
Chapter 12


After Niyati left we sat in awkward silence.

"I believe there are certain things I need to tell you even though you may have known about it from Niyati." I started the conversation.

Yeah, there are many things that she needs to know about me but I guess I will start with less shocking things.

"As you know that we were neighbours. I used to teach her when she was appearing for her boards. She used to come to my house. We soon became friends. She used to tell me about her friends and that's how I got to know about you. One day I offered to pick her up from school and she accepted. That was the first time I saw you in person. I had seen your pics before that. Later, somehow she got to know about my feelings for you and told me to stay away from you but that didn't change anything between us. We moved out after 2 years and we stayed in touch." I concluded by contemplating whether I should tell her about my feelings. And I didn't.

Niyati came after a few minutes and our order was served. We started digging and had our food with little conversations between us that were mostly initiated by Niyati.

Many people were looking at Niyati in disgust since she was in sweatpants and hoodies in an expensive restaurant.

"I think we should leave," Khushi suggested when she heard people talking about her friend.

I nodded at her and we left after paying. Well! Niyati paid since we both were arguing about paying.

"How about you guys spend some time together while I go back and sleep?" Niyati suggested but did otherwise after Khushi glared at her.

I envy their friendship. They are more like sisters. But I am happy for them.

"How can they allow such people in this place? Look at her clothes." A girl who was around their age said that directing toward Niyati. She was with a man who was double her age. He had his hands around her waist, probably waiting for the valet to bring their car.

Niyati just ignored them but Khushi was already red in anger. But that girl didn't stop there.

"If people can't afford nice clothes then why do they bother eating at such places." She smirked and that did it.

Now both of them were red in anger.

"Aww baby, trust me I can afford nice clothes and can dine at such a nice place on my own. I don't need sugar daddy for such a thing. If you want I can pay for you as well I am perfectly capable." Niyati said with a smirk.

We tried to control our laughter but Khushi laughed looking at that girl.

That girl started moving towards us, Niyati rolled up the sleeves of her hoodie while Khushi secured her dupatta on one side and taking the ends tied them together on the other side getting ready for the fight.

That girl was pulled back by that man before she could make a scene.

"Ah! I missed such a good fight." I said with a disappointed look.

"You should be happy or else we would have ended up in jail for destroying her plastic face" Khushi said between her laughter and we laughed at that.


"Let's go, our car's here." I said and this time Khushi sat with me while Niyati drove her car alone.

"What do you think about girls doing jobs after marriage?" She asked out of nowhere.

I was caught off guard at her sudden question but maintained my neutral expression.

"I don't have a problem with girls doing jobs after marriage. I am perfectly fine with it. They work hard for so many years just to be independent and nobody has the right to take away their independence." I said concentrating on the road.

"Oh. Don't you want to ask anything from me?"

"I know almost everything about you." I said without thinking and I realized the damage I have done only after it was done. Shit!

"I mean Niyati is a friend too and she talks about you a lot. So I know a lot of things about you."

"It's okay. It's just you know so much about me while I know nothing about you." She said with a smile.

"What do want to know about me? You already know my name and about my company."

"How about you start from your education?" She asked looking at me while I still concentrated on the road.

"I did my schooling in Delhi. I did my undergraduatation in Delhi and postgraduation in Banglore. You can call me the tech guy at my house. Except for me, everybody else is a business student in my house. Business runs in our blood, I guess" we chuckled at my comment.

We soon reached the mall where we first watched the movie and then we decided to just roam with Niyati hot on our tail. She wanted us to have some time together so she chose to walk behind us.

"Any past relationship?" She asked me.

"No" I said walking ahead.

I contemplated whether I should ask her the same question or not. I already know about her relationship but should I tell her about it or not?

"You already know about my past, don't you?" She asked looking at me.

I nodded without looking at her and asked, "How do you know that I know?"

"I just guessed looking at your expressions when I asked you that." She said shrugging her shoulder.

We kept walking in silence.

"Do you still love him?" I asked breaking the silence. I've been dying to ask this question.

"I don't know whether I loved him or not. Maybe I just loved the idea of loving someone and being loved by someone. When we were together I thought that I will lose my sleep and appetite if he ever leaves me...but now that I look back I was just angry for leaving me without an explanation." She said unsure of her feelings.

"Yes, I felt like a part of my life is missing and I still feel that. But, now I just want an explanation. A closure, maybe." I felt relieved after hearing that she is kinda over him.

Watching the one you like talk about another guy is the worst feeling. But the only thing that I am relieved about is that, he is her past now.

"I hope you get your closure one day." I smiled.

I dropped her at the apartment and left.