
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

4 | sexualities and relationships

; ♡ friends


ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ relationships between people

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ sexualities


-' this information resembles students personal information in my desired reality ',°-


- sexualities ꒱


↝ hermione granger is bisexual

↝ harry potter is bisexual

↝ dominic black is asexual

↝ liam black is bisexual

↝ seamus finnigan is homosexual

↝ dean thomas is pansexual

↝ pansy parkinson is pansexual

↝ tristan valdez is bisexual

↝ mellie valdez is bisexual

↝ luna lovegood is lesbian, used to be bi curious

↝ draco malfoy is heterosexual, a little bi curious

- relationship's ꒱


↝ seamus finnigan and dean thomas like eachother

↝ luna lovegood and neville longbottom will have some chemistry in 4th year

↝ draco will slowly fall inlove with me throughout 2nd and 3rd year

↝ fred will start to fall inlove with me when i'm in 3rd year

↝ i get along well with the golden trio of hogwarts (hermione granger, ronald weasley, harry potter)

↝ hermione granger and i get along very well. we will become friends during our first year at hogwarts. we'll meet on the train

↝ cedric diggory and i get along very well. we will eventually become friends sometime before my second year at hogwarts

↝ harry potter and i get along very well. we are already friends because of our families long history together, it's just been a little while since i've seen him

↝ ron weasley and i get along very well. we will become friends during our first year at hogwarts. we'll meet at platform 9 & 3/4. we will become v close friends in 1st year

↝ luna lovegood and i get along very well. we will become friends during our attendance at hogwarts - sometime before the end of 5th year

↝ i get along really well with fred and george weasley, due to our similar humour and interests. we will become friends during my first year at hogwarts. we'll meet at platform 9 & 3/4.

↝ me and george specifically are very close, we have always been bestfriends (and only bestfriends) since i met him in dyrivina

↝ me and fred are also very close, but not really in a bestfriend kinda way?

↝ george and luna will have a little teeny tiny bit of chemistry in our 5th year - when they breakup she will come out as lesbian

- extra ꒱


obv there will be other relationships, sexualities and whatnot but i'm just making sure these will happen for sure