
161 No ill Intentions


"WHAT in the actual HELL are you doing???"

"Ehh... excuse me?" Boran whipped around to face the door of his room which was just rudely kicked open only seconds ago.

He stood shirtless, with a confused and blank expression.

The queen's shoulders lifted and fell with each furious breath she breathed. Like a lioness, her blue eyes shooting into him like daggers, and claws at the ready, Boran had never been so scared of a woman in all his life.

In her right hand she twirled a sharp golden dagger between her long slim fingers, a ruby jewel on the base rested just beneath her thumb and she eyed his hairy chest menacingly; like it was her target.

Boran backed away and squeezed out a word, "Erm...Your highness... why have you come?"

"HA!" she spat, "Don't stand there with that dumb face and pretend like you weren't just having my friend in the dining room! Tell me? Did you enjoy your meal because it will be your LAST!!"