

Raven_562 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs

chapter 6

A shared mantra. Little testaments of making the most of their time together, which, given their bustling careers, was always at a premium. He peered over her shoulder as she sliced into a large onion. they never make you cry, huh?

'No, I guess they don't. '

Connor took a seat at the kitchen table. When is the car service picking you up? '

'less than an hour. '

He nodded, fidgeted with a place mat. So where is this client of yours who's making you work on a Saturday? '

Boston, she answered. 'Retired guy who just bought and renovated a huge brownstone in the Back Bay.

Nora cut Kaiser roll and loaded it up with the sizzling double cheeseburger and onions. she grabbed an Amstel Light for Connor and another Evain water for herself from the fridge.

Better than Smith and Wollensky, he said after the first bite. With a far more attractive chef, I might add.

Nora took a sip of water watched him make quick work of her cooking. He always did. Such a healthy appetite! Good for him.

God, I love you, he suddenly gushed.

And I love you. Nora stopped and stared into his blue eyes. I do. I adore you, actually.

He raised his palms in the air. Then, really, What are we waiting for?

What do you mean?

I mean, you have already got more clothes here than I do.

Nora blinked a few times. Is that your idea of a proposal?

No, he said. this is my idea of one.

He reached into the pocket of his shorts and removed a small box, Tiffany blue. Dropping to one knee, Connor placed it in her hand. Nora Sinclair, you make me incredibly happy. I can't believe that I found you.

Will you marry me?

Completely stunned, Nora opened the box to see an enormous diamond. Tears welled in her green eyes.

yes, yes, yes! Yippee-yes! she cried out. I'll marry you, Connor Brown! I love you so much.

pop! went the champagne. Don pérignon 85 that he'd chilled in anticipation. He'd also bought a bottle of Jack Daniel's for himself, just in case Nora said no.

With two glasses poured, Connor raised his high and made a toast.

To happily ever after, he said.

To happily ever after, echoed Nora. To yippee-yes!

they clicked glasses, they sipped, they held hands. Madly in love and giddy with excitement, they hugged and kissed.

soon, though, the celebration was interrupted by a horn in the driveway. Nora's car service had arrived.

she quickly dressed and moments later, later, as the limousine started to drive away, Nora called to Connor through the open back window, I am the luckiest girl in the world!