
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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192 Chs


1/2 11:50

Meanwhile Kuro was in his deep slumber and Aqua was trying her best to get hired as maid, there was a certain occurrence happening in the Pekoland.

Pekoland was also one of the place near to the ocean. The territory itself was so small and there was no formidable creature born from there—the person who named this land was also forgotten.

Thus, such a places, may exists but no one knows it. Even if someone unknowingly entered there, there's nothing different but a rabbit, whose speciality is only on running away. There's no way a person would be able to interact with those rabbit who's basically one of the hardest creature to caught in the world.

Of course this places is not only filled with rabbits. It's 'mostly' rabbits. Other animals also exists but, this place was nothing out of ordinary to come from 'forest'

If there was no building, the regular citizens there would also not show their faces. How would someone know of this 'mystical' places.

"Peko! Peko!"

Making a soundless soft wind, there existed a single rabbit, an actual rabbit running away from tiger. The rabbit unknowingly caused trouble and this target chased the rabbit all the way here.

The tiger was flexible compared to ordinary tiger, it was able to changes it trajectory in an extraordinarily weird manner to dodge the tree. Surprisingly, its exceedingly huge body didn't hinder its movement in this forest where there's many obstacles.

Due to its color and the mighty sound that come a second later—it was like an yellow flash was traveling in this forest, ignoring everything as if its noclip hack was activated.

But the rabbit was faster. Despite the chaser had an speed that exceeded the sound. Despite the chaser had an extraordinarily flexible body. Despite the chaser was sparing no efforts to capture the rabbit.

"Roaar! (Damn you f***ing rabbit. How dare you mess up my plan. If you didn't do that... if you didn't do that, she would have agreed to go out with me.)"

"Pe~ko! Peko Peko Peko, Peko! (I don't know what this guy is saying but I feel good, peko!)"

No one care why this guy is angry so let's focus at the current situation.

This rabbit, was much tinier than the tiger but it was faster. Despite it's necessary traveling distances was more than tiger whose body was huge, it was faster.

The reason behind this was because of 'run-jumping' a certain technique developed by Pekoland rabbits. The movement motion is almost exactly the same as 'running' but, each 'step' covered the distances amount of their 'jump'

Not that they had a long leg. They hovered at great speed before moving their 'next' leg. This technique was truly flawless, it didn't matter what they landed.

As long as their is a land, even if it was wall, even if it was roof, even if it was spike, as long as it is something they can 'touch' they can run-jump anywhere.

More absurdly, it doesn't matter how fast they were traveling. It's as if they have ignored the law of physics, they can suddenly stop their movement, skipping the process of deceleration.

Because of this, the rabbits was endlessly accelerating, ricocheting to the trees, if there's no tree to ricochet, she'll stop her movement and land to the floor before accelerating again.


The distances between rabbit and tiger was increasing and so, when tiger was about to give up, the rabbit suddenly glowed in immense light.


110 => 111

"Peko, PEKO!?!? (What is happening, Peko!?)"

Her leg, which is short, is getting longer. Not only her legs, but all her limbs was getting longer and longer. Until she herself, got bigger by many times compared to her original size.

The rabbits' body which was originally as small as flower, got as huge as human children's and she no longer have the bodies of rabbit.

Her body has transformed to human's. Her nose, eyes, mouth, stomach, limbs, even her organs changed to much closer to human's and finally, an actual human body was made.

Her ears... gladly still exists. Touching it, it tweaked out of reflex.

But she also had human's ears. The sound of tiger rushing toward her both entered in her rabbit ears and human's ears. It felt weird to her

Sound of tiger!? Crap, Peko!

She tried to stand up from the spot but her new body was too unfamiliar for her that she fell instead, but also clumsily and luckily dodging the pounce of tiger.

The tiger flexibly turned its body toward the human-rabbit, while keeping its speed it once again pounced toward the lied down rabbit.

The rabbit who heard this couldn't help but panic because her only advantage which is 'uncaughtable' has gone and she can't even control her own body.


From her adorable mouth, a cute sound was made and a circular 'portal' appeared from the top her. That portal, engulfed her entire body and as if her entire existent was a joke, she disappeared from the current place without a trace.


Moon or what they so call it as.

"Peko? (Where is this place?)"

The oxygen was widely spreade- no it didn't exist at all in this place!

The rabbit couldn't breath, but for some reason, it felt okay. It's not that she don't need to breath anymore. If she was threw to water, she would still drown to death.

But this place, moon or so what they call, it felt so 'home' to her. There was no sort of rupture in lung or so called 'falling unconscious' things. She just felt, she could live her without any troubles.

"Peko...? Peko...! Peko...(Where am I? Aren't that Virturan!? Wow... I thought Virturan was flat... why is it round? Hm? It's rotating? Why is it rotating...)"

"Peko, Peko! (Oh no! I've discovered such a huge secret! Some shadow organizations may chase me)

"Peko... (Anyway, that means this is moon..., Amazing! I've traveled this far in an instant. I can play anywhere even outside of Pekoland without being caught!)"

"Peko, Peko... (This form is a little bit troublesome, but I need a new name, yes peko, a new name, peko!)"

"Peko... Peko, Peko! (Peko... That's it! Pekora Francois le dra Beriano! From now on, this will be my new name!)

"Pekora Francoise le dra le verua, Peko, Peko! Such a good name fitting for Pekora Francoise le Berorice-sama!"

It's certainly going to be a long journey for this rabbit

This is going to be pain because I didn’t study about space, and I know that it’s not going to like on earth.


1,000+ words.

I... I will... not... die....

R4INcreators' thoughts