
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

Big_Big_0235 · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 486

Chapter 486: Secrecy Law Repealed? I Disagree!

On the top of the mountains, the stars arch the moon.

No amplification spell was used, but Alvin's voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

"Eighty-five countries, 173,396 wizards. I never imagined that the students of Hogwarts would one day complete their opening ceremony in the presence of so many people. 99

Hearing these two numbers, many people were startled and looked around.

Although they saw the crowds, they never thought that there are already so many wizards here.

In the wizarding world, the living area of ​​wizards is very irregular, and you may see their existence anywhere.

But because of the population, there may be only a few wizards in a region.

Except for places like Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, or the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, few people see hundreds of people gathered together.

Not to mention the scene where hundreds of thousands of wizards are together now.

After Alvin pointed it out, everyone discovered that there were so many wizards in small Bhutan.

And the Hogwarts students had even more smiles on their faces.

Too lined up!

With this one thing alone, Alvin could be selected as the greatest headmaster ever at Hogwarts.

Although Hogwarts in the past was also known as the 400 best wizarding schools in the world, his enrollment was only in England, and his influence was very limited.

But after today, whoever mentions Hogwarts will think of today's opening ceremony.

This makes them proud and proud of these students.

Not only them, but Professor Flitwick and others also had smiles on their faces, and even Snape became more energetic.


Just when everyone was shocked, Alvin sighed.

Stepping off the staff seat, dodging, then came to the step closest to the onlookers, and sat down without any image.

His actions were very rude, but he did it without causing anyone's ill feelings. On the contrary, there was a kind of uninhibited freedom.

As if in small talk, Alvin pointed to a wizard and asked, "This friend, which country are you from?

The wizard named by Alvin did not expect to be asked, and his head was stunned, and then he quickly reacted.

"Speaker Gaunt, I am from the Windmill Country, Amsterdam."

He respectfully said that the current Alvin has the title of honorary speaker of the Ouzhou United Council (bdba), so he will call him that.

Alvin nodded, "The Windmill Country, um, a beautiful country, do you know how many wizards and how many Muggles are there in your country?"

The wizard thought about it for a long time, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, I really don't know much about this. 99

He's just an ordinary wizard, and he has no time to pay attention to population issues, let alone Muggle populations.

Alvin was not surprised by his answer, nor did he expect this person to answer.

"Then let me tell you, there are about 25,000 wizards in the Windmill Country.

"As for Muggles… it's more than 150 million. 35

The math of the wizards is generally poor, and it took a long time for them to realize what a huge number 1.5 billion is.

It's not that I don't know, but I'm surprised that the population of Muggles is so huge.

"My compatriots present, you can also think about the comparison between the number of wizards and the number of Muggles in your country."

"That's why I sigh. 35

"When Muggles can gather hundreds of thousands of people to watch just because of a concert, our gathering of hundreds of thousands of wizards has already made history.

At this moment, both the audience present and those watching the live broadcast from all over the world were silent.

After all, this huge numerical gap made the wizards feel their hearts sink.

At the same time, a doubt emerged from the minds of countless people.

Why does Alvin bring this up?

He just listened to him and continued: "A hundred years ago, the Muggle population was a quarter of what it is now. After two wars, their number increased instead of decreasing, and now it has reached 6.8 billion.

"And wizards? We're half as many now as we were a hundred years ago, though we've had a war too."

Grindelwald's face turned black, and this kid was throwing the pot.

At that time, he was very careful about protecting the wizards.

It took a few decades to add up to only a few thousand wizards who died.

Seeing that the faces of many people became more and more ugly, Alvin did not retreat but went forward, and continued to make violent predictions.

"The most frightening thing is that the Muggle population is still growing rapidly, while the number of new wizards is gradually decreasing."

"Perhaps in a hundred years, you will find that there are less than double digits of new mathematics students at Hogwarts every year, as will other schools of wizardry.

Standing up from the ground, Alvin's wand swept away, and the dust that had just been stained disappeared.

He paced slowly, with a hint of heaviness in his voice, and continued: "I'm constantly thinking about what I can do for the current state of wizards."

"It is no exaggeration to say that I am the most powerful wizard in the world, and even Grindelwald couldn't compare to me."

Hard, fist hard.

Lao Ge is very angry, and he says what he says! Why does this kid keep flogging himself repeatedly?

Alvin didn't care about his bad behavior at all, "but right means responsibility, and I have an obligation to be responsible for the future of wizards."

"So, today, while everyone is here and there are countless compatriots from far away paying attention to this great opportunity, I have something to announce.

"Starting today, in Ouzhou, South Magnesium, West Asia, and the Philippines, the International Law of Wizarding Secrecy will be officially repealed!

"As long as it doesn't harm the interests of others, you can cast magic at will, regardless of the existence of Muggles."

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of eyes turned to Alvin.

They couldn't believe what they heard was true.

"Sir…you…do you mean that wizards are going to be fully exposed to Muggles?"

A wizard who was relatively close stuttered and confirmed.

"Sure," Alvin smiled. "This is the first step in revitalizing wizards, hidden for hundreds of years, and I'm sure everyone is tired of it. 35

"It's time to let the world know that there are such amazing people who need a life under the sun too."


There was a thunder in the distant sky, where the clouds had turned pitch black, and a storm visible to the naked eye was brewing.

And at this moment, an old but full of energy voice came from the sky.

"I disagree!"