
Holy Demon Lord: The Execution Sword

[Dropped] When you live with an unknown feeling within you and it turns out to be two kinds of bloodlines, a demonic and holy bloodline, you know you are about to start an extraordinary adventure. Bryce was precisely that kind of a guy, but he spent years researching the bizarre within him. All answers came out in another world after a random summoning, though. And he will find more answers about his origins there, striving to become the only Holy Demon Lord! (Novel contains romance and harem, so lovely sex scenes are a must and will be tagged with [R-18] in the chapter's title.)

Sixth · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

More summoning?!

Chapter 9: More summoning?!

Dungeons didn't seem extraordinary.

They were what Bryce expected them to be, a mini world of monsters. And as Sharla added that monsters never died in that place unless the core of the floor was destroyed, Bryce felt even more familiarity with dungeons.

Monsters there were like respawning creatures from many MMORPG games, they died, dropped some resources, and then appeared somewhere else to continue their hunt. All of them were, of course, thirsty and killed all dungeon raiders as though there was some purpose behind it.

If Bryce could go to a dungeon, create a character there, kill and level up as though gaming, he would think of dungeons as some beta testing grounds for Earth's future games, but the reality was not that nice, it never was, and people frequently died in those dungeons.

But then, Sharla dropped a bomb, which made those dungeons extraordinary! "Races from other worlds appear in those dungeons! Some of them are really useful, like dwarfs!"

"You mean more summoning?" Bryce lifted his eyebrows, his eyes looking oddly at Sharla, he clearly didn't like how this world was all about summoning.

Sharla found his expression funny, laughed, and explained, "It's not it. Other races willingly appear there and do business, and they also give quests!"

"Wish I had a choice to come willingly!" Bryce raised his voice, shouting at Sharla, her presence instantly dimmed, and she shrank, as she wasn't prepared for that reaction, and he stood up.

Gengo was the same. He growled a few times, exasperated, then turned around and curled on the sofa, no longer seeming as angry as before.

While Sharla trembled and clenched her hands, nervously staring at the hero with shivering eyes, Bryce walked closer to a window, looked outside at the dark and soulless street, and questioned himself inwardly.

'If I had a chance to say yes or no, what would my choice be?'

Sensing Gengo's eyes on his back, Bryce sighed and faintly smiled; he would say 'Yes', no matter what the situation was, but before doing that, he'd bid farewell to his parents and little sister. Yes, that was the main problem with the sudden summoning. People didn't have enough time to say goodbyes to their families and friends.

From another perspective, it was good for the interests of summoners as the summoned heroes or villains would surely keep their noses to the grindstone to return home. That was just one example, but Bryce knew how it worked.

He turned around, smiled at Gengo as he knew his friend would follow him everywhere, and then cast his eyes at Sharla, who sat still.

"I shouldn't have shouted at my benefactor. I'm sorry."

"N-No… It's fine, I understand your reasons, at least I try to…"

All summoned had a cheat known as the advanced system, the holiness coursed through the bodies of heroes, and demonic mana through the hearts of villains; people were willing to invest a lot of resources and attention to those people, be it kings, pope, demon lords, beasts, and even mercenaries of the Freedom Metropolis.

They were chosen ones, and their lives were naturally better than others. So what if they were in danger? Who wasn't in danger nowadays? There was a reason the street before her house was dark and it was hard to spot a soul here, and if one did, they would only see a hunter or a male returning from night clubs, which was dangerous as well.

Even in the village, which seemed like a tightly bonded community, criminals and dangers lurked around.

"There are a lot of heroes who don't want to shoulder the responsibility of many lives on their shoulders, and they venture to the Freedom Metropolis, start a new life here with profound strength." It didn't mean those heroes were protectors, they had their own businesses, for example, a winery, and used their heroic strength to protect just that.

If need be, they lent their strength to protect their city, but that was only if there was a real threat.

Sharla seemed like a girl who wanted to be exactly like that, so she failed to understand Bryce's heart. Moreover, she added that she was also an orphan.

Knowing that Bryce had become softer, he still couldn't help but think more of her situation. 'I understand her being an orphan, but does she really have no one? No friends, masters, or someone else?'

Her appearance and kindness she had displayed to him didn't indicate any tragic past, but Bryce learned to not judge people based on appearance, and recalling the swordsman he had fought many times back on Earth which was a girl of his age, Bryce took 'not judge book by its cover' to his heart.

Sharla probably had some experience in her childhood, which made her more selfish, but she was far from an evil person. At least Bryce had not seen any of that, and as he thought of killing and torturing others, he wasn't someone to judge between evil and good.

"We will be relying on each other from now on, so I will make it clear. I want to safely reach the Freedom Metropolis, so I look forward to your intel and guidance. You can practice your healing skills on me, these seem to grow stronger in my presence, right?" Bryce wanted to have a straightforward relationship with the healer and gather more intel through her.

She wanted to fulfill her mission, return home, get more status, and become stronger.

That was all that mattered unless Sharla somehow started harboring some underhanded thoughts.

But as she smiled with genuine happiness and exuded happy noises, Bryce deemed her opportunist.

"Thank you so much, hero!"

"Not a hero, just Bryce. Imagine if you carelessly called me a hero outside."

"True that! Bryce, I will be in your care."

She really loved the idea of advancing her skills.

Being the same, Bryce chuckled, "Same."

Gengo, who had been listening attentively, flapped his tail lazily, feeling somewhat overlooked, but as the sofa was warm and comfy, he just kept lying and enjoying it.