
hogwarts script

aythrelle · Sports, voyage et activités
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13 Chs

1 | info and looks

; ♡ me


ㅤㅤㅤlist of contents ‧₊˚

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ me 

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ wand, house, patronus 

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ sexuality 

ㅤㅤㅤ⌦ face - appearance


-', basic information ;


i attend hogwarts school of witchcraft and


name ~

↝ rhyanna lily black

meaning of name ~

↝ my parents loved the name rhyanna, and lily was given to me because my mother and fathers close friend was named lily (lily potter-evans)

nicknames ~

↝ rhy, whatever my friends wanna call me lol

born ~ 

↝ 05.29.1980                    

birthplace ~

↝ born and raised in dyrivina, england (near platform 9 3/4 in king's cross station)

race ~

↝ caucasian (white)

sexuality ~

↝ heterosexual

languages ~

↝ english and french (english is my main language)

voice ~

↝ estuary accent. i never stutter and i speak clearly

age ~

↝ 11 (and starting my first year of hogwarts, i will age and grow up as the years go by, like my current reality)

zodiac ~

↝ gemini             

blood type ~

↝  pureblood/half veela

house ~

↝ gryffindor (i really dont hate anyone from different houses much other than pansy 💀)

patronus ~

↝ deer

wand ~

↝ silver lime wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¾" and quite bendy flexibility

facial details ꒱ ↷


facial structure ~

↝ mainly resembles what i look like in my

cr - a little less baby fat though 💀

jawline ~

↝ very defined

side profile ~

↝ lips, chin and eyebrows all have perfect depth

resting face ~

↝ makes me look like a bitch sometimes 😛

skin ~

↝ not dry, not oily, just in between - healthy looking without effort w rosy cheeks. never gets acne/pimples or blemishes

lips ~

↝ mainly resembles my lips in my current reality, but more rosy. they taste like strawberries

nose ~

↝ mainly resembles my nose in my current reality, but a little more slim

eye detail ꒱ ↷


eyebrows ~

↝ naturally well groomed, full - look like my eyebrows in my cr

eye colour ~

↝ same as my cr, but i have one blue eye 🤠

eyelashes ~

↝ a little bit longer than in my cr, but well groomed without me putting effort into them

vision ~

↝ 20/20

hair detail ꒱ ↷


hair ~

↝ dark dark brown, soft and never greasy. about waist length with natural waves. my hair never gets too messy - sorta have curtain bangs

body hair ~

↝ i won't have arm hair, leg hair, armpit hair or 🐱 hair, so i never really have to shave

body detail ꒱ ↷


body odour ~

↝ my body naturally always smells like vanilla body wash and flowers, sometimes essential oils

body ~

↝ when i get a few years older (13ish?) i start to grow into my dream body, these will be my stats :

   - height ; when i arrive in my desired reality at 11 years old i will be 4'10 and grow to be 5'4, i'll stop getting taller when i turn 14

   - weight ; when i arrive in my desired reality at 11 years old i will be 82 pounds and gain weight and grow like i do in my current reality

posture ~

↝ perfect 10/10, my head is always up and i almost never slouch

nails ~

↝ my nails naturally look well kept, they never get dirty or grow too long, so i never have to trim or clean them - i never bite them and never have

oral hygiene and smile ꒱ ↷


smile ~

↝ beautiful and friendly looking, the same dimples like in my cr - i look charming

teeth ~

↝ straight and in place, suits my face very well and about as white and as a piece of toilet paper - if i forget to brush my teeth sometime then it's no biggie because they stay white

breath ~

↝ always smells like peppermint, or like vanilla. lips taste like strawberries


overall ꒱ ↷


uhh overall i'm v pale like irl, i have brown eyes and dark brown hair, perfect teeth, 5'4, about 105-110 pounds, hourglass, nice smile, etc etc :)


template - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11hpzJge23rDAM7GPZtSyFXDGhaambIpxNC-Bb7f9gWU/edit

if the link doesn't work, it's also in my tiktok bio : missdigggory. it works there. sorry for the inconvenience :(