
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Back Against the Wall

Nidhogg POV:

I step out of the void, relieved that I dodged a bullet from most likely a lifetime of servitude. I had no plans on getting forced into a contract with a Demon King and being kept with a certain level of power for however knows how long I have to "live". I was disappointed that I now had to start over on my farming, but first, I had to cleanse this planet. 

Looking around, I found myself standing in the middle of a jungle, during an apparent hurricane. While I was prepared to start going around in search of humans to consume, there was a creeping sense of danger that bugged me. If I've learned anything since this second life, it was to listen to my instincts. Reactivating Kumon to jump right back into the Demon Realm, I find to my astonishment, that nothing happened. 

I have a huge surplus of mana from the 100 mana orbs I just ate, so it wasn't that I couldn't activate it. No, it was something keeping me here. Or someone. In the distance, I could feel someone enter my field of detection. They were, single-handedly, the most powerful thing I've encountered. I knew that even if those three Demon Lords fought this entity, that it would still come out on top. The problem was, much like with those Demon Lords, it was currently headed to my position, but I couldn't escape. 

There was a phrase for my current state, 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire'. It was unfortunate luck, and I have no choice but to fight for my life. With no other options, I charge my only lethal attack. While concentrating the energy at my mouth, my entire focus is on the approaching threat. I don't miss when it slows its advance, wary of my attack. 

Finished gathering the energy, I release my Cero at the figure, hoping for the best. It merely sidesteps my attack midair, and the beam continues on to the distance, colliding into a mountain obliterating it. I try my best to track the figure in the air, but it's far too quick to connect. Through the loud noises of my attack, I can make out the figure beginning to make a chant. As soon as I think to interrupt him, I notice that his words come out all at once, finishing his spell within three seconds. 

A ball of green with swirling black energy forms in his hands and next thing I know, it's inches before my face. The ball explodes close to my face, bringing unimaginable pain as it knocks me back, stopping my Cero. Fear grips my entire being as I check and notice that my mask remains intact, however I know that I can't take another one. 

As the figure continues their advance, I decide that my now only choice, is to use Kumon to travel throughout this world, in hopes that my enemy will grow bored with chasing me or tire out before I can. The air shimmers next to me, as it opens up like a curtain. The figure notices and begins chanting once again. Knowing that I have absolutely no chance at all at interrupting him, I focus on escaping. 

Unfortunately, he finishes his chant before I can even step a foot with the black swirling void. Green chains with abysmal black smoke erupt out of the ground and surround me. Every movement I make in an attempt to free myself sends waves of pain throughout my body. Remaining still, I can only watch as the figure closes in. 

If the chanting didn't already reveal it to me, this was a human that possesses so much power. He had long black hair and a shaggy beard that covered his lower face. It gave me the impression as someone who was secluded for decades. I watch in disdain as he inspects me. 

"Now you give off demonic vibes, but I wouldn't go as far as to say you are one. Very intriguing. Do you possess a name, creature?" He asks after he finishes looking at me. 

"Spare me your idle chit-chat human. Either kill me or release me." I say, mostly a bit salty at not being able to even make him sweat in the fight. 

"Now, now. Not even going to beg for your life? Some would say arrogance, but I sense there's another reason to it. Indulge me." He says, putting his hand under his chin as if contemplating something.

At first, I was going to ignore him and accept my fate, but I decided if I was going to die, I might as well try to get to know how he became so strong.

"My ears went deaf to the cries of mercy on plenty of my victims. I would be a hypocrite to attempt to do the same thing myself." I respond after a moment of silence.

I can see his eyebrow raise at my words as he smiles brightly. "That confirms it. You are indeed nothing like the demons I know. If you were anything like the other demons, I would have ended you. But I think you can help me. Now, I feel like you are a reasonable creature. I don't want to have to keep referring to you as a creature, so, if you would be so kind as to tell me your name?" 

"Bah, its Nidhogg." I respond. 

"Such a unique name. Most demons would go for something so mediocre like BlueClaw or something."

I begin to slowly change my mind about engaging in conversation with the man and was thinking about taking the easy way out. 

"Forgive me, Nidhogg, that rolls nicely off the tongue by the way, for its been a while since I last had any social interactions as I'm the only one on this planet. Besides the Guardian of course, but they aren't one for conversation."

"I take it that all humans here were cleansed by a demon then?" I ask.

"In a way. They were all cleansed by me." He reveals. Well now, my interest was now piqued. I wait for him to explain himself.

"It's good we're on this subject as I can properly explain myself. You see, in the days of old, I was a proud member of the church. I was powerful, capable of being a Cardinal should I have wanted it. But that title and its perks weren't appealing to me. I, instead, was performing research on a question that no one was asking but could end up being the single greatest feat for humanity. Just what are the true origins of demons? 

I wanted to cut them off right at the source. Get rid of the problem once and for all. So, I started experimenting on demons. My research discovered the aura they emit is a power that us humans can use. Sure, there are plenty of negative effects, but I've found a solution." He looks at me with a hunger in his eyes.

"You're going to help me become a demon."