
Homicidal Liu x Reader

"You shouldn't be all the way out here, you know." He said, getting up and brushing the dirt off of his pants. You let the stick drop into the creek, watching it drift away from your eyesight. "I know.. I.. I just wanted to get some fresh air." You said. "I'm gonna go. And you really shouldn't be here when it's dark." He said, beginning to walk away. He stopped mid-step, not turning around. "By the way, since I told you my name, why don't you tell me yours?" He held curiosity in his voice. "(Y/n)." ! ! ! THIS IS GOING TO GO UNDER MASSIVE PLOT EDITING SO READ AT YOUR OWN RISK YOU WILL KNOW IF IT'S BEEN EDITED OR NOT IF THE CHAPTER TITLES HAVE CHANGED TO NUMBERS ! ! ! Not including the cheesecake thing since it was supposed to be a cruel joke towards the actor Creepypasta and the characters don't belong to me, only the plot And of course I don't own you Warn me if I put he/she pronouns for the reader. This story is supposed to be for any gender. So please WaRn mE

xXSpringRoseXx · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

The Argument + Ambushed

                                       - - - - - Saturday, 11:00 AM - - - - -

WARNING: Contains violence

You decided to take another walk through the forest, walking towards the same creek you met Liu. Once you found it, you sat down and listened to the sounds around you. .. Except there were no sounds. All you could hear was the rippling of the creek. No birds, no wind, nothing.

You opened your eyes and looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary. You started to hear footsteps, and deep, demonic laughter coming from all directions. You didn't waste any time and bolted the hell out of there, the footsteps trailing you. "Another way to make my life hell." You muttered under your breath.

You saw a mansion in the distance, but it kept getting farther and farther away from you. You were doing so well with running, until you tripped over a twig. Great, I'm becoming Liu. You picked yourself up and starting running again.

You began hearing painful static in your ears, and you clutched your head, groaning. Your stalkers' laughter turned into loud grumbling, and the footsteps went away. The last thing you saw was a tall, faceless man before you blacked out.


                                                  Saturday 1:00 PM

You slowly got up, groaning as you did so. You looked at your surroundings and found that you weren't in your room, but somebody else's. You saw a couple pictures of.. younger Liu and.. Jeff? Liu's hand is ruffling Jeff's hair and Jeff's arm is around Liu's shoulder, and they're both smiling. You found yourself smiling as well.

The door opened, revealing a clumsy Liu. Yes, clumsy. He fucking fell again. "Bitch stop falling!" "You know I can't help it!" "Yes you can!" "Ugh!" Liu got up and sat on the bed, rubbing his temple. "Liu, can I ask you something?" "You already did." "Liu, please." "No." "Who's Sully?" He froze.

                                                             # # #

Bitch tell them! ... Don't fucking ig- "H-he's nobody." Asshole. And you're not? ... "If you don't wanna talk about it, I'm fine with it." They said, laying back down and turning over. Tell them a- "..I-I'll tell you for another time." Liu said, rubbing the back of his neck. You fucking dic- Has  anyone told you that you can be real freaking annoying? Just you because I'm in your head, dumbass! "I'll be right back." Liu said, opening the door and stepping out of the room.

                                                               . . .

"Sir?" His office is pitch black, the only light emitting from the door. "What do you need?" The voice said. "(Y/n)'s awake." "Good. Bring them to me." "Right away, sir."

                                                               . . .

Liu opened the door and saw your sleeping form on the bed. He walked over to you and tapped your face, earning a groan from you. Bitch, slap them! What, no! Sully wait sto- Sully took over and slapped you, and you jolted awake, hitting your head on Liu's forehead. Liu fell backwards and onto the floor. Sully you dumbass. "Ow- what the hell, Liu?" Liu got up and rubbed his forehead, groaning. Liu took the blame. "S-sorry but it was the only way to wake you up!" "Pfft, you could've just shook me awake." Why didn't I think of that? Maybe because you're a stupid seven year old. Excuse me? You're excused.

"Get up, my boss wants to see you." They turned over and groaned. "Don't make me drag you." "Liu wait no-" Liu ended up dragging you to the office. Literally.

"Liu, stop!" "You won't listen to me so I have to!" Once you guys reached the office, Liu dropped your legs and turned towards the front. You could practically hear his boss facepalm. "I did as asked, sir." "..Good, now please give us some privacy."

                                                             # # #

After Liu left the room, you stood up. Suddenly, a tentacle came out of nowhere and came at you, wrapping around you. "What the- hey!" You got pulled into the abyss of the office. The tentacles pulled you to the same faceless man you saw before blacking out. "Y-You?" You heard a deep voice in your head. "Yes, it's me. Now, we have rules here. You will not attack any of my pasta's, and you will not be separated from your partner."  "Wait, so he's gonna have to follow me twenty-four/seven? But I have school!" He set you down carefully and you rubbed your arms. "He will watch from a distance." Am I that much of an idiot?  "Maybe." "What the-" "Telepathy." "Ok.." "You are dismissed. Be gone."

Once you exited his office, you saw Liu walking away and sneaked up on him, slapping the back of his head. "Ow- what the-" He turned around and saw an angry (Y/n). "Why didn't you tell me you lived in a mansion with a pale-ass faceless dude!" "I actually don't, he made me move back here because I chose someone!" You slapped his head again. "Ow- stop-" You began walking away and yelled; "Not until you quit hiding things from me!" And then you gave him the middle finger.

                                       - - - School, Lunch 12:20 - - -

 You threw away your tray and sat back at the table with your friends. "(Y-y/n), can I talk to you?" Maybelle asked, looking up at you. "Uh, sure?" She stood up from the table and led you outside of the cafeteria, and turned to look at you. "What did you wanna talk about?" You asked, worried. She sighed. "Do you really t-trust him?" She asked while looking straight into your eyes. "What the- of course I trust him!"

As you two argued, you didn't seem to notice the pair of eyes on the two of you. "Please drop it." You said, avoiding her gaze. She raised her voice. "(Y/n), please listen! I don't trust him! Why can't you understand that he could kill you!?" You widened your eyes when she said 'kill'you', but she didn't seem to notice that she said it too loudly.

You closed your eyes, and started to walk away. She grabbed your arm. "Please let go of my arm." "No! I'm tired of you getting hurt and me not knowing!" You turned around to face her. "Have you noticed that you're being a little overprotective!?" You raised your voice at her and narrowed your eyes.

You regretted raising your voice and was shocked at what she did next. She slapped you. She turned around and stomped back towards the cafeteria, not even sparing a glance. You rubbed your cheek and walked away, not looking back.

                                     - - - After School, 2:10 - - -

You decided to take a shortcut home through the forest, not realizing you were being followed until you noticed another pair of footsteps trying to match up with your steps. You stopped walking and faked a step, hearing a crunch. You ran in and out through trees, trying your best to lose them.

You heard them whistle, and three more footsteps were heard. "Our master wants them alive! Corner them!" In an instant they surrounded you, leaving you cornered. "Back off!" You yelled, drawing out your switchblade. They didn't answer and closed in on you, and one nodded their head to their group-mate. 

He leaped at you but you dodged, slicing his shoulder with the switchblade. The other one ran at you and tackled you, but he was unlucky since he landed on your switchblade, piercing through his heart. He went limp on you, and you had trouble getting him off of you, but you eventually pushed him off. "Scott, no!" The female growled, aiming her dagger at your arm and throwing, successfully piercing your arm. You cursed as you pulled it out, drawing blood.

You threw it back at her, aiming for her head, not paying attention to the fourth one going behind you. The dagger missed her head and hit a tree, and she went over to it still facing you, and pulled it out of the tree.

The fourth one tackled you, gripping your wrists harshly. You yelled out and squirmed, trying to get him off of you, but to no avail. He bound your wrists and pulled you up by the back of your shirt. "Zal-" You kicked him where the sun don't shine with your heel, him bending over and dropping his hold on your shirt. "Dammit. Lei, Daniel, get them." Your eyes widened. "D-Daniel?" He didn't respond and charged at you.

You kicked him sending him backwards, and struggled with your bonds. You went over to your switchblade and picked it up, cutting the ropes. Once they fell off, you swung at Lei, cutting her arm. Four more emerged from the trees, heading straight for you. You cut open one of their necks, killing them instantly. Lei retreated in a heap of black mist, and Daniel ran towards you again, swinging at your cheek and cutting it. You winced and returned the blow, but on his chest. There was another pair of footsteps, and they instantly turned into running. You were busy dealing with your attackers to notice it, though. 

One of them swiped at your torso, face, and neck, but you stepped backwards everytime they swiped. You kicked their knife out of their hands, and stabbed them through their neck. Four more.. One pushed you up against the tree, and started carving a weird symbol into it. "Zalgo!" The tree started cracking. 

He threw you to the ground and held you down, pinning your arms at your sides. You gritted your teeth at the amount of pressure he was applying, and noticed Liu carving over the symbol. You kept your gaze on your attacker, and the cracking stopped.

"What the- you!?" "Yes, it's me. you have a problem with that?" Liu said, smirking. "Now I advise you get off my friend or things will get bloody." Your attacker yanked you up and put a knife to your throat. "And I advise you back down or your 'friend' will get murdered." He said, pointing it closer to your neck.

You stomped on his foot causing him to yell out, and he shoved you to the floor. He ran at you but Liu aimed his knife at his neck and sliced, nearly chopping his head off. He fell onto the floor, dead. The three remaining charged at the both of you, one coming from behind Liu and the other two trying to grab you. "Wait, where's the third one?" Liu asked, looking around. You swiped at the two's arms, cutting them wide open. You turned to face Liu. "Liu, look out!"

Once Liu turned around, he swiped but the attacker dodged and stabbed his side, leaving a deep gash. "Liu!" Liu yelled out and threw his knife at his attacker, stabbing his forehead and killing him. He walked over to him and ripped out his knife, turning towards you. You dodged another blow and stabbed one of the two's chests, killing them. The other one attempted to headlock you, but you dodged and Liu threw his knife at his chest.

You both were a panting mess, Liu's side bleeding out as well as your arm. Liu walked over to a tree while clutching his side, and carved a circle and an 'x' in the middle of it into the tree. The tree started cracking, and the tall face-less dude emerged from it. Liu's eyes closed and he fell onto his uninjured side, motionless.