einstein clenching her fists tightly. Welt Yang, who knew that Thea was giving them a chance, also immediately got excited.

Who doesn't know Welt Joyce?

He is the his hero!

"All right, we're going to Schicksal!"

"That's what I've been trying to say from the start! Quick, don't change your clothes, we'll all be boarding the plane right now!" Tesla smiled broadly.

"Oh, wait a minute! How about we ask Thea for help to revive Nancy, Reanna..."

"Dr. Tesla, your behavior is asking for a beating from Thea. Please stop." Einstein was speechless.

"Emma too..."

"Good, let's ask!"

"Ohh!! quite high courage, mophead!!!"

Welt Yang: "...."

These two scientists seem to be asking for a punch. Welt Yang hoped Thea would not be angry when she heard this.

"Ehem! By the way my herrscher of Reason core still has 300 thousand consciousness coming from the Berlin incident. Do you think Thea would be willing to resurrect them all back?"

Welt Yang, join in the war.