
Hogo-sha no meiyo

To defend, to honour and to protect.

Azure04pearl · Romance
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7 Chs

Entrance Screening 1

Takara is busy powdering her face while Yui is pacing around the house. Takara pauses when she hears Yui moving things around. 

"What is going on?" She asks when she sights Yui about to walk past her ajar bedroom door.

She walks to the door and opens it fully. She is puzzled to see Yui all dressed up.

"Going somewhere Yui?" Takara asks.

Yui has donned on a blouse and skirt with a bag hanging over her shoulder.

"Hmm... Yes! I want to get- I mean, I want to see someone," she stutters.

Takara bursts into laughter.

"It's okay Yui. I won't scold you. I understand that you might want to hang out with your friends and you must have started finding the company of some male friends comforting. But you should know, as a young lady, you need to be cautious of who you associate with. You are almost eighteen and I know I can trust you. I just want you to assure me that you won't do anything unworthy."

Yui doesn't pay attention to her words after that. "Bye!" She cuts in and speeds out of the house.

"Yui!" Takara calls out to her. 'Was I too thoughtless?' she mutters to herself.

She is answered with the slamming of the door.

"Don't be late!" She calls out after her.


Yui is on the train going to the chiyuda district. She is not very familiar with the place as she hasn't been there often. However, she has a map in her hand which she studies carefully.

The train makes its stop and she alights from it. 

"Excuse me." Yui hears someone say from behind her and she looks back. 

"Hello!" Yui studies the guy in front of her. She mumbles a reply to him.

He tucks his hands in his pockets. "You are Yui Nakano, right?"

Yui is stunned to see an unfamiliar person call her full name.

"And who is asking?" She retorts.

"My name is Hirohide Bando. I'm a class 2 member of Gloss Bodyguard Academy. Nice to be of your acquaintance," he offers her a handshake but she ignores him. "I see, you don't trust strangers easily. That's a good thing," he says before retrieving a note and scribbling on it. This doesn't go unnoticed by Yui.

He then reaches for something in his breast pocket and shows it to her.

"This is my student ID card," he says. She takes a glance at it briefly.

"I appreciate your being wary of me." He looks at her thoughtfully. "But if you don't come with me, I'll have to take you forcefully."

Yui scoffs at his statement. "And I'll appreciate if you stop disturbing me." She turns around in an attempt to continue on her way. Out of nowhere, she receives a slam in her left shoulder from behind. Instantly, she turns her neck at an angle and is met by Hirohide's emotionless gaze. She rotates the shoulder joint and turns her whole body to face him.

"I was being serious," he says coldly.

Yui frowns deeply and is about to protest when his fist collides with her stomach. She groans and coughs simultaneously.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asks him, already infuriated by his actions. 'I don't have time for this,' she says to herself.

"I think you already know why I am here," he replies. She dodges a blow he throws to her face and backs away.

"I only know you are from the academy and today is the entrance screening. Are you trying to jeopardize my chances of getting admitted?" She asks.

"There aren't any modalities for the screening," he says which earns him a gasp from Yui. "In order to be able to protect someone else, you have to be able to defend yourself." 

"This isn't fair," she voices. She tries to kick him in the chest but he blocks it using his lower arm.

"Nothing in this life is fair." He grabs a hold of her leg to restrict her movement. 

"We should have been warned ahead at least." She shifts her weight to the leg and thrusts herself in the air before landing another kick to his face.

It misses him by an inch as he quickly bends backward. He lets go of her leg and she rolls on the ground to safety. 

"Not many criminals warn you before there commit a crime. How would you be able to protect your client if you are suddenly attacked?"

Whether she is able to reason with him or not, she doesn't say a word. Instead, she rises to her feet and dashes towards him.

"You are quite the show off, aren't you?" Hirohide sighs.

Just as Yui is about to hit him, he leaps to the side and she loses her balance and falls flat on her face.

"It's time to go."

Yui is about to protest when she feels a jab in her neck. Slowly, she starts losing consciousness of her surroundings.


"How are you doing these days, Miyoko?" Asahi asks his colleague who is also a teacher at the academy.

"Well, at least I'm not the one Wakaba is looking after," Miyoko teases him.

"Dr Inoue isn't at all terrible," Asahi says. "In fact, I'm really grateful for all she has done."

"Can you move around now?" Miyoko asks.

"I sure can," Asahi replies.

"Good! Let's go and watch the new recruits and how they get through this screening."

"I almost forgot. Today is the entrance screening," Asahi states.

"Yes. And it's going to be legendary!" Miyoko exclaims. "You have to see what the upper classmen planned for the screening."

Asahi grimaces. "You let the students plan the screening?"


"And the principal allowed it?"

"He absolutely did."

"What were you all thinking?" Asahi remarks.

"Well, for starters, Principal Kazumi said it was a nice thing to see the houses work together for once. Also, the students got the idea approved by Hima."

Asahi goes mute. Hima is the daughter of the founder of the

academy and it is never easy to oppose her.

"Don't worry, Asahi. As I said, it's going to be legendary!"