
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 4 A feast

After searching the room carefully, Li Xing found that there was plenty of food in the room. There were rice and noodles in the kitchen, and there were plenty of eggs, meat, and vegetables in the refrigerator.

  Since there was no power outage, the vegetables were probably a little wilted, but the rest were in pretty good condition.

  It's enough food for two people for four or five days, and it's enough food for one person for a week no matter what. It's probably the food the couple just purchased.

  Looking at the layout of the room, Li Xing found that this home was much better than his own. The furniture, beds, and kitchen were all much better than his own.

  So Li Xing decided to stay in this house temporarily until the food was finished and then change places.

  "The priority now is to make a full meal first. I am almost starving to death."

  Li Xing came to the kitchen, took out the meat, cut some lean pork shreds, then took some rice and put it in the rice cooker, put some water to cook the shredded pork porridge, and pressed the switch to let the porridge cook there.

  Li Xing closed all the windows in the house, drew the curtains, went to the sofa in the living room, and waited quietly. About a quarter of an hour later, when the porridge was ready, Li Xing directly brought the pot to the table, picked up a spoon and stirred it. After stirring and blowing with his mouth, he started to eat. After half a pot of porridge, he finally recovered.

  Li Xing lay on the sofa and rested for a while. He took out his mobile phone and checked various information on the Internet. Before, he was worried and scared because of his poor mental quality. In those days, he was confused and didn't read much news, and he didn't have much exposure to the outside world. learn.

  Now I have to take advantage of the fact that the Internet is still connected and quickly check what is going on in the outside world.

  Open the WeChat classmate group. From the outbreak of the apocalypse to now, there is a fixed number of people sending messages every day. Only four people in the group of 30 people have sent messages, and the others have not sent messages. The rest I don't know if the person ignored it like the original person, or if he has died.

  After looking at the four people who sent the message, only one named Wei Shou caught Li Xing's attention. Li Xing and him were in the same dormitory, and the remaining three Li Xing didn't have much interaction with them when they were in school.

  Li Xing carefully browsed the messages in the group. Of the four people in the group who had sent messages, only Wei Shou continued to send messages since yesterday.

  Wei Shou is also in Su City like Li Xing, but although he is in the same city, it is a bit far away. He is in another district.

  Wei Shou posted a lot of messages in the group. He said that he was now trapped in an office in the building where he worked.

  Li Xing paid special attention to him, not only because they were in the same dormitory when they were in school, but also because after graduation, when he heard that Li Xing had no job at home, he also introduced Li Xing to their company to work with him, but Li Xing just wanted to stay at home, so he didn't agree.

  He should be doing well now and has an independent office. In the message he sent, he said that he was in the office when the virus broke out. When he heard people shouting on the street and in the office outside, he did not dare to go out immediately.

  He looked downstairs from the window and saw chaos everywhere on the street. He heard people shouting outside the office. He quickly moved the table and blocked the door. Besides, their company sells food. , so there are several boxes of food in his office and several buckets of water in the water dispenser, so he is lucky to have survived to this point.

  He said that he called the police station countless times, but was unable to get through. He also took many pictures of the street outside and sent them to the group. In the pictures, various cars collided with each other and many people were lying on the ground. On the ground, bitten blood splattered everywhere.

  He sent messages to everyone in the group, but only three people responded to him. In the first few days, they were the ones sending messages and communicating with each other. However, starting from the day before yesterday, some of the three classmates stopped responding to him.

  So far, no one has responded to him. It is estimated that either the phone is broken or someone has hung up, but the chance of hanging up should be relatively high.

  Li Xing looked at the messages sent by the three classmates. One of them was in another city in Dongda District, far away from Su City. He said that their place was also in chaos. He was in a hotel and there was nothing in the room. The food won't last long.

  Li Xing guessed that he had gone out to look for food. Since he didn't reply, he probably died.

  The other two classmates were in the Western District. they said that the virus outbreak was there at ten o'clock in the evening, which was the peak period of nightlife, so there was chaos everywhere. They were both in rented houses, but they didn't have the habit of storing food, and there was nothing edible at home.

  Li Xing guessed that there was a high probability that they would be gone. Among the remaining classmates, there should be very few people like Li Xing who did not reply to messages. There was a high probability that they were directly infected with the mutation or were attacked.

  Next, Li Xing read a lot of news. Although the news had stopped on the first day of the virus outbreak, it still gave Li Xing a general idea of ​​the situation in the outside world.

  It is truly the end of the world. The previous harmonious society and happy life are gone forever. The federal government is no longer reliable, and now we can only rely on ourselves.

  In the previous society, welfare benefits in all aspects were abundant, there was no big competition, and everyone lived a happy life, which completely suppressed and hid the dark side of human nature.

  Now is the end of the world, and the federal government has ceased to exist in name only. The happy life has been shattered. Now if you want to live in this end of the world, you are about to face various dangers.

  Zombies and zombie animals infected by the virus, as well as humans, animals and zombies, may awaken various abilities after strengthening.

  Today's world is full of dangers. The scenes of good-will communication between people in the past are probably gone.

  To survive in the future, there will be all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, betrayal and plotting. This is human nature!

  "So I must be cautious, cautious, and more cautious. I will take a good rest today and take it easy. Starting tomorrow, I will exercise my body and use my abilities. I must open and close doors quickly, enter and leave the door quickly, and at the same time, try my best to Expand the space inside the door, and stay in the space inside the door as long as possible." It

  was dark, Li Xing did not dare to turn on the lights, the curtains had been closed before, and with the faint light of the mobile phone screen, Li Xing steamed cooked rice, cut some meat, and made a plate of braised pork.

  Braised pork mixed with rice, I had a delicious meal. I lay on the sofa and took out my mobile phone while eating. By the way, I don't have to worry about the battery. I have several large power banks at home. What otaku are most afraid of is a power outage. The original power bank has been charged for a long time. Even if there is a power outage now, it will be enough to use the phone for a long time.

  I opened some software on my phone and entered several forums I frequently visit. News updates have stopped, and several forums cannot be opened. It is probably because the server is broken, but some forums can still be opened normally, and there are still many netizens. There were messages sent inside, all of which were asking for help, giving money, and promising to save them. Various conditions tempted people to save them, but very few responded to them, and even those who did respond were useless. nonsense.

  At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Xing went into the bedroom to sleep. He will start exercising tomorrow and strive for a happy life as a homeboy(Otaku) in the future.