
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter seven

*********Alberto POV********

I groaned a little out of relaxation and satisfaction.. Never have I felt this relaxed and warm and secured before.. I made to turn but then noticed I was pinned down by something that seems to be a pair of strong but smooth arms.. I opened my eyes and stared at the arms wrapped around my waist protectively.. I tilted my head and stared at fernan sleeping peacefully.. I can't deny the fact that fernan looks so adorable when he sleeps.. I smiled a little but then realisation dawned on me that me and fernan are in an intimate position.. my eyes widened as I successfully pushed myself away from fernan and that seemed to wake fernan up.. He sat on bed and strechted while yawning.. He suddenly stopped and stared at me weirdly "what?" I asked, confused at his stares. He suddenly came close and held my face passionately "are you ok AL?" I arched a brow "the f*ck you talking about?.. of course I'm fine.. why the sudden question?" He removed his hand from my face and scratch the back of his head nervously "umm.. it's just that.. last night.. you were screaming 'pls don't hurt me' and crying seriously.. it seems you were having a bad dream or something" my eyes widened a little.. oh no!.. did I have that nightmare again!.. "AL, did something happen to you?" I stared at fernan whose eyes were filled with concern..  I sighed and got down from the bed "nothing happened okay!.. its just some silly nightmare.. nothing much, so stop worrying" I can't tell fernan what really happened to me.. I just can't... I might tell him eventually but now's not the right time... Fernan suddenly got down the bed and started walking towards me... I stepped back as he kept coming forward... I stepped back and suddenly hit my back on the wall.. oh no, dead end.. fernan placed one hand on the wall, caging me "Fer.. fernan... What are you doing?" I stuttered.. Fernan is quite taller than me and staying this close makes me feel something I just can't describe "Alberto, if you don't tell me what's wrong with you right now..... *Wraps his hand around my waist* I'll be forced to use other methods" he smirked and pulls me closer while lowering his head down to my neck.. I suddenly remembered that night... My phobia started to act up "no!!.. no!!.. please!!... Don't hurt me!!.. let me go!!... Please!!".. I held my head and sobbed loudly...

********Fernando POV*******

Alberto held his head and sobbed loudly and I became alarmed.. I pulled him closely and hugged him, trying to calm him down "it's ok.. don't cry.. I'm here for you.. don't cry" I rubbed his back gently and comforted him... That seemed to do the trick.. He stopped crying but I could still hear sniffling sounds... I pulled out of the hug and stared at Alberto.. his eyes held both sadness, pain and fear.. I've never seen Alberto like this before... I pulled him towards the bed and sat down, making him sit down too... I stared at him while he looked down, playing with his fingers "AL look at me" I said in a very calm voice.. He looked up and stared at me "AL what really happened to you?" He was reluctant at first but he finally spoke up "I.. I was raped... By gay guys" he said as tears rolled down his eyes.. my eyes widened in shock.. "what?!!!. When did that happen?!!" He wiped his tears "it all happened when I was 16, on April 4th 2020...


16 yr old Alberto wore his jacket while descending down the stairs "Alberto!.. where are you going by this time?" Alberto's mom asked "I'm suddenly craving for ice cream.. I won't take long.. I promise I'll be right back" Alberto said walking towards the door and opening it "are you sure that you can't wait till tomorrow?.. I mean.. it's already late and I bet the ice cream store might be closed by now" Alberto's mom said as she sat down on the couch while staring at Alberto "haha mama... The ice cream store doesn't close until 8:30 and it's still 8:00" Alberto said, checking the time on his wristwatch. Alberto's mom sighed "oh alright, but hurry back home once you're done" Alberto smiled "I will.." he said as he shut the door..

Alberto walked towards the road leading to the ice cream store with a smile plastered on his face.. He just can't help it.. he loves ice cream alot.. soon he arrived at the store, he entered the store and walked up to  the counter to order "one rocky road ice cream please" the ice cream man gave him his order as Alberto smiled "thanks" he collected it while he paid and left... He walked down the street while licking his ice cream happily.. he suddenly checked the time on his wristwatch "hmm.. if I keep walking down, I might get home late... Hmm... I better find a shortcut".. He looked up and suddenly spotted an alley "nice.. a shortcut" he grinned and walked into the alley, unaware that he's walking into danger... They've been many reports about people being assaulted and raped in that alley.. but Alberto was unaware of all this..  Alberto was walking when he suddenly heard a whistle "wow.. check out the cutie" Alberto gulped hard and turned back slowly .. before he knew it, he was surrounded by guys, about five.. the ice cream suddenly fell from his hand "wh.. what do you guys want from me?" Alberto asked, already scared.. The guys laughed loudly as one of the guys walked up and held my face "such a beauty" he smirked.. Alberto sensed danger, he slapped the guy's hand and tried to run away but was held back by the guys "let go of me.... Let me go!!" Alberto tried to free himself from their grip but to no avail.. the guy that touched my face earlier, walked towards me whilst smirking " where do you think you're going beautiful?... You got me so turned on... How about we have some fun" Alberto's eyes widened in fright as he struggled to free himself... The guys suddenly start undressing Alberto "please!!.. no!!... Don't do this to me!!!... Please let me go!!!... Somebody help me!!!" Alberto yelled as tears welled up in his eyes "keep screaming gorgeous.. it turns me on the more" the guy  said as he brought out his d**K and drove into Alberto forcefully "ahhhh!!!" Alberto screamed in pain as the guy kept going faster and rougher... Alberto could feel his a** tearing up... The guys took turns in satisfying their lustful and sinful desires.. Soon they were done, they arranged their trouser Properly and left Alberto.. Alberto laid on the floor, feeling used and pains.. He could feel blood flowing down his thighs.. He managed to stand up and dressed up.. luckily, they didn't damage his clothes... He turned and headed home.. he limped due to the pains he's feeling.. he got home and walked in the house and met his mom still sitting on the couch.. his mom noticed his presence and walked to him "Alberto what's wrong?.. why's your face like this?.. why's your clothes dirty??!.. did something happen to you?!!" His mom bombarded him with questions but Alberto was too weak to speak.. "I'm... Fine mama.. I just slipped.. that's all.. I'm tired... I'm.. going to bed" he managed to reply as he left his confused mom and ascended up the stairs, heading to his room.. He walked in, shut the door, and slides down and the tears kept rolling down his cheeks. He felt used.. he felt pains everywhere.. he felt disgusted... He cried and cried until he eventually slept off...

*******End of flashback******

"Ever since that day, I developed homophobia.. I hated homosexuals with passion!!..  I almost stopped talking or associating with my fellow gender because I thought they might up being like those guys that raped me mercilessly in that dark alley... If only... If only I had listened to my mom that night, non of these would be happening right now.. I won't be haunted by those goddamned nightmares! " Alberto said as he cried silently.. I was shocked beyond words... I was never aware that Alberto has gone through so much.. I pulled him into a hug as I caressed his back gently "it's okay AL, please stop crying" I consoled him... Deep down, I was furious, I was angry!.. How dare they lay their filthy hands on my Alberto!!.. I swear I'm gonna make them pay!!. I'm gonna find them and torture them till they beg for death.. they'll pay dearly for doing horrible things to my Alberto...