
Homeboy in the Apocalypse

Li Xing was transmigrated into a post-apocalyptic world, relying on the power of the devil fruit. He had no big ambitions and just wanted to enjoy life and continue to stay at home. Of course, he used to be a poor Otaku at home, but now he wants to stay at home comfortably, for the sake of being comfortable in the future. To enjoy life, Li Xing is on his way to creating a company (power), recruiting employees (subordinates), developing the company step by step, and then letting the company support him to enjoy a luxurious life as an Otaku at the end of the world. # (chances of random overpowered zombies are very low .rational zombie growth as much as possible). # There may be some erotica in the later chapters only suitable for 18+

Red_tomatoes · Urbain
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65 Chs

Chapter 10 Li Xing makes his debut

  Just when Li Xing was taking a nap.

  The survivors who had been notified by Li Xing carefully opened their doors one by one.

  After trembling with fear all the way, I finally arrived downstairs.

  Looking at the zombie heads on the ground, although everyone has almost read the news released by the federation, they know that the crystal core is in the head, and they also know that after obtaining the crystal core, they can strengthen their physique and have the opportunity to awaken their superpowers.

  But no one dared to move. They were all shocked by Li Xing's ability to open the door and disappear out of thin air.

  Seeing the corpses of zombies all over the floor in the community, and the zombies in the room upstairs, their bodies separated, Li Xing quietly eliminating them.

  The death of these zombies all shows the power of Li Xing, especially those who saw how the zombies were beheaded, they know more clearly how powerful Li Xing is.

  Therefore, even those who are cautious in their hearts do not dare to take action at the moment, because even if they get the crystal core and are lucky enough to awaken the power, they don't know whether the awakened power can defeat Li Xing.

  So taking the risk of offending Li Xian to touch these crystal nuclei is not worth the gain.

  The survivors were all cautious and did not dare to make any big noise. Although Li Xing said that all the zombies in the community had been cleaned up by him.

  After seeing Li Xing's mysterious and powerful abilities, they also believed Li Xing's words.

  But they also know that if there is movement in the community that attracts the attention of zombies, the zombies will be completely unable to be stopped by the walls in the community that are as tall as a person and the electric gate that is no taller than an adult.

  So they were cautious all the way, not daring to make any noise, and headed towards the property hall of Building 5. About an hour early, everyone had already arrived at the property hall.

  No one would stupidly wait until two o'clock to come. After being worried for half a month, they finally had hope. Anyone with a normal IQ would grab it quickly.

  And they desperately want to communicate with others. These survivors have spent half a month alone.

  Because if there are two or more people in the same room, even if one person is infected by the virus and mutates, there is a high probability that the people together will be bitten by zombies and mutate.

  Of course, there will be some fierce people who can kill the mutated zombies alone, or there will be two or more people who have not mutated and can cooperate to kill the zombies. Even luckier, there will be some disabled zombies, or they are restricted for some special reasons. The zombies in action were picked up and killed right away.

  There should be various situations. After all, the world is full of wonders, but these situations have not appeared in this community. The survivors in this community all exist alone.

  So after half a month of being alone and nervous, they urgently needed to communicate with others.

  Some people may ask, aren't they worried about their families? Why in the past half month, except for the man before, maybe because of food or other reasons, he ventured downstairs, although he did not succeed.

  Isn't there anyone else who wants to rush out as soon as possible to find their family? This is because of the network. Although it is the end of the world and I don't know about other places, communication here in Su City should have been normal for about a week.

  In modern society, mobile phones are almost always with you. Even if you don't have a mobile phone, you can still think of other ways in special circumstances, such as borrowing other people's mobile phones or landlines, or other ways to contact family members.

  As long as the network is not interrupted and no one is in trouble, we can always find a way to get the news out.

  Therefore, they should all know if something happened to their family members outside. Those who can be contacted should have clearly explained the current situation around them. Even if they want to be rescued, they can judge their situation through the explanations of family members and the news released by the federal government. Do you have the ability to rescue?

  For those who have not been contacted, it is almost certain that something has happened, and there is no thought of rescue.

  Some of the survivors in the hall knew each other, but most of them didn't. But regardless of whether they knew each other or not, they all gathered together and discussed quietly.

  Information was exchanged with each other, and some people gathered together in tears to ask how your family was doing, are they okay. Some people are discussing what happened to the world. Is it an ancient virus? Or is it an alien conspiracy?

  But the most common question is whether anyone knows Li Xing. What does this person do? Who is at home? What's your personality like?

  Although the scene looked chaotic and everyone was talking incoherently, they consciously controlled the volume within a certain range without being reminded.

  Zhu Wen was also communicating with everyone in the crowd. Although Zhu Wen had met Li Xing before, he had not communicated with him, so Zhu Wen did not talk too much about Li Xing.

  Seeing that it was almost two o'clock, everyone consciously quieted down. It was the end of the world. At the beginning of the end of the world, there were all kinds of chaotic screams in the community, as well as various information from the outside that was known through the Internet, and things that had been seen up close. The zombie corpses all over the ground, in these scenes nakedly show people the cruelty of this apocalypse.

  So everyone doesn't know how to feel about Li Xing, who is about to appear next.

  Since Li Xing has been either in school or living at home in recent years, basically no one in this community knows him, and not many people have an impression of him, let alone the more than 100 people left.

  Maybe Zhu Wen is the only one who has some impression of Li Xing. Even if others have met him before, they probably haven't noticed him, so they have no impression of Li Xing at all.

  In such a cruel apocalypse, a group of ordinary people face an awakened person with powerful powers.

  If you know this person and know his character, everyone may feel more at ease.

  But just because they didn't know Li Xing at all, everyone was very worried. Li Xing's ability was so powerful that it could determine everyone's life or death.

  A normal person can imagine that in the previous harmonious society, everyone could live in peace, that is, the entire world was under the control of the federation, resources were reasonably allocated, and various welfare benefits took good care of all aspects of people's lives.

  If you want a better life, just work hard. If you don't want to work hard, life will not be difficult if you rely on various welfare benefits.

  But now the Federation has collapsed, and there are all kinds of zombies, mutated animals, and dangers outside. The harmonious and happy society has been shattered. The real apocalypse has arrived, and many people's minds will change.

  If Li Xing is a person who suddenly gains powerful abilities and becomes cruel due to the arrival of the end of the world, then for everyone, life in the future may still be difficult even without the threat of zombies.

  But if Li Xing is a kind-hearted person, and does not change his character because of the end of the world, suddenly gains powerful abilities, and is still a normal person with a conscience, then the appearance of Li Xing will be a great help to everyone in this desperate end of the world. This is great news.

  But it is because of the unknown that everyone is afraid because the unknown is the scariest thing. If you know the result in advance, you don't have to be so anxious.

  During the difficult wait, the time came quickly to two o'clock.

  Li Xing's alarm clock also rang at this time. Li Xing set the alarm clock for 1:59 pm. Li Xing got up immediately, went to the bathroom and flushed his face with water.

  The tap water can still be used, but I don't know if there are zombie viruses in these water sources, and whether people will be infected if they drink it. Therefore, for safety reasons, Li Xing only uses it to bathe and wash his face and only uses collected water to brush his teeth and cook. Up mineral water.

  I checked the seconds on my phone and saw that there were still five seconds left, which was almost 2 o'clock sharp. I had enough time to reach out and open the air door. There was a clear sound of opening the door. Behind the door was the front desk of the property lobby.

  At exactly two o'clock, the property lobby of Building 5 was extremely quiet. A transparent portal appeared out of thin air at the front desk. The sound of the door opening could still be heard in the quiet environment, so as the sound rang, everyone's attention was instantly focused. come over.

  Although before, when Li Xing came to inform everyone to gather on the fifth floor, he had seen Li Xing open the door and leave out of thin air.

  But it was still shocking to see Li Xing open the door and appear out of thin air again. The scene on the other side of the door was a bathroom.

  Li Xing came here directly from where he lived through his ability. Is his ability to reach where he wants to go by opening an air portal? In an instant, many speculations emerged in everyone's mind.