
Chapter 7: Date


In which Blue and Steven have a day together.

Holding Steven's arm, she was awestruck as they finally arrived at Fun Land. There were many strange and wondrous things here. "Oh stars," she uttered in amazement.

"May I present to you: Fun Land!" Steven announced, gesturing broadly to everything around them, ignoring the brief glances from bystanders as they passed.

Despite it being fall, a surprising number of people were out and about in the cold weather. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the sights, marveling at one machine after another.

"Let's go to the roller coaster!" Steven beamed, pulling her along. She laughed as they ran toward the ride he'd mentioned. The roller coaster was an odd contraption that seemed to carry people high into the air for no discernible reason—or so it looked to her. Before boarding, they had to have their heights measured. It seemed strange, but soon they were seated in a machine shaped like an insect—the kind that becomes a flying creature after a metamorphosis. She couldn't recall its name.

A metal bar was secured over them, and the ride began its slow ascent. "It's like I'm going into space," someone behind her remarked. Blue let out a dainty snort. Having traveled through galaxies for years, she knew this was nothing like that. However, she wisely stayed silent as they reached the top and abruptly stopped.

Blue peered down in wonder. "Is it broken?" she naively asked.

"Nope!" Steven chirped, right before they plummeted at high speed.

Blue froze, remaining silent even as screams erupted around her. Her expression tightened, though she was grateful that the metal bar kept her poncho in place. Her hair, however, whipped wildly as the ride hurtled in every direction, even flipping upside down at one point. This moment briefly reminded her of the time an Amethyst had carried her upside down while running.

When the ride finally ended, Blue exhaled in relief, thankful the ordeal was over.

Their next stop was the carnival mirrors, which greatly confused Blue at first. Steven demonstrated their purpose: creating silly reflections. He shapeshifted in front of a mirror, but his altered form wasn't reflected, which made Blue laugh. She found his antics more amusing than the distorted reflections.

Tempted to shapeshift herself, she hesitated, recalling the time she accidentally made herself younger during a contest with the Amethysts. It had taken her three hours to return to normal.

She laughed as Steven stretched himself taller and then picked her up effortlessly.

"You're so silly," she said between laughs.

"I try," he grinned, carrying her as she sat on his upper arm.

He eventually put her down and shifted back to normal as they walked toward another ride.

"Hey, Steven!" a voice called from the crowd.

Steven turned toward the sound and spotted Amethyst waving from beneath the roller coaster.

"Hey, Amethyst!" he greeted as the short, purple Gem jogged toward them.

"Who's this? Your girlfriend?" she teased, stopping in front of them.

Steven blushed brightly, while Blue smiled.

"Hello, I'm Bluebell. Steven and I are on a… 'date.' Would you like to join us?" Blue offered politely.

Amethyst raised an eyebrow. "Wait—seriously? Dude, why didn't you tell me you and Connie broke up?"

Steven sighed, looking slightly peeved. "We were never dating," he corrected.

Despite the teasing, Steven felt a flicker of happiness. Being with Bluebell was different, and maybe this would finally put the rumors about him and Connie to rest.

Suddenly, a beeping sound interrupted them, followed by an automated voice: "It is mealtime now."

Blue pulled an egg-shaped device from a small bag her Pearl had provided and pressed a button on it.

"That's… weird," Amethyst commented bluntly, eyeing the device with confusion.

Blue chuckled at her reaction before glancing toward a crowded area where people appeared to be eating.

"Is that a place to eat?" she asked, pointing.

"Yeah. I take it you've never had a hot dog before?" Steven guessed.

Blue shook her head.

"Well, have fun on your date, Stev-o," Amethyst said with a wave, walking away. "I want details later!"

Relieved there wouldn't be a third wheel, Steven guided Blue toward the food court. After ordering two hot dogs and drinks, they sat on a bench to eat.

"I know you said you live far away, but what's it like? It sounds… strict," Steven asked as they ate.

Blue sipped her drink before responding. "There are rules we all abide by, but I have a bit more freedom due to…" She paused, avoiding his gaze. "Circumstances."

She smiled, meeting his eyes again. "It's not all bad. I have playtime with my playmates. We sing and dance, paint, and play music." She giggled. "We even make jokes. My elder sometimes sings to me or tells me stories about the places she's been, bringing me gifts from her travels."

Steven leaned forward, smiling. "Is that why you want to travel? Because of her?"

"Yes." Blue nodded, hesitant to reveal her true origins.

"My elder traveled. My mother did too, when she was alive. I came here just to see what it's like," Blue admitted. "At first, it was supposed to be a one-time thing. But back home, I found it harder and harder to stay away. My playmates encouraged me to return when my elder left for a few months."

Steven blushed at her confession, a mix of giddiness and guilt welling up inside him. He worried about the potential trouble she might face for being here.

"Are you worried about getting in trouble?" he asked, concern evident on his face.

Blue grimaced. "Yes, but I don't think it will be too harsh if she finds out. It's my first offense. I might just be put in solitude for a few days."

Steven snorted. "That's a funny way of saying grounded."

Blue tilted her head, confused. "Grounded?"

Steven blinked, finishing his hot dog. He guessed she'd never been punished before—likely the warnings she'd received in the past were enough to keep her in line. Well, at least until now.

"I'll explain later," he said with a chuckle, "but hey, why don't you invite your elder one day and—"

Blue's face paled, and she shrank back as though burned. "No, no, no! Absolutely not. She cannot stand this place. It's not wise at all," she said frantically, waving her hands in panic before clutching her poncho close to her chest.

Steven raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay! No invitation for your elder. Got it," he said quickly, deciding to change the subject. "So, what did you think of training?"

Blue lowered her hands to her lap, regaining some color. "I enjoyed it," she replied, now calm enough to finish her meal.

"I'm curious," she began, crumpling her trash to mimic Steven's actions. "How is it you can fuse?"

"It's because I'm half-Gem and half-human. Humans can't fuse, but I can. I can even fuse with Gems," he explained, taking a sip of his soda.

Blue nodded in understanding. That made sense.

"Maybe one day, you and I can fuse," Steven suggested with a hopeful smile.

Blue went stiff. If they fused, he would discover her own hybrid nature. "One day," she agreed softly, though she had no intention of letting it happen. He couldn't know.

After lunch—"mealtime," as Steven had called it—they moved on with their date, opting for a more subdued ride to avoid getting sick.

They joined the line for the carousel. Blue examined the spinning machine from her spot, finding it peculiar but seemingly tame. When it was their turn, she chose a purple creature, and Steven helped her onto it before settling on a green one next to her.

"What are these creatures called?" she asked, gripping the pole. She was sure she'd seen them before but couldn't recall where.

"Horses," Steven explained. "Though these are fake. Real ones don't come in these colors."

The carousel began to move, the horses rising and falling as the platform spun in a circle.

"Ooh, this is nice," Blue said, enjoying the ride's gentle pace. It was far more relaxing than the roller coaster.

The rest of their date was filled with laughter and fun. Steven introduced Blue to games like ring toss, though neither of them won any prizes.

"It's harder than it looks," Steven admitted with a sheepish laugh.

"It's still fun," Blue reassured him, her eyes sparkling with delight.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the two strolled hand in hand through Fun Land, savoring the day's memories.

As all good things must, their date was coming to an end. The sun was setting, casting hues of orange and purple across the horizon. Time had slipped away so quickly that Blue didn't even realize how late it had gotten.

"I had a lovely time," she said softly as they exited the funhouse.

Steven looked down at her, smiling as she let out a small yawn. The day had been full of adventures—playing games, going on rides, and eating treats like corn dogs, cotton candy, and pretzels. Her tone, though grateful, sounded as if she were saying goodbye.

While it was late, Steven wasn't ready for the day to end. "There's one more thing I want to show you," he said bashfully, glancing away before adding, "Do you… have the time?"

Blue tilted her head, his shy demeanor drawing her in like a magnet. His sparkling eyes, filled with excitement, made her heart flutter with a sensation she didn't entirely understand.

"Of course," she replied with a smile, unable to resist his charm.

Steven beamed, taking her hand and guiding her to the Ferris wheel. He'd been saving this for last. The crowds had thinned out significantly by now, and the park was quieter, giving the moment an almost magical quality.

As they approached the ride, Steven whispered something to the operator before joining her in the half-pod. Blue raised a brow at his secretive exchange but said nothing, already seated and waiting. She smiled fondly as he climbed in beside her, wondering what silly, creative idea he might be planning this time.

The Ferris wheel began its slow ascent. Unlike the other rides, there were no safety bars or belts, just the two of them sharing the small open pod under the expansive night sky. Blue leaned back, gazing at the emerging stars as the moon took its place in the heavens.

The ride stopped when they reached the very top, and Steven turned to her. "Hey, um… not now, obviously," he began, his voice tinged with nerves, "but… do you want to watch a movie with me sometime? In the future?"

Blue blinked, not entirely sure what a movie was, but the way he asked, so hopeful and genuine, made her answer without hesitation.

"Yes," she said softly.

Steven's face lit up with a grin. "Awesome!" he said, his mind already racing with ideas for the perfect film. Maybe something romantic, though not too cheesy—something she'd enjoy. He'd have to dig through his collection or ask Amethyst if she had any stashed away.

As the sun disappeared completely, the moon and stars illuminated the world around them. Blue stared up at the vast expanse of the night sky in awe.

"Wow," she breathed. From this vantage point, she could see the stars of her galaxy, something she hadn't been able to truly experience on Homeworld. There, artificial lights drowned out the stars, and even her own room mimicked the cycles of a sun and moon purely for her organic needs.

A small touch broke her reverie. She glanced down to see Steven's hand resting on hers. At first, she wasn't sure why he did it—maybe because it was cold?—but she didn't mind. Slowly, her fingers intertwined with his, the warmth of their hands connecting them.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Blue let out a contented sigh. Together, they sat in the quiet stillness of the moment, watching the stars shine brighter than ever in the endless expanse of the night sky.