
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 47 Taking Advantage of Yuan Shanshan

Looking at Yuan Shanshan throwing herself into his arms.

  Although the beautiful woman was trying to vent her fear and grievances, unable to control herself jumped into his arms.

  But in line with the principle of people not taking advantage is a bastard.

  Li Xing directly hugged the beauty in his arms.

  One hand patted her back and the other gently caressed her buttocks.

  Li Xing put his mouth close to the beauty's ear and whispered: "Be good, don't be afraid. I'm here. You are safe now. Don't be afraid. I will take you back. You can meet your mother tonight." Yes."

  Li Xing comforted the beauty while taking advantage and caressing her soft and smooth wet buttocks.

  Yuan Shanshan cried on Li Xing's shoulder for 10 minutes.

  Only then did I vent out all the fears, grievances, and emotions that had been suppressed in my heart for more than half a month?

  After calming down and returning to her rationality, Yuan Shanshan realized that she was actually in the arms of a strange man.

  Moreover, Yuan Shanshan felt a big hand gently caressing her back and sweaty buttocks.

  A strange feeling rose from the bottom of her heart.

  Yuan Shanshan suddenly left Li Xing's arms like a frightened rabbit.

  Seeing the warm touch leave his palm, Li Xing felt a little regretful.

  Looking at the blushing beauty in front of him, so beautiful attracting the attention of men everywhere.

  Yuan Shanshan blushed, feeling that the man in front of her was looking at her fieryly.

  At this time, she took a closer look and found that she was only wearing a set of underwear, and all the beauty of her body was seen by the man in front of her.

  Yuan Shanshan exclaimed, immediately picked up the clothes on the bed next to her and put them on her body. After putting them on, she looked at Li Xing in front of her with a blushing face.

  Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him has been blocked by clothes.

  Li Xing reluctantly withdrew his gaze from the two buns.

  Looking at Yuan Shanshan in front of him, he said: "The thing is. Your mother sent me here. And the rest of the situation? After you come back with me, you can talk to your mother yourself and she will tell you." "Now.

  " I'm going to take you to the canteen and leave with the survivors there, back to the community where I currently live, which is also your home community." "Do you

  have anything to bring? Pack it up quickly."

  This is to say to acquaintances In other words, it's preferential treatment for beautiful women.

  Like those people Li Xing saved before, he opened the space door and let them in after saying a few words to them.

  He even asked them to pack their things and sent them away without even saying much to them.

  Yuan Shanshan listened to Li Xing's words.

  She immediately picked up the backpack she had prepared earlier.

  The backpack was filled with some leftover snacks. Yuan Shanshan randomly grabbed two pieces of clothes and a mobile phone and put them in the bag. She pulled up the backpack and came to Li Xing.

  "How are we going to go? There are so many zombies outside." "

  My power is to open a space door in the air, and I can teleport to wherever I want." "

  So you don't have to worry about those zombies outside, those zombies There is no threat to me."

  Li Xing showed off his strength in front of Yuan Shanshan without leaving any trace.

  Sure enough, I heard that Li Xing has such a convenient ability. This ability can be said to be standard in the apocalypse.

  Yuan Shanshan looked at Li Xing with a feeling of admiration.

  Li Xing pushed his hand into the air, and the space door appeared. When he opened the door, the cafeteria was on the other side.

  After the people in the cafeteria left Li Xing, they saw one person after another being teleported by Li Xing.

  Now that the space door is open, I know that someone must have teleported here again.

  The only person who came out was Li Xing, and then a beautiful woman walked out.

  Zhang Hu, Wang Shuai and others immediately recognized Yuan Shanshan.

  "She's the school beauty. I didn't expect that the school beauty is still in the dormitory."

  Yuan Shanshan seems to be quite famous in the school. Among the survivors, many people made comments when they saw Yuan Shanshan.

  When Li Xing heard the word "campus beauty", he turned around and looked at Yuan Shanshan.

  "With this girl's looks and figure, she can be the school beauty."

  Li Xing came to Jia Ling and Chen Guanglei.

  "How is it going? Have you made arrangements? Are you ready to leave?" "

  We are all ready and can leave at any time. I have already told them the situation." "

  Okay, then. We can leave now."

  "By the way, I almost forgot. You'd better bring some food here. There are more people here. Even if there is food in the community where I live, it may not be enough. ."

  "You happen to have some here now. Just bring a few days worth of rations with you. When you settle down, you should be able to go out and find other food." "

  You go and inform them. I'll wait for you 5 more Minutes."

  "Also, after I open the space door later, you tell them to stay quiet and pass through the space door quickly." "

  Don't make any noise when you get to the other side. It will take two transfers to return to the community where I live. "

  I chose two places for the transfer station in the middle."

  "The first one is a KTV. They haven't opened yet in the morning. There are only a few zombies inside. After I got rid of them, there should be no other zombies in there after that." ."

  "The second transfer station is an underground parking lot."

  "There were zombies inside before, but I took care of them all. Now I don't know if there is any remaining." "

  So try not to make any big noise. then There should be no problem if you go faster."

  After Li Xing finished speaking, he waved to Jia Ling and Chen Guanglei, asking them to inform others.

  Then he came to Yuan Shanshan.

  "It seems that you are quite famous in your school. I think I heard them calling you the school beauty." "

  Mr. Li, these are all nonsense they talk about when they are bored. I have never admitted that I am the school beauty."

  Yuan Shanshan blushed When she heard Li Xing say that she was the school beauty, she quickly denied it.

  "Don't call me Mr. Li. Your mother is helping me work now."

  "You and I are considered acquaintances. You can call me Brother Xing from now on." Li Xing looked at Yuan Shanshan and said.

  When Yuan Shanshan heard Li Xing ask her to call him Brother Xing, she suddenly blushed and was embarrassed to speak.

  Li Xing looked at the beauty blushing without speaking.

  He immediately continued: "What's wrong? I came to such a dangerous place specifically to save you. What's wrong with asking you to call Brother Xing? Is it so difficult?" Li Xing said pretending to be angry


  After hearing what Li Xing said, Yuan Shanshan hurriedly said: "No, no."

  Then in Li Xing's expectant eyes, she whispered like a mosquito: "Don't be angry, I listen to you, Xing Ge." Li

  Xingg just wanted to tease Yuan Shanshan and was not angry.

  Seeing Yuan Shanshan lowering her head, he was afraid that she would be nervous.

  He quickly patted her head and said, "It's okay. I'm joking with you. Brother Xing won't be angry with you."

  Yuan Shanshan's face turned red even more when she was patted on the head by Li Xing. She felt as if her face was on fire.

  Since I was a child, I grew up dependent on my mother.

  Yuan Shanshan felt that her mother had worked hard to raise her, and she just wanted to study hard, graduate, and find a good job to repay her mother.

  So she focused on studying and has never had a boyfriend.

  Li Xing is a man who pats her on the head.

  Then she thought about how she was almost naked in front of him in the dormitory.

  She even threw herself into his arms and cried, and he even touched her back and buttocks with his hands.

  Thinking of these embarrassing scenes.

  Yuan Shanshan's face turned even redder as if she was about to bleed.

  Her heart was beating wildly.

  Looking at Li Xing in front of her, a strange emotion rose in Yuan Shanshan's heart.