
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

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Chapter 446

Chapter 446 The Old Man Who Looks At The Sea

The next month, the little wizards at Hogwarts felt that going to school was such a pain.

Different from the past, all professors' attitude towards students has taken a 180-degree turn.

The amiable professors, such as Flitwick, are increasingly demanding of their students.

In the previous semester, students only had to master a few key spells.

The professors would hint in their usual lectures about what spells might appear in the final exams.

As for the others, it's better if you learn it, and it's not a big deal if you can't learn it.

So many times, after mastering the necessary magic spells, everyone relaxes and chooses some interesting ones to study freely.

But now, no matter what the teacher teaches, it is possible to appear in the exam.

It is the amount of work that is enough to make people collapse, which has frightened many people.

The most Damn it is the software called Xuetong, and its intelligence is outrageous.

Some students secretly reduced the amount of practice and wanted to pass the test, but they were faithfully recorded by this garbage software.

The next day in class, these 370 students were called in public, and they were warned that if there was a next time, they would call their parents.

Damn it!

Who came up with such a vicious trick to call parents!

In this 'high pressure' state, countless little wizards are in a hurry, just to complete the tasks of the professors as soon as possible, so that they can play a fruit ninja with friends.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the new professors this semester are all very good, and there is no inconsistency caused by the departure of McGonagall and others.

One of the most popular is of course Hibiscus.

When she came to the students with four holy unicorns, everyone was sure that this was the best professor ever to protect magical creatures.

Not even Newt can compare.

No way, who made the unicorn mysterious and has many legends, it is very popular among the group of little wizards.

And Furong's outstanding appearance and interesting classroom process also made everyone like it very much.

Although everyone knows that she is Alvin's girlfriend, but who doesn't like to let a big beauty teach him a lesson?

The same is true for Li (bdba) Li, who was originally resurrected and already has a high topicality, coupled with a gentle temperament, forming a strong contrast with Snape.

Especially Harry, his favorite class now is Potions, although his mother leaves a lot of homework for him and is very strict with him.

But that's all about loving him!

Life is so wonderful, Harry, who hated potions the most and swore that he would not take potions after sixth grade, has become the most loyal supporter of this class.

Free State, a small town in California.

This is a beautiful seaside town, but because of its remote location, few foreign tourists visit it.

Just a month ago, a group of Englishmen had come to live in Eulalie Hicks' house.

For the residents of the small town, this Hicks is also a weird person, she rarely communicates with outsiders and claims to be a teacher.

But until now, no one knows which school she works in.

Over the years, Hicks has also retired. Whenever someone asks her this question, she always smiles and says a strange name.


As long as she was unwilling to speak, the residents stopped asking questions.

During this period of time, the group of newly arrived Englishmen have also been shallow, but there is an old man who often comes to the beach with a small bench and sits for an afternoon.

"Dumbledore, I knew you were here."

Professor McGonagall's voice sounded behind Dumbledore, pulling his wandering thoughts to reality.

This group of visitors from England was part of Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix.

After being kicked out of Hogwarts by Alvin, Dumbledore suddenly discovered that for over a hundred years, he had no home other than Hogwarts.

At first Professor McGonagall suggested that they could go to Gaul, to Beauxbatons.

But this proposal was rejected by Dumbledore, who knew that the entire Continent and England would inevitably fall into the hands of Alvin and Grindelwald.

A good student of his own will not watch himself develop smoothly under his nose.

It happened that Hicks of the Free State invited him to be a guest here, and Dumbledore brought a group of followers to the Free State.

Hicks was a comrade who once fought against Grindelwald with him, and what happened on the Continental side made many people uneasy.

And this time the invitation is not so personal. Hicks did so at the request of the Ministry of Magic of the Free State.

In fact, as these people expected, after the establishment of the European Union Conference, the control of the International Wizarding Federation over there has dropped to an unprecedented level.

And they were horrified to discover that Grindelwald's figure had slowly penetrated into the interior of various countries, and it was not an exaggeration to call it the Supreme Emperor.

The situation now is even more terrifying than it was a few decades ago. After all, the European Continent has been resisting, but some are losing ground.

But what about now?

Grindelwald devoured most of the continent without a single shot, and his footsteps never stopped.

At this time, Dumbledore's importance is reflected, he is the only one who can fight against the Dark Lord.

Well, the people here don't know much about Alvin's fighting power, and they only think that he drove Dumbledore away through trickery.

Only Dumbledore knew in his heart that Alvin was a wizard at the same level as him, or even higher.

During this period of time, in addition to discussing with the Free Nation how to solve Grindelwald, he often came to the beach to reflect.

Why did things turn out like this?

He didn't believe Alvin's wording, and the cooperation between him and Grindelwald was definitely more than just driving himself away.

Even he was extremely certain that the resurrection of Voldemort and the escape of Grindelwald were all made by Alvin.

But, what's the use of knowing it?

For more than a month, he has not thought of any good solutions.

He didn't know of any means to stop Alvin's ambitions, other than to wage war directly.