
Life is boring

You know what. Living as a bee is quite boring. I mean like, in my past life, whenever I was bored, I would go to the Arcade or read the newest manga chapter or watch TV.

But here in this hive, there's nothing do. The only thing I could do the past days was gathering information.

This Hive is situated on the grounds 10 kilometres away from nearby villages. Even though most humans would kill monsters in and outside dungeons, this hive was allowed to stay intact, because the bees kill all the monsters.

The humans would keep watch over this hive and when they think, the population from this hive is too high, they would kill a few. Because monsters like bees, ants and other of these kind of animals living in colonies can become a calamity.

These people use ranks from C to A to describe a monsters strength. But then there higher ranks. The rank S is for monsters who either have a higher strength or have the potential to become really strong.

Then there is the rank Disaster. It's for monsters with high strength able to kill villages and potentially do high damage to humanity.

The highest one is Calamity. This rank is for everything higher than the ones before. They have enough strength to bring down whole kingdoms.

While I found out with the help of my Personal Assistant, that we are ranked between B+ and A- , I soon understood why they are scared of us. If a huge colony of bees would befall a kingdom, it won't even take a day.

The strongest existences in this world are at the one side the strong adventures and on the other hand calamity creatures like old dragons and then the four strongest monsters.

The four Demon Kings. They are monsters who reached the ranks for demon kings and got with the help of the gods or rather their blessings.

Why gods? Legends say that this world was created by the gods as solution fo a long war. They let the monsters and humans represent them and the last one to survive will win. But these gods can bless people or they will create their champions. These are the ones who stand above everyone. While humanity had a lot of champions from other worlds, the monster never had one. Or atleast they died before the world got to know them.

So meaning I will become a calamity, if I survive. What am I supposed to do? If humans find that out, they will raid this whole hive and everyone will die. No, They are my new familiy and I won't let them die so easily.

But for that I have to grow stronger. The problem hereby is, the scouts are constantly killing everything which comes near here meaning there's nothing left for me.

Ok, let's look for prey. I prepared myself and flew off.

What do we have here? A tree. Another tree. Oh this one, is quite big. SO what do we have here. I smell blood!

Yes, there is something. Let's go!

I flew up high in the sky to observe the situation from above. There were two adult lizards fighting against each other. I mean only assholes would do this. Stealing the kills and camping. But this is the survival of the fittest, so there are no rules and laws which stopped me.

Go Acid Bullet.

Pshh Pshh Pshh

Multiple bullets are falling like rain drops through the sky piercing their targets.

[You killed {Adult Lizard Lvl 2}.]

[Gaining Experience]

[You killed {Adult Lizard Lvl 3}.]

[Gaining Experience]

[The skill [Acid Bullet Lvl 1] became [Acid Bullet Lvl 2].]

[Own Level was raised from 3 to 4]

Yes. Not that far anymore and I will be able to evolve.

So first eating. This time I only ate so much from them until I was full gaining 2 Evolution Points.

Let's put one of them in the poison production and use the other to... What should I do? Increase the strength? No. Shouldn't be necessary for now. Let's see. I can.. get another pair of wings for that one point? Okay, I am in.

This time it hurt a bit. But after few minutes I got my wings. Finally. Oh! It's so much easier to fly now. I lifted the corpses and flew back. But with the additional weigth it took me nearly double the time even though I was flying faster with the additional pair.

When I was back home, I let my brothers and sisters fed on one of the coprses and brought the other to the majesty of this place. I placed it infront of her and bowed as much as it was possible with this body.

She seemed proud and patted me on my head before dismissing me. Okay, what now? Life is still boring.


Human country.

A small army was prepared for the leave. It was a few months ago, they had to do this job. But what was there destination in the end? The hive. Being in the army of this country means, you have to do this job one day.

It's a mission which will take around 3 days. They will stay there and camp for that time killing every bee which leaves the hive. This was deemed necessary by the stragician of the King, who also proposed leaving this hive alive.

He thought that the villages on the countryside will be much safer when all the monsters are killed by the bees and it doesn't happen often, that any large monster will appear there. Even if it happens, it still would have a hard time against a colony with bees.