
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

He's back

They rushed forward as they saw all delicacy that was on the table .A fancy English breakfast iconsists of eggs, bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, and toast.

They ate and after they went on and checked out. Again they went on different paths .

Elate got home ,that dreadfulness came back ,she walked slowly .

Only to find Jason who seem to have aged few decades waiting for her . His eyes were bloodshot.

." dau...."

" don't dare , swallow that words . I'm nolonger your daughter since the day you bought your wife home . The day after my mom died how shameless could you get ? and the next moment you want to send me to another man's bed . Dad ...should I even call you dad ? you failed miserable at being a dad . " Elate turned around and went upstairs.

Switch them off , she chanted those words as she felt like crying. She felt a lump on her throat as she went upstairs. Her eyes were filled with tears that she stubbornly suppress them from falling.

She meet Shelly , looking all pleased with herself.

" you must be the happiest right? " Elate mocked as she looked at her with eyes filled with so much hatred .

" why would I be happy ? "

Elate laughed,she laughed as if she just heard the world's most funniest joke " after all you killed my mother ,the wife so that you can replace her ,so it must be nice seeing the father and daughter fighting " Elate went upstairs not missing Shelly's horrified look .

She regret saying that since Shelly is going to on guard . she wanted to investigate everything silently. And not alert anyone.

She went upstairs. They'll finish writing next week , She wanted to get into Arcadia University. it was the top one in their country. The university was advanced. She knew she'll get many advantages going there.

Elate looked lost at that moment,it felt as if she had no one . Her eyes were filled with sadness , loneliness, regret and mostly disappointment. She was disappointed in that man she calls father.

A single lonely tear dropped by as she chuckled to herself before standing up and going to the bed. She was tired ,so tired she wished she could sleep forever,but with her current situation that was impossible.

She stayed still in bed as she watched the celling with eyes lost . sometimes breaking heart is same as fixing your vision.


Lira went towards the kitchen,her house was small and crumbed ,but since she lived alone it was still good for her . At least it was home .

She poured herself s glass of water ,as she was about to drink it the phone she was holding in her hand rang . She looked at the id only to find* unknown* .

She answered it and stayed silent.

" I'm coming back " a deep voice traveled to her ears ,her heart skipped a beat she could never mistaken that voice no matter what . Even during death she'll never mistaken it not even a little .

" why are you silent? don't you want me to come back ? "

Lira switched off the phone,even taking the battery out . Her heart was beating so fast she'll die ,this is scary.