

Nellah is packing her bags, getting ready to go for a vacation in the country side for summer holidays . As she zips up her suitcase, she takes a deep breath.

"How's the packing going?" Nellah's mother asks, leaning against the doorframe with a smile on her face.

"Almost done!" Nellah replies.

"Just need to fit in my sketchbook."

"Oh, are you planning to do some drawing while you're away?" Nellah's mother asks.

"Of course! I always bring my sketchbook with me when I travel. There's so much inspiration to be found in new places."

Her mother nods and smiles.

"That's true. And I know how much you love to draw."

"Do you know where you'll go first once you get there?" Nellah's mother asks.

"I think I'm going to visit the old cathedral in the city center," Nellah says.

"I want to sketch the intricate details of the stained glass windows."

"That sounds like a wonderful plan," her mother says.

"I know you love old architecture, and that cathedral is a real masterpiece. Have you decided how long you'll stay there?"

"I'm thinking a few days, at least," Nellah says.

"There's just so much to see!"

"Well, just make sure you take plenty of breaks and don't overdo it," Nellah's mother says, a hint of concern in her voice.

"I know you get so absorbed in your art sometimes, and you forget to take care of yourself. Remember to eat and drink and rest."

Nellah gives her mother a reassuring smile.

"I promise I will," she says.

"Now, let's get my suitcase down to the car so we can get on the road!"

Nellah's mother nods and helps her daughter carry the suitcase downstairs.

Once the suitcase is in the car, Nellah gives her mother a hug.

"I'll call you when I get there," she says.

"I know you will," her mother says, returning the hug.

"I'm so proud of you, and I know you're going to have a wonderful time. Just be safe, and be sure to have fun!"

"I will," Nellah says, getting into the car.

She waves goodbye to her mother as she pulls out of the driveway and heads off on her journey. She can't wait to explore the old cathedral and see what artistic inspiration she can find.

When Nellah arrives at the city, she feels a sense of excitement as she gets out of the taxi.

The cathedral looms large in front of her, its spires reaching towards the sky. She walks towards the front doors, admiring the intricate carvings and stained glass windows as she goes.

She steps inside, and the cool air hits her, the smell of old stone and incense filling her senses. She pauses for a moment, taking it all in. This is what she came for. This is what she loves.

Nellah walks slowly through the nave, taking in the sight.

She walks up to the altar, gazing at the paintings and statues. Then, she sees a small chapel off to the side. She peeks inside, and sees a beautiful statue of an angel, its wings outstretched and its face serene. She feels drawn to it, and sits down in front of it, taking out her sketchbook and pencils.

She begins to draw, lost in the moment, feeling like she's in a different world. Time seems to pass by without her even noticing.

When Nellah finally looks up from her sketchbook, she's surprised to see how much time has passed.

The light has shifted, and the colors of the stained glass windows have changed. She's drawn in by the play of light and shadow, and she finds herself inspired to keep drawing. She begins to sketch the angel's wings, the way the light hits them and casts shadows on the wall.

She's completely absorbed in her art, and she loses track of time once again. When she looks up again, it's almost dark outside.

Nellah takes a step back from her sketchbook and admires her work. She feels a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. This is the best work she's done in a long time.

She takes a deep breath and packs up her sketchbook and pencils.

As she's about to leave the chapel, she sees a small plaque on the wall, dedicated to the artist who created the statue of the angel. She reads the name on the plaque:

"Marguerite de Lautrec."

Nellah's eyes widen in recognition. Nellah has studied art history, and she knows the name Marguerite de Lautrec. She was a famous sculptor in the 17th century, known for her exquisite work. Nellah feels a sense of awe and wonder. She's in a chapel that contains a statue created by one of her favorite artists. She feels connected to Marguerite, like they're kindred spirits.

She feels inspired to create even more art, to follow in the footsteps of this amazing artist. She can't wait to get back to her studio and start working again.

On the drive to hotel, Nellah's mind is filled with ideas. She can't stop thinking about the statue of the angel, about Marguerite de Lautrec, and about art in general. She feels energized, like she's been given a gift.

When she arrives , she can't wait to get to her room and start creating. She doesn't even bother to unpack her bag, she just grabs her sketchbook and pencils and heads straight for her room.

She spends the rest of the evening drawing and painting, lost in a world of art.