
Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma (Harry Potter)

Erwin traveled to the world of Harry Potter and awakened the card drawing system. Start with a phoenix as a pet. It’s nothing to accompany Qiu to play Quidditch, and go to the library with Hermione to read books. Or join Luna in the hunt for the Horned Snorer. During the summer vacation, you can also find your veela fiancée. Erwin thought this was his leisurely life in the wizarding world. However, his subordinates did not think so. Queen of Knockturn Alley: You are the god of the underground forces! Lockhart, Minister of Magic: England wizarding world, you are the uncrowned king! Many years later, after defeating the Dark Lord and joining forces with the White Demon Lord, Erwin, known as the Grey Demon Lord, shook his head helplessly. This is really not what I want!

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Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Slytherin'S Locket, Runaway Harry

Alvin didn't like Sirius Black.

Reckless, irritable, irritable, doing things without thinking, these words can be used to describe Sirius.

If it weren't for his self-righteousness, the Potters would not have been found so easily by Voldemort.

And after the tragedy happened, he did not go to Dumbledore to explain, but went to Peter Pettigrew to take revenge alone, without thinking about how his godson-Harry would live in the future.

Sirius and James Potter often fought against Snape during their school days, and also had extremely humiliating actions, which made Alvin, who had a good relationship with Snape, naturally not like him.

But Alvin won't get down on Sirius because of this, he may even help a bunch of Sirius.

Because, Slytherin's locket was hidden in Sirius' home at this time.

Sirius' younger brother, Regulus Black, was a loyal supporter of Voldemort and believed that Voldemort was the perfect candidate to restore his pure-blooded glory.

But gradually, Voldemort's rule became more and more brutal. For the honor of the family, Regulus secretly dropped the Slytherin locket, which was made into a Horcrux, and then let the house elf Kreacher bring it back to the family. , he himself died.

Alvin just wanted to get the locket through Black. Now Alvin has 25,000 system gold coins.

Alvin, who has never read newspapers much, ordered a copy of the Daily Prophet and paid attention to the news.

Sure enough, in mid-July, Alvin saw this news in the Daily Prophet:

"Arthur Weasley of the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Muggle Substances has received the Daily Prophet's Galleon of the Year Award.

After introducing some interviews with Mr. Weasley, as well as a photo of their family, Alvin saw the mouse in Ron's arms – Scabbers at a glance.

Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew. In a few days, Fudge will go to Azkaban to pretend to condolence to these prisoners. When the time comes, Black will break out of prison when he sees this news.

A week later, Alvin got the news of Sirius Black's escape.

The newspaper called Sirius the most vicious prisoner in history, accompanied by a photo of a haggard-faced man with messy hair.

Alvin knew that the time was up, he snapped his fingers, and the figure of the house-elf Baal appeared in front of him.

"Master, Barr is pleased to serve you."

"Bal, I need you to take a trip to Privet Drive, help me keep an eye on what's going on there, and tell me right away if you spot a big black dog. 99

After Alvin instructed Baal, the elf disappeared in place.

In the evening two days later, Alvin received a letter from Barr, and he immediately rushed to Privet Drive.

Harry was in a particularly bad mood right now. Just now, because he couldn't bear Aunt Maggie's abuse and insults to his parents any longer, he directly blew the other party's into a balloon.

Since summer vacation, in order to get his Uncle Vernon to sign his letters to Hogsmeade, Harry can't fight back, and he can't fight back until today.

Unfortunately, it has now come to nothing.

But he doesn't regret it. Anyone who insults his parents will rush to teach them a lesson regardless.

Carrying his luggage and owl, Harry walked aimlessly on the street. He didn't know where he should go now. He planned to go to the park on the street to deal with it for one night, and he was thinking about it tomorrow.

Suddenly, Harry felt a chill on his neck, as if being stared at by something, he looked around and clenched his wand subconsciously.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Ignoring the ban on underage wizards from casting spells outside of school, Harry lit his body and saw two eyes staring at him in the reflection of the streetlight.

It was a ferocious-looking black dog, standing in the darkness behind the street lamp, making it impossible to see his size at all.

At this moment, a set of fire lights appeared all over Harry's body, turning into a ring of fire, and Alvin stepped out from it.

"Harry, happy birthday!"

Alvin looked at Harry with a smile, and the rings of fire behind him converged to form a phoenix.

"Ai, Alvin, why are you here. Also, thank you for your blessings.

Seeing Alvin's appearance, Harry was very shocked, but he quickly reacted and thanked Alvin.

Fury groaned in dissatisfaction when Harry didn't greet her.

"How are you, Fury." Harry hurriedly greeted Fury.

"It's okay, I'm just here to give you a birthday present.

Alvin spoke to Harry, but his eyes stayed in the direction of the black dog.

The black dog, that is, Blake, also noticed Alvin's eyes, and saw the phoenix behind him, his pupils shrank.

Slowly stepping back, he saw that Alvin did not move, and he was slightly relieved. This little wizard with a phoenix should not have discovered his identity.

Watching the black dog disappear into the darkness, Harry was also relieved, and happily asked Alvin, "What birthday present are you going to give me, and you will come to the door yourself. 35

"It wasn't necessary, but after you blew your aunt into a balloon, I felt I needed a gift instead.

Alvin teased Harry with a black belly, and Harry was also a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Alvin to know about it so quickly, and he muttered, "Wizards, how can you call it a blow…"

Seeing Harry's appearance, Alvin stopped joking, stretched out his right hand, and tapped his index finger on Harry's forehead. Suddenly, Harry felt a light spot appear in his mind, and then disappeared.

"What is this?" Harry asked Alvin curiously, he wasn't worried about what Alvin would do to him, but was curious about the effect of this light spot.

"This is one of my manor. Since you have left your uncle's house, you can live there for a while. You can cast magic in the manor, and there are magic lines that isolate traces of traces."