
Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

The mysterious disaster "Honkai" has eroded the world, and humans infected by the "Honkai"have become "undead" who have no thoughts but only understand destruction. They were together with the beast beast "Honkai Beast" born from Honkai Energy. This poses a great threat in this world. Witness the Resurrection of a traverser who came to this world from mere mortals to become those called "Herrcsher". This is the resurrection story of "Herrcsher Of Shadow" (Note: If there are similarities, characters, names, events and so on, it's purely coincidental.) This is my first novel. (Disclaimer: I don't have anything except OC.) English is not my main language. sorry if the grammar is terrible. [Thanks to @B_N_F for the cover.] Support me on : [ ko-fi.com/the_hanged_man1 ] Tags: Dense protagonist

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The Greatest Second Eruption (3)

A moment ago.

On the bird created by Griseo.

Mobius and the others looked at Siegfried who was standing convulsing with a floating expression as if he was inhaling weed.

"What's wrong with him?" Welt asked with concern.

"Just standard procedure." Mobius replied before kicking Siegfried making him fall into freefall.

"Is this... really okay?" asked Welt looking down at Siegfried who was in freefall without a parachute.

"Don't worry, once he's out of his trance, he'll gain tremendous strength, trust me." Mobius replied with a smile.

Her smile gave Welt goosebumps, he looked at Siegfried with an unsure expression, "I hope you're right."


Siegfried's fall to the ground created a huge explosion equivalent to a small nuclear bomb, the impact of the explosion created a gust of high-pressure hot wind killing all the Honkai Beasts instantly.

Siegfried slowly stood up from the large crater where he fell, his clothes had been completely burned apart from his pants.

"Huffh... Huffh... Damn, that really hurt!" Siegfried complained while holding his dizzy head before shaking his head.

Despite that he now felt refreshed, his body felt light, and an overwhelming feeling of strength rose from within him.

He then realized that his hand had transformed into some sort of blue-scaled humanoid hand like the dragons in western legends.

"I... Is this what Ashborn meant?" Siegfried muttered looking at himself.

He had indeed transformed into some kind of humanoid monster, he felt sharp fangs between his teeth, his body had blue scales, his ears had curved into some kind of elven ears.

He then stared at the Might of An-Utu, the true form of the Judgement of Shamash, its power tens of times stronger and hotter than its normal version.

It was said a slash of the weapon's full power was enough to burn a city to ruins.

It was so powerful that it could endanger its wielder due to the fiery heat created by the blade.

But now, Siegfried felt it, the searing heat of the Might of An-Utu that could burn its wielder only felt like hot water to him.

"With this power, I feel like I can do anything!" said Siegfried and raised his head to stare at the Honkai Beasts that were running towards him.

He did not feel afraid, instead he felt a strong sense of confidence from within him.

Influenced by that confidence, he walked forward, each footstep creating cold ice that did not melt even when exposed to the heat radiating from the Might of An-Utu.

*ROAR!!! *The Honkai Beast roared towards Siegfried.

Siegfried raised the Mighty of An-Utu with both hands, he exhaled, his breath formed a cold dew before slashing horizontally.

[Judgement of Shamash Unleashed!]




"Look, like I said he'll be fine, in fact he's very excited now with his new powers." Mobius said while looking at Siegfried who was swinging his sword blindly.

"Yes... That's great then." Welt said.

"Judging from his strength, he seems to be able to hold off that sea of Honkai Beasts by himself for a while. Now all we have to think about is how to defeat the Herrscher of the End now." Otto said while pointing at 'Sirin'.


'Sirin' looked at Siegfried with a thoughtful expression and compared his power intensity with Kevin's before reaching a conclusion.

"This guy... Quite weak. Without that Weapon, he's nothing." 'Sirin' muttered and raised her hand to strike before suddenly stopping.

She slowly raised her head to stare at the sky with raised eyebrows.

"Something... No, someone is approaching from the sky. "

She narrowed her eyes and finally saw one, no, two girls in freefall, one of the girls was using the Abyss Flower a white spear made from the core of the Herrscher of Death while the other was using the Oath of Judah.

Mobius and the others also felt the presence of someone from the sky and raised their heads.

"Is that Cecilia and Theresa?" Otto muttered with a pensive expression, he contacted Amber and opened the communication interface screen.

["Can I help you, Overseer?"] Amber asked.

"I wanted to ask, why are Theresa and Cecilia here? Has Theresa finished her training?" Otto asked.

For Cecilia alone he could understand because as a Rank-S Valkyrie and also as Siegfried's wife, she would definitely come here to help her husband.

But then what about Theresa? He had explicitly forbidden her to fight against the Second Herrscher before mastering the [Zeroth Power] of the Oath of Judah?

Especially now against the Herrscher of the End, the Oath of Judah's ability is really needed, although Otto can replicate the Oath of Judah using the Void Archive, but what he replicates is not as powerful as the original.

[That... Miss Theresa had indeed finished her training and sneaked away together with Miss Cecilia."] Amber said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Otto just sighed and nodded in understanding then closed the communication.

'Sirin' raised her head with her eyebrows slightly furrowed, she opened both her hands and using her [Gravity] ability lifted a large amount of debris before throwing it towards Cecilia and Theresa.


"We have to help them!" Welt shouted and wanted to create a black hole only to be stopped by Otto.

"Stop it, just watch them." Otto said raising his hand.

"Otto! How could you-" Welt couldn't finish his words and was interrupted by Mobius.

"He's right, we should attack the Herrscher of the End now, she's been distracted by the arrival of these two." Mobius said as she told Griseo to make the bird they were riding glide towards the 'Sirin'.


Looking at the debris flying at high speed towards them, Cecilia and Theresa wore serious expressions.

Cecilia destroyed some debris using Abyss Flower and dodged while using some debris as a fulcrum.


Theresa pulled the long gold chain of Oath of Judah and spun her body vertically several times before throwing Judah like a ball.

Oath of Judah was instantly blown away crushing the debris approaching them.

But in accordance with Newton's law 2, Theresa fell faster than Cecilia thanks to Oath of Judah.

Cecilia who saw this did not want Theresa to be injured by falling from a height so she threw her spear to the ground.

Just as the Abyss Flower stuck to the ground, a large green tree trunk covered in vines began to grow at high speed until its height reached a 3-story building.

Theresa who saw this then pulled Oath of Judah closer and summoned several chains that had golden spears before firing them at the tree.


The chain spears were deeply embedded in the tree, Theresa then immediately controlled the Oath of Judah to pull the chains, making her body instantly swerve to eliminate the momentum of her fall.

Seeing that they could dodge her attack, 'Sirin' clicked her tongue before swinging several times creating a wind slash that instantly cut the tree into pieces.

Cecilia fell to the ground and rolled to pick up the Abyss Flower, followed by Theresa with the Oath of Judah who fell down to leave her footprints on the ground due to her weight.

They both stared at 'Sirin' vigilantly while eliminating several Honkai Beasts that approached them.

"Theresa! Cecilia!" Siegfried shouted happily upon seeing them, he fought ferociously while quickly approaching them.

"Siegfried?! What happened to you?!" Cecilia asked worriedly at his half Honkai Beast appearance.

"I'll explain later, but first we have to defeat her!" said Siegfried while pointing at 'Sirin' using his sword.

Cecilia and Theresa raised their heads to stare at 'Sirin' who also stared back at them.


Above, on the mutation bird.

"We have to get her down to the ground or at least close to the ground, fighting her in the air will only give us a disadvantage." Fu Hua said.

"Easy for you to say. Don't forget that the Herrscher of the End was originally the Second Herrscher, she has the authority of [Space] and everything else." Mobius said.

'Sirin' could teleport anywhere if she felt threatened, so they needed something to restrain that ability and even if she didn't have time to teleport, she could speed up her time to escape.

"In that case, I will restrain her." Aponia said with a calm expression.

Her words made her the center of attention, Mobius gave her a long look before asking, "Are you sure?"

"Yes. Although I can't hold it for long, the limit is 3 seconds. "

Aponia is a Physics-type MANTIS, this type of MANTIS' ability is more of a supernatural ability that affects consciousness, like the [Discipline] ability or even [Fenghuang Down].

Vill-V is also a Physics-type MANTIS, her ability is to be able to separate her consciousness into several parts.

This is one of the reasons why Vill- V has a changeable personality because she has multiple consciousnesses.

Aponia can create illusions using the [Discipline] ability although it is not as strong as [Fenghuang Down] but it had no side effects.

"In that case, I'll use [Fenghuang Down]'s Zeroth Power to knock her to the ground." Fu Hua said.

Mobius looked at Fu Hua before asking, "Are you sure? You know the fuel that Divine Key needs, right?"

"I know."

Divine Key [Fenghuang Down] has a side effect when using its [Zeroth Power] ability which is to burn the user's most precious memories.

"Your immortality has long been lost, my old friend, even so you still want to risk doing that?" asked Otto.

Fu Hua nodded her head confidently.

She was prepared to make a sacrifice.

"Then if you two succeed... Griseo-chan, use your ability to create a place to hold the Herrscher of the End." Mobius said to Griseo.

Griseo nodded her head.

Griseo's MANTICAL ability was to turn what she painted into reality.

"Now... What we need is an ability that can restrain or lock the authority of [Space] so that she cannot escape."

"I don't know if that's possible, but does the Oath of Judah fit into your needs?" asked Otto while gesturing Mobius to look at Theresa.

"Yes. Huffh.... I wish SAKURA was here right now, her swordsmanship can really help us fight the Herrscher of the End's [Time] authority." Mobius muttered before shaking her head.

"Alright! Let's start the plan!"

Fu Hua took a deep breath as a red feather appeared in her hand before grasping it, she closed her eyes letting her past memories flash by before opening her eyes again.

The red feather slowly burned and created a flame sword, she then jumped into the air, the flames from her flame sword enlarged and for a moment a giant Phoenix appeared behind her.

[Fenghuang Down: First Order!]

'Sirin' sensed a premonition of danger, she immediately raised her head, her pupils reflecting Fu Hua who was enveloped in flames that looked like a giant Phoenix flapping its wings.

"Hmph! Hm?! My body-"

'Sirin' who wanted to attack felt her body paralyzed for a moment.

"The power of the 5th essence, 'Fabric of Divinity'. This sword is formless and needs no form, this is my sword Herrscher of the End." Fu Hua said.

The same sword she used against her 50,000+ years ago.

That was the Taixuan sword, formless yet vast, its range infinite. It was the essence that ended the beginning.

[Edge of Taixuan!]

The phoenix with flickering fire light flapped its wings towards the Herrscher of the End and transformed into a huge sword the size of a mountain.

The attack heavily hit the 'Sirin', from within her consciousness, Fu Hua felt the will of the original Sirin who was trapped within the boundless darkness.

Sirin was cowering in tears while muttering something like a mad woman.

Her attack then quickly destroyed the place and would have hit Sirin's original will only to be protected by a figure that was familiar to her.

"KOURO?! " Fu Hua shouted in surprise looking at the black-haired and purple-eyed man.

Just when she wanted to say something more, her consciousness was thrown out and disconnected from the Herrscher of the End's consciousness.


The [Edge of Taixuan] had created a slashing crater several hundred kilometers long.

The attack was enough to split the Babylonia Lab. Tower in half.

Fu Hua opened her mouth wanting to say something only to spit out blood, her body feeling extremely heavy.

"KOURO..." Fu Hua muttered before closing her eyes letting herself freefall in the air.

The mutation bird then flew towards her before being caught by Welt.

"You've worked hard. Now get some rest." said Welt.

"I'm sorry... the Herrscher of the End's consciousness is still alive.... I can only disconnect her consciousness for a moment.... The consciousness of the Second Herrscher... It's still alive." Fu Hua said before fainting.

Hearing this, Mobius immediately shouted.


Griseo with a serious expression took reality as a canvas before painting with extreme concentration making her painting which was a fiction become reality.

Within the radius of the European continent that had been raised by the Herrscher of the End, quickly the sky, land, space, day, night, sun, moon, everything changed, they had entered into the world that Griseo had painted.

"What happened?" Cecilia murmured.

Theresa and Siegfried were dumbfounded by the sudden change of place.

They were currently in a vast expanse of grassland with various types of flowers growing around followed by many colorful butterflies flying around.

"Where are we?" muttered Siegfried, the Honkai Beast was still around them but the Honkai Beast's spawning portal had closed.

["You better get out of here fast, my descendants."] Kevin suddenly appeared beside him.

"Who!?" Siegfried was immediately wary of Kevin's appearance.

"What is it, Siegfried? Who did you see?" Cecilia asked.

"Did you hit your head on something?" Theresa muttered.

Hearing their words, Siegfried realized that he was the only one who could see Kevin.

["There's no point in you asking me that, I'm not here. Your Kaslana gene has been activated allowing me to communicate with you through Quantum entanglement, something that can cross the barrier of time and space."]

Siegfried opened his mouth to say something before hearing 'Sirin' shout.

"KYAA!!!" 'Sirin' was falling to the ground and holding her head screaming, fragments of the Herrscher of the End's core coming out of her body.

"Oh! No! Because Hua temporarily cut off the consciousness of the Herrscher of the End, the Second Herrscher took over the body, making its Herrscher core unstable!" Mobius said with a grim expression.

Sirin's Herrscher core emitted countless Honkai metals and attacked in all directions without knowing friend or foe.

Not only that, thunderstorms, sharp wind slashes, black mist, huge gusts of fire.

Countless Honkai Beasts died as a result of those attacks.

The Herrscher of the End's core fragments were coincidentally protected by the Honkai's metal which formed a network similar to a large tree.

"This is serious, the Herrscher of the End is forming a new body." Aponia said looking at the Herrscher core fragments that were spinning around each other.

"We must stop it immediately!" said Kosma before jumping towards the Herrscher core fragments.

The last Herrscher of the End core fragment stored inside the World Serpent's storage was seen glowing before flying and gliding at high speed due to the authority of [Time].

The Core Shard quickly merged with the other core shards and finally united into one creating a dazzling bright light.

"Oh, no..." muttered Mobius with a serious expression.

From the light, a girl with long, wavy white hair could be seen. She also had a golden halo and a diamond-shaped golden mark on her head.

She was wearing a ruffled white and indigo dress with a raised collar and a blouse that revealed her cleavage.

She also wore shoulder-length gloves dyed blue on the hands. The dress and gloves were also decorated with gold markings.

The girl opened her eyes which were golden yellow with purple rectangular star-shaped pupils, matching the circular markings on her skin.

The heavy pressure that paralyzed their bodies and filled them with fear was immediately felt by all of them.

The Herrscher of the End...

She had been completely reborn.