
Honored Guests (4)

Ruven and Kaze had made their way down to the cafeteria to collect food for their new masked guests when Kaze received a transmission from the soldiers posted at the front gates.

"Shk...we have another group of people asking to see the Commander." The volume on the transmitter was loud enough for Ruven to overhear it.

Another group…? Ruven looked over at Kaze's face to see he was just as surprised as he was that more people have shown up.

"Sir…?" The soldier at the gate didn't know if he should let them in or not, he wanted Kaze to make to decision.

"Bring them in." Kaze decided. Even if these people are not citizen of the city we can't have unknown people running around the city.

About to walk off to see to the newcomers, Kaze stopped halfway out the door. He forgot about Ruven for second. 

Glancing back at the man who happens to be looking right back at him.