
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 22

There were also some people around Li Dan.

  Compared with yesterday, Li Dan dressed up especially today, as if she were a different person.

  Her black hair was tied into a ponytail and fell on her shoulders, and she had an oval face with light makeup.

  At 21 years old, her skin is white, tender and shiny.

  The lips were painted with light red lipstick, which was pure yet seductive.

  The upper body is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, and the pigeon stands upright under the short-sleeved shirt.

  Wearing a pair of slim-fitting jeans.

  Wrapped in jeans, her beautiful figure is visible.

  The slender legs are tight and strong, and the buttocks are round and attractive.

  Li Dan's appearance, which was specially dressed up today, has improved a lot and is now on par with her appearance during the previous online broadcast.

  Beautiful women never lack followers.

  And like Li Dan, a particularly outstanding beauty is surrounded by many people.

  There are people with all kinds of intentions.

  Some people do it because they admire beautiful women.

  Some people can attract the attention of others and have more opportunities to get various opportunities because they hang out with outstanding people.

  But more people think that with Li Dan's outstanding appearance, it is very likely that he will attract Li Xing's attention.

  Everyone has a love for beauty, even an ordinary man has a pursuit of beauty.

  Not to mention a capable and powerful man.

  Beauty is definitely what such a man wants to have.

  And with Li Dan's appearance, the possibility of being chosen by Li Xing is very high.

  So they all wanted to leave a good impression in front of Li Dan in advance and become familiar with him.

  If you can make friends with Li Dan in advance, be remembered by her or become friends with her.

  When Li Dan is attracted by Li Xing, if Li Dan blows a little pillow wind, they may have a chance to save their lives at the end of the world.

  Li Dan's thoughts at this time were all focused on Li Xing.

  She put so much effort into dressing up today because of Li Xing.

  Li Dan is a smart woman.

  She is 21 years old and has not had a boyfriend yet.

  It's not that no one is pursuing her.

  Many people are pursuing her.

  Since junior high school, many people have been pursuing her.

  After going to college, more people pursued her.

  But the fundamental reason why she still didn't agree to anyone's pursuit

  was that Li Dan looked down on these suitors.

  Among these suitors, some are handsome, some are rich, and some are both rich and handsome.

  But they are still far from Li Dan's goal.

  Li Dan's dream is to marry into a wealthy family.

  Li Dan had this idea because of a news he read in junior high school.

  Xu Yingying is the daughter-in-law of a billionaire family.

  Xu Yingying was originally just a girl from an ordinary family.

  It's just that she was very good-looking and then entered the entertainment industry.

  After Xu Yingying became popular, she came into contact with upper-class society and was spotted by a wealthy second generation at a cocktail party.

  The second generation of a wealthy family fell in love with her at first sight and insisted on marrying her despite family opposition.

  After that, Xu Yingying transformed from a girl from an ordinary family to the daughter-in-law of a billionaire family.

  From then on, Xu Yingying quit the entertainment industry and lived the life of a wealthy wife.

  Every time news came out after that, there were photos of him visiting some high-end clubs and interacting with celebrities from all walks of life.

  In the photo, Xu Yingying remains as beautiful as ever, with a strong aura, and the temperament of a wealthy daughter-in-law is fully revealed.

  After Li Dan saw Xu Yingying's life experience.

  She regarded Xu Yingying as her role model in life.

  She also wanted to live like Xu Yingying.

  Therefore, Li Dan has had a very clear plan for her life since junior high school.

  She knew her appearance was outstanding.

  Girls develop very quickly. They are very beautiful when they are in junior high school, and they will only become more beautiful when they grow up.

  So Li Dan is confident in her appearance.

  Xu Yingying can do it, and so can I, Li Dan.

  So after having the goal of becoming successful like Xu Yingying.

  Li Dan naturally looked down upon ordinary suitors.

  Li Dan was admitted to Suzhou University of Communication, and she also wanted to enter the entertainment industry.

  However, after going to college and getting exposed to the entertainment industry, Li Dan realized that entering the entertainment industry is not something you can get into just because you want to.

  Li Dan has no background.

  It is difficult for people without background to enter the entertainment industry without paying the price.

  And this price is Li Dan's body.

  But for Li Dan, her body is her biggest capital, how could she hand it over so easily?

  Therefore, Li Dan's plan to enter the entertainment industry has never been successful.

  However, Li Dan has never changed her goal of becoming the second Xu Yingying.

  Since the entertainment industry is not easy to get into.

  Then we can only settle for the next best thing and enter the live broadcast circle.

  The live-streaming circle has also slowly developed in the past two years.

  Some Internet celebrities can also rival celebrities in terms of popularity.

  Some Internet celebrities are even more famous than celebrities.

  Moreover, the threshold for entry into the live-streaming industry is relatively low.

  So Li Dan decided to achieve the effect of becoming famous through the live broadcast circle.

  Li Dan had been preparing for a long time, and it was not until more than two months ago that Li Dan officially started live broadcasting on the Internet.

  Li Dan does have enough knowledge about her appearance.

  With her looks, she wears something a little sexier.

  Just over a month has passed.

  Li Dan slowly became popular on the Internet.

  But who could have imagined that the end of the world would come so suddenly?

  The day the apocalypse broke out.

  Li Dan is resting at home.

  Li Dan was woken up by the screams.

  When Li Dan woke up, she only heard screams everywhere outside.

  When she came to the window and saw the scene outside. The community was full of zombies biting people.

  Li Dan was so frightened that she was paralyzed.

  The call to the police station was unreachable.

  When I called home, no one answered either the cell phone or the landline.

  Li Dan knew that her parents were probably in trouble.

  In this way, Li Dan hid in the house alone for half a month.

  Because it is often broadcast live at home.

  So we prepared a lot of food at home, but after half a month, there was not much food at home.

  Originally, Li Dan was already desperate for the future.

  Prepare to commit suicide after eating the food.

  But just then, Li Xing appeared.

  He cleared all the zombies in the community alone.

  He has awakened his powers and is what the federal news calls an awakened person.

  His awakened powers are very powerful.

  At this end of the world, such a powerful man appeared in front of her.

  Li Dan assessed Li Xing's value immediately.

  She wants to take down this man.

  This man is the top wealthy family in the apocalypse.

  So yesterday in the property hall, Li Dan teased Li Xing with her eyes several times, hoping to attract Li Xing's attention.

  But Li Xing didn't respond to her.

  Li Dan was a little surprised. Li Xing had such high standards. He couldn even look down on her appearance.

  "He doesn't like me, so what should I do?"

  "And the skills I learned in school, such as singing, dancing, acting, and broadcasting,

  seem to be useless in the apocalypse.

  Do I want to go out and hunt? Zombies?"

  Thinking of the hideous zombies, Li Dan was extremely frightened.

  "I can't do it."

  With an uneasy mood, Li Dan finished registering the information in panic.

  Li Dan returned to her house to pack her luggage and choose a new dress.

  I went out with everyone again and went to the community to pick up the crystal core in the brain.

  Looking at the ferocious zombie faces.

  Li Dan mustered up all her courage and made up her mind for a long time before she managed to cut open an old man.

  Go back to your living room at night.

  Li Dan came to the bathroom to wash up.

  Looking at her face in the mirror, Li Dan suddenly froze.

  The person in the mirror has disheveled hair .

  Li Dan remembered that she had not washed or combed her hair since the zombie outbreak.

  Although there is no shortage of food, she has been frightened every day for half a month.

  So she looked very bad and had no makeup on.

  Therefore, although she still look prettier than the average girl in this town.

  But she's not that much prettier. Li Dan thinks it must be because her current appearance looks so bad.

  That's why Li Xing didn't take a fancy to herself.

  As long as she looks better, dresses up, and returns to her normal appearance, Li Xing will be attracted to him.

  Li Dan's confidence is back.

  Li Dan regained her composure.

  After washing up and eating something, I immediately went back to bed and forced myself to sleep as soon as possible.

  When you get up tomorrow, you must dress up well so that a brand new self can appear in front of Li Xing.

  It will make Li Xing's eyes light up.