
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 41 Breakout Personnel

Jia Ling felt that her whole body was full of strength, especially the strength of her arms and legs had become much stronger.

  Casting the power, the fingers turn into blades.

  There wasn't much change visible from the outside, but Jia Ling could feel that the blade her fingers turned into had become tougher, much stronger than before.

  Zhang Hu and the others who had awakened their fire powers began to use their abilities one after another. They saw that the flames on their hands were much stronger than before. Before, it was just a thin layer of flames, but now it was like a burning torch.

  Ma Da also used his powers and looked at the water ball condensed in his hand. Although it was much bigger than before, it was still a water ball. Ma Da didn't know what it could do.

  After everyone finished feeling it, they all looked at the remaining two crystal nuclei.

  Who should give these two crystal nuclei?

  Jia Ling also looked at the crystal nuclei. Now it is difficult to distribute the two crystal nuclei.

  "No matter who these two crystal cores are distributed to, everyone may think it is unfair." "

  So everyone listens to me, I will put these two crystal cores away first and keep them with me for the time being. Not, Giving it to anyone."

  "Now let's discuss how to break out." "

  To break out, someone must go out to check the situation outside. At that time, the crystal core will be assigned to those people who are willing to go out to check the situation. What do you think?"

  Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and they all think that Jia Ling's method is the most fair at present.

  After all, it was agreed before that the remaining crystal nuclei would be distributed to those who awakened their powers.

  Now that they have all divided, the remaining two crystal nuclei, no matter who they are given to, may cause other people to feel uncomfortable. It is better to give them to people who are willing to go out and inquire about the situation.

  "Okay, since no one objects, it's decided for now."

  "Do you have any good ideas? How to break out."

  "We can't stay here forever."

  "Although there is a lot of food here, there are 300 of us, the food here is enough for us to eat for more than a month." "

  And this is still the most ideal situation."

  "It's summer, and vegetables are not easy to store. Meat can be stored in the freezer for a longer time, but if there's a power outage, it won't be preserved." "And there's no telling when the power will go out." "


  News also said that they cannot rescue us and we can only rely on ourselves." "

  If we stay here all the time, no one will be able to rescue us. We can only rely on ourselves." "

  And no one can guarantee what those zombies will do. When will they find us?"

  "So we have to think of a breakout plan quickly. We can't wait until the food is gone or the zombies find us before we think of ways to escape. By then it will be too late." Jia Ling breathed out she talked a lot and analyzed various situations. In summary, I can't just sit here and wait for nothing. This is no different from waiting to die.

  At this time Wang Shuai said: "I think we should select some people from everyone in the cafeteria, and then go out together to check the situation outside." "For example,

  our student union can send out some people."

  "Those teachers and school staff We can also send out some people."

  "And their students can also send out some people." "

  At that time, we will form an expedition group and go out to check the situation. After

  Jia Ling heard Wang Shuai's words, she thought this method was the best. The only reasonable method that can be thought of at the moment.

  Going out to explore the road must be very dangerous.

  These people are only members of the student union, not people from the public security station.

  We are not obliged to take the lead in the charge, we must all work together.

  Now these people in their student union can be treated as a team.

  Then those people outside also need to select some people to go out with them to check the situation.

  So Jia Ling said: "What do you think of what Wang Shuai said? I think Wang Shuai's proposal is very good." "There are

  some people from our student union, and there are students, teachers, and some staff outside." "

  Each one selects some people to come out with us. I think this method is the most appropriate method at present. Do you agree?" Everyone thought about it carefully, and the method Wang Shuai said was indeed the


  If they want to go out to investigate, someone from their student union must go out.

  But if their people go out entirely, everyone will feel uncomfortable.

  No one would give so selflessly, especially when life is threatened.

  So I will pick some other people, and each of them will be represented.

  When the time comes, it will be fair and equitable, and everyone will have someone to stand up and go out to explore the way, and this will be decent.

  So everyone nodded in agreement.

  Jia Ling saw that everyone agreed with Wang Shuai's proposal and then said: "Then let's choose the people who want to leave the student union."

  "Count me in as the person who leaves," Wang Shuai raised his hand.

  The method was proposed by him, but Wang Shuai felt that the method he proposed could not be justified if he did not go out.

  Jia Ling glanced at Wang Shuai and said, "Count me in, I'll go out too." "

  She thought the student union was going out, so it would be good if there were three of them." "

  At that time, the faculty, staff, and students, ask each of them to come up with one Just come out."

  "By then, there will be a total of five of us going out. It should be fine." "

  After all, we are just going to explore the road. There are so many zombies outside. If we are discovered, there will be fewer people and it will be easier to escape." "

  If there are more people, maybe There will be a lot of other troubles."

  "What do you think?"

  At this time, Zhang Hu came out and said, "Then I will be the last one." "

  Okay, it will be just the three of us."

  "It will take a while. Wait for the people outside to choose the other two people."

  "I think we should give these two crystal nuclei to them." "

  If we go out to explore the road, we will risk our lives to explore the road for everyone." "

  I don't think we should care about the gains and losses of these crystal nuclei."

  "Give these two crystal nuclei to the two of them, and they will be able to run faster by then, and the chance of saving their lives will be greatly improved."

  Hearing Jia Ling say this, what Jia Ling said makes sense.

  Those who go out to explore the path must be risking their lives if they care about these two crystal nuclei.

  It seemed that they were too ignorant, so no one said anything else.

  "Okay, that's it. I'll go out and discuss it with them."

  However, Jia Ling felt that even if someone was chosen, they would have to wait a few more days before taking action.

  It's still too risky to go out now.

  You should wait until you are familiar with your own body first, because of the changes brought about by strengthening.

  Get familiar with it for a few days and be fully prepared before going out.

  But it's too early to talk about this now. Let's select the people first, then give them the crystal cores, and then talk about this after they are strengthened.

  Jia Ling led everyone to open the box and came to the teachers and students who had escaped.

  The students and teachers here are also very interested in Jia Ling's changes after taking the crystal core in the box.

  Seeing them coming here, they all looked at them, wanting to see what they had to say.

  Jia Ling came directly to a middle-aged man in the crowd.

  "Director Chen, you have the highest position among the survivors in the school now. Can you represent the faculty and staff here?" The

  man Jia Ling calls Director Chen wears glasses, is 180cm tall, and is a little fat. Director Chen's real name is Chen Guanglei, and he is the director of the school's Academic Affairs Office.

  He has the highest position among the faculty and staff who went to the cafeteria.

  Get rid of these student unions and kitchen people in the cafeteria.

  A total of 270 people fled here.

  There are 15 teachers and 4 school staff.

  Including him as the dean, there are a total of 20 faculty members here, and the remaining 250 are students.