
Chapter six- new home...

He was young. His dark black hair was thick and full. It made me suddenly want to run my hands through it. Some pieces fell in his eyes and it was cute. His defined jawline and sharp face was extremely handosme. I stared into those icy and deep ocean blue eyes. If you looked closer you could see hints of grey. i felt as if i could get sucked into those eyes if i constanltly looked. I was grateful for the veil at the moment so he wouldn't see me blush. His skin was a light caramel color. When he blinked I sworn his lashes bounced. I heard snickers, but I didn't want to see where there were coming from. I noticed the difference between our family... His was huge and mines was...

small. I frowned and looked down at my fingers.

"Do you Ivor Montana take Alessandra Kingsley to be your lawfully wedded bride?"

My heart thumped, he didn't hesitate when he said I do. I wondered if he knew all along who he is getting married to...Then again not because I have to wear this itchy veil...

"Do you Alessandra Kingsley take Ivor Montana to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

No. I don't know you. I want to go home! Please let me go back to being normal...

I looked at Ayden and cried silently. I read his lips perfectly.

"I will be here for you."

I chocked and cried.

"I-I Do."

I heard a sigh and I realized everyone was waiting...well fuck off.

"You may kiss the bride..."

I looked down and waited for him to kiss me. I was shocked and kind of hurt when he kissed me with the veil on.

His side of the family laughed, and my cheeks burned. Why are they laughing?

I looked up at him through the Veil and he rolled his eyes and pouted...I realized...


I gulped and the music filled the church room.

He held out his hands and i blinked.

"Are we leaving?" i mumbled.

He glanced down at me and nodded. I bit my lip and cried.

"C-can i say g-goodb-bye?"

I expected him to sigh and be rude. But he suprised me.

"Go on.'' he said it so soft but his expression stayed cold and dark....

I ran to my brother and hugged him. He picked me up and squeezed me tightly.

"I love you so much."

I love you too i whispered. He lifted the veil secretly and kissed my cheek. He slipped something in my hand, i looked down to see a diamond bracelet with the charms A. There were Two A's..

I kissed his cheeks and hugged him back. I sobbed beneath the veil.

I stared at my father and mother...they looked at me with a sad expression...

"baby i am so sorry..."

Ivor Pov:

i don't know why i said go on. But something told me there was something wrong. Why is she crying? Didn't she want this? i mean i know it was a deal but was it so bad that she is getting married. i mean she is 23 or older right? its time for her to get married...'

I watched her hug and kiss her brother.

He whispered something in her ears and she kissed his cheek.

She looked at her parents and said something.

Her mother burst into tears and so did the father...she walked back to me and lowered her head. I was honeslty anxious on how she looks.


I simply said i hate you. i said i was dissapointed in them for even thinking that i would agree to this.

I couldn't look at them. I walked back to Ivor and lowered my head. I was not ready for this.

We was led into seperate cars. I recongized the driver for the bodyguard that met us earlier.

I left the veil on my face to hide how ugly i must look from crying. I sobbed silently and i heard the driver sigh.

"M-miss please stop crying...i-im not good at crying l-ladies."

I laughed. It sounded so ugly because i cried as well.

i cried the whole ride. I need to let it all out and suck it all up. This is my new life. I had to be strong and accept it. I was grate full for them allowing me to stay in contact with my family. And by family i mean Ayden.

My eyelids got heavy. I let my head sink into the seat and i let the wind blow on my face sending me to sleep...





I sat up and looked around. My brows burrowed. "Where are we?"

I looked around. The sight was beautiful yet i was clueless. Then i remembered i am now Alessandra Montana...Oh.

"We're in blue hills road miss."


i nodded and rubbed my eyes.

The sun was setting.

"Let me take you inside, Ivor is already inside with the rest of his family...WOuld you like to sleep or eat dinner with them?"


He nodded and gave me a small smile.

I was led up the stairs. The settings were georgous. I never knew a house could be so big. The diamond chandiler, the black piano...the pool in the back...Everything was so neat and shiny.

The body guard tapped my shoulders and pointed up the gold stairs. It twirled around, leading upwards. it was like one of those magical fairy princess tales.

"What is your name?" I asked.


I stopped and looked up at the man that looks in his early thirties. "Blue." i whispered to myself.

I was put in a guest room.

"You will sleep in here until Ivor see's your face...you will have breakfast with everyone down the stairs."

He was about to leave but i grabbed his sleeves.

"May i ask why i have to wait until he see's my face? not tthat i am in any rush to sleep with him."

Blue brows raised and i saw him trying to hide a smirk.

"It is the rule of arrange marriage. Or that is what i suppose."

I nodded and let him leave.

I sat on the bed and twisted the charms on my new bracelet.

This is my new home now.