
51 An Oasis of Hope

"Last night the north star was this way," Sebastian pointed behind them, "So if we keep going south then we should cross the desert faster."

Freya was busy fixing her dress and lacing up her boots. Her feet were sore and raw but she didn't want to complain.

"Drink for the journey," he said passing her the water after he took a gulp.

She drank some and then cupped her hands to pour some more.

"Freya don't waste it!" he frowned, "I don't even care if your face is dirty!"

She gave him a critical look and then went over to the horse.

Sebastian sighed watching her let the horse drink from her hands.

"You can do it girl," she said stroking its mane, "You're going to take us home."

He didn't entirely agree with wasting their only water on the horse, but he appreciated how kind Freya was towards the animal.


The journey was tiring.

Sebastian's formally white shirt was now a dirty beige and with both of the sleeves ripped off it left his arms exposed to the sun.