
45 Opening Up

Around the crackling campfires the soldiers sat in groups, drinking and eating; preserving their energy for tomorrow's journey and the battle ahead.

Freya kicked the dry and cracked ground. She sat on a rock with her back to the firepit which had some sort of animal roasting on it.

The temperature had dropped significantly and a cold desert breeze sent a shiver down her spine.

She covered her shoulders with a shawl and looked up admirably to the dark night sky; the constellations of stars shone down upon them, like a map of diamonds, glittering and shining, a million miles away.

"Your majesty," said a soldier bringing Freya a half burnt leg of some sort of animal.

"Eh, thank you."

Freya turned her nose up in disgust and looked over at Sebastian.

He ate, messily, and stared into the fire like he was organizing his thoughts. A deep frown on his forehead and his hunched over body language just announced, 'Leave me alone.'