
86 It Felt so Real

Under a cloudless blue sky, Freya lay on a bed of grass. Her eyes adjusted to the bright light, it was so bright that it buzzed in her ear.

She rolled onto her side and watched the grass roll in waves like a sea against the breeze.

Each tiny blade of green tickled her body and elicited a smile from her lips.

She turned her head and rested her cheek against the earth; a soft steady rythym spoke to her ear, it sounded like home.

It felt warm and safe, the land was curved and Freya lost her balance when she got to her feet.

With each tricky step, the land curved further until it pushed her up to the top of a hill.

From here she could see into every window of every home.

A warm hand slipped into hers and she smiled warmly, "Sebastian?"

"I love you," he confessed, and wrapped his hands around her. "Where were you?" she asked him.

"I'm here now," he kissed Freya's lips and it was like her body had wings. Being in his arms filled her with such elation yet she felt an urge to run.