
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

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Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Two Upcoming Schools, Flower Girl Alvin?

The month that followed was uneventful, save for a few Slytherin students who abruptly dropped out.

This is very rare in the history of Hogwarts, and few students will take the initiative to transfer.

From mid-September, a large number of Ministry of Magic employees came to Hogwarts, and they surrounded the Quidditch pitch and most of the Forbidden Forest for construction.

To this end, the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest also introduced centaurs to negotiate with Dumbledore on their behalf, claiming that this behavior has seriously affected their daily lives.

But after Dumbledore promised that the installations in the Forbidden Forest would be removed before Christmas, these magical creatures reluctantly agreed.

The students discussed every day what they would make of the Forbidden Forest and the Quidditch pitches, except that the Quidditch pitches were blocked by a 1977 grounding curtain and the Forbidden Forest was guarded by Ministry of Magic personnel.

The little wizards can only rely on their own imagination to imagine the pictures inside. Some people say that they have changed the Quidditch pitch into a Colosseum, and the warriors of the Triwizard Tournament will fight a giant dragon in it.

There are also those who think that if the Quidditch pitch is torn down by them, it will turn into a swamp, as it is recorded in history.

The only person who knew about Alvin was very strict, and he didn't disclose any information.

One day, when Alvin and Luna were about to go to the auditorium for dinner, they found that they could no longer move forward. A large group of students crowded around a big poster at the foot of the marble staircase, and the students standing at the innermost read the poster aloud. Listen to them both.

"Representatives from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will arrive on the evening of Friday, October 14, with the afternoon session ending half an hour earlier. Also, due to the distance, Ilvermorny College will arrive on the evening of the 17th. .""

This announcement had a great impact on the whole school, and everyone's topic revolved around the three schools.

Everyone is very curious about the difference between the three schools and Hogwarts, but everyone firmly believes that Hogwarts is the best.

But what is puzzling is that until now the warriors of Hogwarts have not been selected, let alone warriors, they have not even seen the absolutely fair referee that Dumbledore said.

Students at every academy expect their own to be warriors, and when Alvin decided he wouldn't be there, almost every academy had several seniors who matched everyone's expectations.

The most likely of these is Cedric, the sixth-year Hufflepuff student who has long been considered the best student at Hogwarts. Alvin doesn't count, he's out of the category .

Gentle and friendly to people, helpful, he is also the main player of Quidditch, Hufflepuff prefect, and his grades are the first in the grade every time.

Cedric made himself a child of someone else's family.

Perhaps to give the guests a better impression, the castle was being thoroughly cleaned, several filthy portraits had been scrubbed clean, and the armor in the hallways had been polished to reflect the light.

Filch became very irritable, and when he saw students dirtying the hallway, he would have a violent attack, which scared two first-year girls into hysteria.

Even the professor became impatient.

In a class of Transfiguration, Neville's conversion spell made a mistake and grafted his ear on the top of the teacup. Professor McGonagall was very angry:

"Longbottom, please do your best, don't show your secrets in front of other colleges, let them see that you don't even have a simple conversion spell!

"You should see Alvin! He learned it in first grade!"

After learning about this from Hermione's mouth, Alvin also gave an explanation.

"This time, not only the warriors of the four schools need to compete, but other schools will also bring some students and professors over to have a class with all the students at Hogwarts, so this is also a competition between several schools.

Alvin's words were quickly learned by other students, and everyone was like chicken blood, ready to show other schools how good Hogwarts was.

On October 14th, when Alvin came to the auditorium for breakfast, he found that the auditorium had been renovated overnight.

Huge silk banners hung on the wall, each representing a Hogwarts house, and behind the teachers' bench, hung the largest banner with the four house emblems representing animals…

All the professors did not give lectures in class today, but introduced the situation of several other schools, and hinted that the little wizards must not embarrass them in front of the teachers and students of the other schools.

Otherwise, they can't guarantee what will happen.

In the evening, when the get out of class bell rang, everyone excitedly returned to their lounge, changed into their uniforms, and hurried to the hall.

Alvin was frowning. He didn't know how he would get along with Qiu and the others after Furong came. Although Qiu didn't care that Furong was his fiancée on the surface, he must have had some grudges in his heart.

I was the first person to confirm your relationship, why did this little bitch become your fiancee?

Filled with apprehension, Alvin walked into the Ravenclaw queue, where Professor McGonagall was correcting the students one by one.

"Weasley, get your hat right! And you, Miss Patil, you've got to get that ridiculous thing out of your hair."

Professor McGonagall corrected a few other students and brought everyone to the lawn, where Dumbledore and the other professors were also waiting.

For the first time ever, Snape replaced his black robe 1.0, which had been unchanged for many years, and put on a slim green dress with gold trim, and even Hagrid pulled out an old but very clean suit.

Professor McGonagall frowned, she always felt that she had forgotten something, and suddenly she caught sight of Alvin who was holding hands with Luna and whispering, and suddenly realized.

"Mr. Gaunt, please come here!"

Alvin walked up to Professor McGonagall suspiciously, "Professor, is there something wrong?"

Pulling out his wand, McGonagall turned the lawn weeds into two garlands.

"When the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang men arrive, you go and put them on their headmaster.

Alvin took the garland with a confused look, what do you mean, does this make him a flower girl?