
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

*><*><*><*><*><*Alberto's pov*><*><*><

"ah.. my head hurts" I massaged my temple to reduce the throbbing pain I'm feeling in my head. Suddenly I felt nauseous; I jumped down from my bed and rushed to the bathroom and emptied my stomach.

"feel... kinda... dizzy.."

I tried to remember everything that happened but my memories is all blurred up. I sighed and picked up my toothbrush, rinsed it, applied some toothpaste and brushed my teeth. I took my bath, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Buenos Dias mamá" (Good morning mom)". I greeted and kissed her cheeks. .

"ah Buenos Dias mi bebe, ¿Como estas?" (ah good morning my baby, how are you?)". She smiled at me as she dished out food.

"Estoy bien, ¿Y tú?" (I'm fine, and you?)". I asked as I settled down at the dining table.

"healthy as always" She settled down too. I was about digging when she suddenly spoke up "right! Alberto.. About last night.." she furrowed her brows.

My body tensed up; I gulped down nervously. My mom never calls me by my full name, it's either Mi bebé or berto.. She only calls me Alberto when I did something that's not to her liking; and I think it has something to do about last night.

"La...Last night?.." I stuttered nervously.

"yes Alberto, a guy that claims to be your co worker brought you back home... and you were drunk!" She crossed her arms, frowning slightly..

I gulped and stuttered "Well you see... I...I..I.."

"Look I get the fact that you were celebrating with your co workers but you know that your tolerance to alcohol isn't that good, so you don't have to prove anything to anyone by taking something you can't handle.. Even I have quite a good tolerance to alcohol!" She cuts me short.

I cleared my throat and muttered "you don't have to rub it in mom". I can feel my face heating up a little from embarrassment.

"Thank goodness your co worker brought you here.. If not, I don't know what I would've done if you got missing in your drunken state" She sighed and shook her head.

"I can imagine.." I poked my food with the fork I'm holding as my lips curved up to a small smile.

We both kept silent some seconds when she soon said "ALL right! let's eat". I nodded and dug in my food. "So delicious" I groaned in delight as my speed in eating increased a little..

Soon I was done, I cleared my plate and went back to my mom at the dining table "ALL right mom, I'll be going now.. Got work to do".

"Ok berto, good luck" She smiled at me. I nodded walked straight to the door, opening it "Thanks.. I'll be needing it" I muttered and shut the door.

I sighed and stuffed my hands in my pocket as I walked to my place of work. I was half way there when suddenly my phone beeped, I took it out and checked it and found out that I have a message from... Mrs Camilla?..

It says "Nice work Alberto! Mr Torillo was very satisfied with your service, and as your reward, I've sent a little somethin' somethin' in your account, plus a full week day off to have fun with your friends and study more. And don't worry, you'll still get your monthly pay in full. So, Take care!"..

I froze for some seconds, firstly who's Mr torillo?! and what service exactly?!!.. Then I suddenly remember that super star that gemma won't stop fawning over; so he's Mr torillo huh?'.. interesting..

Then it also dawned on me that Mrs Camilla also said that she sent a little somethin' somethin' in my account.

"don't tell me.." I hurriedly opened my bank app and almost screamed at the amount I saw "5..50 thousand dollars?!... 50 thousand dollars!!! She sent me 50 THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!! oh my goodness!! this is real!! haha yes!!". I was gasping and smiling and laughing like a mad man that passersby were staring at me like I've gone insane but I don't care! No one could understand the joy I'm feeling now.. My normal monthly salary is $10,000 per month and I just made $50,000!! in one day! Something that could've taken me like five months to make.. This calls for a celebration..

I've also gotten a full week day off! Sweet! that means I can hang out with Fernando. I dialed his number and he picked at first ring like he was expecting my call "AL! wassup?!" I can sense the smile in his tune.

"yo nando, I've just been given a day off today and was wondering if you wanna go chill somewhere awesome" I smirked and stuffed one hand in my pocket..

"drop location, I'll be right there"

"umm.. I'm in front of Buenos Coffee shop, just across the street"

"Ok, expect me in 10 minutes"


I ended the call and waited for Fernando to show up..

><*><*><*>*<><*Fernando Pov*><*><*><*><*

"yes cub, what have you found so far?" I asked in hoarse voice, slowly puffing out the smoke of the lit cigarette I'm holding.

Yes I know what you're thinking and Yes I smoke, but not all the time, it's only when I'm stressed out and I need to relax..

"Boss fang, I got the images of the guys from the surveillance footage on April 4th, 2020 and I did some investigation and got their information" Cub answered..

"continue.." I inhaled the cigar and puffed out the smoke..

"I'll deliver the files this evening boss fang, hope that's ok?"

"it's fine, I'll be expecting you at 6pm on the dot, not a second late, do you understand?"

I heard Cub gulped down in fear and then said "y...yes Boss".

I chuckled and ended the call. It's fun when they all fear me. And they should, cuz I'm a no nonsense guy and I won't think twice before pulling the trigger..

Just then, my phone vibrated, I checked the caller ID and saw "Mí corázon (my heart)" .. Omg it's AL!!.. I picked immediately after first ring "AL! wassup?"..

"yo nando, I've just been given a day off today and was wondering if you wanna go chill somewhere awesome" he said..

"drop location, I'll be right there" I grinned widely..

"umm.. I'm in front of Buenos Coffee shop, just across the street"

"Ok, expect me in 10 minutes"


He ended the call. I stood hurriedly and threw the cigarette in the thrash can and was about to leave when I suddenly stopped, perceived my shirt and my breath..

"eww.. I reeked of cigarettes"

I turned and ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed. I styled my hair, applied some cologne and left.

I entered the backseat of my car and told my chauffeur "Buenos Coffee shop now!"

"yes sir" He replied and immediately ignited the car and drove off..

We were almost there, then I saw Alberto's figure just up ahead..


The chauffeur quickly stepped on the brake as the tyres of the car made a shrieking noise..

"Park at a corner"

He nodded and did as he was told. I got down from the car and got to the driver's seat and told the chauffeur "you can leave now, I'll call you when I need you"..

He nodded and reversed the car and drove off. I sighed and walked towards Alberto slowly, admiring how beautiful he looks. He's on his usual black baggy clothes, Usually his hair is always packed in a messy bun but today, he let it fall gracefully behind him. He's just.... too perfect!.

"AL!" I yelled excited. He looked up and met my gaze and smiled, waving his hand at me. I grinned widely as I rushed and engulfed him in a tight bear hug, inhaling his sweet scent.

"oww easy there tiger, that's enough, you tryna strangle me?" Alberto groaned and then chuckled as he returned the hug.

I smiled and slowly broke the hug "So you've been given a day off huh?... Awesome! So where should we go to?"..

"I don't know, that's why I called you.. I mean, who's more better person to chill out with if not you?" He said calmly as he ran his fingers through that shiny black curly hair.

Gosh! I just want to bury my face on that soft hair, inhaling his sweet scent. And those words he said really made my heart flutter..

"Nice uh.. hmm.." I thought for a while and then decided "How about the arcade?.. I heard they got a new game installed. it's called 'Free fire'.. I heard it's awesome sauce".

"Alright then! It's decided! Arcade! Here we come!" Alberto grinned and flung his arm on my shoulder. I smiled and followed him to the arcade..

<*><*><*><*> The Arcade <*><*><*><*>

Me and Alberto sat in a game room, wearing headphones, playing free fire and I must admit, this game is lit!.. We're currently playing with different gamers across the continent, apparently connected online. We were immersed in the game when suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I got it out and checked the caller ID and saw it was Cub.

I stared at it and then turned and said to Alberto "umm.. AL I'll be right back, gotta take this"..

"uh..hmm" he didn't even spare me a glance.

I took off the headphones and went outside to a corner and dialed Cub's number and he picked at first ring "yes?"

"Boss fang, I'm at the mansion now with the documents sir"

"perfect... I'll- " I turned and stared; through a slight opening in the door; at Alberto's happy expression and victory smile whenever he defeats a character in the game. My heart softened at the sight as my lips curved up to a soft smile..

"you'll what sir?.... hello?... sir?"

"uh yes.. wait another hour or two.. I'll be back after.."

"huh? one or two hours?!!.. but boss I- "

I ended the call, not wanting to hear more. I walked back in the game room and sat beside Alberto "I'm back" I smiled and put on back my headphones and connected back to the game.

"oww. .. quickly Fernando! Connect and help me defeat this difficult one" Alberto said, battling with a character.

I chuckled and connected immediately. oww this is a tough one, but after some minutes, we finally defeated the character. "Yes! Good job!" I high-fived Alberto. Just then, the game attendant came in and informed us that our time is up. I got up and stretched "Well, come on AL, that's enough gaming for today, let's go get so barbeque"..

"awesome!" He quickly stood and followed me out of the arcade and down to Abuelo's barbeque stand just across the street.

I know that Cub's waiting for me at the mansion but the times I spent with Alberto is too precious to miss. Well, it won't hurt him to wait two hours more for me...