
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 28 Women’s Requests

  Li Xing took Chen Min directly back to his residence on the 8th floor.

  After returning to the room, Li Xing sat on the sofa.

  Wang Yun has already started working in the kitchen.

  After hearing the movement in the living room, Wang Yun also came out to take a look.

  After seeing Li Xing, he asked: "Boss, will the meal be served on time at noon?"

  Li Xing looked at the time: "It will be noon soon, and I am indeed hungry."

  So Li Xing said, "The meal will be served on time."

  " Okay, boss. " "After saying that, Wang Yun returned to the kitchen and continued to work.

  Because there were a lot of things this morning, the people Chen Min selected have not yet been shown to Wang Yun.

  I plan to ask Wang Yun to take a look when I have time. The person who was selected, Is it suitable?

  Seeing Wang Yun leave, Li Xing said to Chen Min: "Tell me how many people have awakened their powers, and have they awakened any special powers? "

  Chen Min immediately got into work mode after hearing the boss's question.

  "Boss, out of 150 people, there are 30 people who have awakened their powers. "

  "10 women and 20 men. "

  "Twelve people have awakened firepower, 14 have awakened water power, two have awakened ice power, one has awakened wood power, and one has awakened Metal power. "

  "Besides me, the other person with ice powers is Li Dan.

  The person who awakened the wood power was my assistant Xu Li.

  The person who awakened the metal power is Xu Liang. "

  Li Xing was a little surprised when Chen Min said that Li Dan had awakened the ice power. Li Xing

  gave Li Dan the crystal core purely to strengthen her physique.

  As for whether she has awakened the power, it doesn't matter to Li Xing.

  Li Xing's requirements for his woman are nothing more than two things.

  First of all, it must be beautiful.

  The second point is to satisfy yourself and serve yourself well.

  As for what this woman is thinking.

  Or what are her abilities?

  Aware of awakening supernatural powers.

  These are not important to Li Xing.

  The important thing is that she can arouse Li Xing's interest.

  Just like when Li Dan met Li Xing for the first time,  she gave Li Xing a provocative look.

  If a woman behaves like this, she its not fall in love with Li Xing at first sight.

  Li Xing is not narcissistic enough yet.

  Li Dan must have her purpose in doing this.

  But Li Xing won't think about it carefully and explore what her purpose is.

  Li Xing only needs to see what Li Dan has.

  As long as Li Dan's appearance can attract her and make her interested in her, she will take good care of her.

  So even if Li Dan has any ideas or goals, as long as she puts them forward, Li Xing can satisfy her.

  So Li Xing will not guess what a woman is thinking.

  Only weak people care about what others think.

  A strong person will only let people do things according to his ideas.

  Instead of trying to figure out other people's psychology.

  But it's also a good thing that Li Dan has awakened her abilities.

  After all, superpowers are something that everyone dreams of, so having them is better than nothing.

  Li Dan awakened her superpower, which was the icing on the cake.

  When Li Xing was thinking about Li Dan.

  Chen Min continued to report on her work: "Boss, people who have awakened fire powers can currently ignite flames in their hands." "

  People who have awakened water powers can currently condense water balls through their palms."

  "Awakening People with wood powers can grow a one-meter vine from their hands, and can freely control the vine. The toughness of the vine is similar to that of ordinary ropes." "Xu Liang, who has awakened metal powers, lets his arms

  grow Transformed into various metal weapons, he can now turn his fingers into blades."

  "Boss, my work report is finished."

  Li Xing listened to Chen Min's report.

  I found that the ones worthy of my attention were Xu Liang and Xu Li.

  The abilities awakened by the two of them are quite special.

  Xu Liang's superpower can turn his arms into metal weapons, which look very powerful.

  Isn't this equivalent to two iron hands? If you continue to strengthen it, it may be possible to reach the point of being invincible.

  And his abilities are somewhat similar to his own.

  Xu Liang's arms can be transformed into various metal weapons.

  When it turns into a metal weapon, it has defensive power as well as offensive power.

  But he only has two arms to transform.

  Elsewhere there is also flesh and blood.

  And my superpowers also fall within the scope of metal superpowers.

  But it is specifically defensive.

  And it's a whole-body defence.

  Although he doesn't focus on attack, it is what he needs most.

  Moreover, his level of evolution is many times higher than that of Xu Liang.

  If Xu Liang attacks me with his supernatural weapon, it shouldn't even be able to break my skin.

  Therefore, Xu Liang's superpower only made Li Xing pay a little attention.

  Xu Li's wood power can grow a vine from her hand.

  It can also be controlled freely, which seems to be quite useful.

  The room for development seems to be better than that of water-based artists.

  Among the currently awakened powers.

  There is no need to say much about the attack power of fire-type abilities.

  The ice artist's attack power is also okay.

  This wood-type ability seems to be okay so far.

  Not to mention Xu Liang's metal-type abilities.

  This is the only water artist whose attack power prospects are not very good at the moment.

  Maybe in the future, as the intensity of evolution increases, there will be development!

  Li Xing is still thinking about things.

  Wang Yun came out at this time.

  "Boss, you can start dinner now."

  Li Xing looked at the clock on the wall. It was noon.

  "Okay, let's start the meal. You serve the food.

  Chen Min, please come and eat with me."

  "Okay boss," Chen Min sat down immediately.

  The same dishes were brought out by Wang Yun.

  Braised pork, boiled fish, a large plate of chicken, fried chicken with chilli, pickled fish, roasted pork with radish, fried beef with garlic sprouts, hand-shredded cabbage, green pepper and potato shreds, seaweed and egg drop soup.

  Ten dishes and one soup are all home-cooked.

  But a chef is a chef.

  Even ordinary ingredients and the simplest home-cooked dishes can be made out of the ordinary, and the difference from ordinary people can be seen at a glance.

  There are many dishes in it, and Li Xing has cooked them before.

  However, not to mention the taste, the appearance alone is far behind others.

  Not to mention, smelling this tempting fragrance, you know that it is a delicacy with all colours, flavours and tastes.

  Originally, Wang Yun had prepared liquor, but Li Xing directly told her not to take it. After all, he had something to do in the afternoon, and it would be bad if he got drunk and missed something.

  Let's talk about it later when we are free.

  When he started eating, he could tell by the smell that it was delicious. feeling better after eating it.

  What he did was simply incomparable to what he saw in front of him.

  After a meal, all the dishes were eaten in a blink of an eye.

  Li Xing put down his chopsticks.

  At this time, Wang Yun brought another cup of tea from the kitchen.

  "Boss, this is the fine tea I found in the small room. Please taste it."

  Li Xing took it and saw the green tea leaves floating in the water.

  Li Xing couldn't tell whether the tea was good or bad.

  But it smells really good.

  After taking two sips, it was indeed different from the inferior tea I had drank before.

  Sure enough, most things are indeed expensive.

  Even ordinary people who don't understand this difference can tell the difference between good and bad at once after coming into contact with it.

  I drank two sips of tea.

  After Wang Yun and Chen Min cleared the table.

  Wang Yun left, and Chen Min came to Li Xing to take orders.

  At this time, Li Xing said to Chen Min: "Please record it. From now on, those children will continue to be taken care of by Zhang Jia and Sister Zhou."

  "Zhang Jia and Sister Zhou are the two women who came with those children.

  The young one is called Zhang Jia, and the middle-aged one is Sister Zhou."

  "You record it. I will give it to you when I get the crystal core later, and then you can give it to them.

  Sister Zhou will be responsible for the food of those children."

  "Zhang Jia still does her job in the kindergarten, managing those children.

  Tell Zhang Jia that the management of those children must be stricter for the time being."

  "Don't let them make too much noise to prevent attracting zombies from outside.

  The specific arrangements for those children will be discussed later after a new safe base is found."

  " And you should notify them later and ask them to bring their weapons when they gather at 2:00.

  It is best to find some protective equipment to wear on yourself, and you can also wear more clothes." "

  In the afternoon, the space door to the kindergarten will be opened.

  There are about 100 zombies in the kindergarten."

  "90% are zombies mutated by children.

  These are for them to practice." "

  Except for those who have been assigned other work, Everyone has to go.

  Whether they are in a team or alone, they have to go to the kindergarten to hunt zombies." "

  Also, because this is the first time they face zombies, I will take action when their life is in danger and Rescue them."

  "But I am only one person, and there are things I cannot control.

  So it is up to them to be cautious. If I am not able to rescue them in time, I can only let them resign themselves to their fate."