
Hitman 6: The Dark Chronicles Of Taizen Silver

In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event known as "the burning," the world remains scarred and twisted, a haunting reminder of the darkness that once consumed it. Millennia have passed, but the scars of that fateful day still linger, casting a shadow over humanity's existence. In this world of despair and turmoil, nations and empires vie for power, their leaders driven by greed and ambition. Violence has become a daily occurrence, and the innocent suffer at the hands of the powerful. But amidst the chaos, there are those who hold true power—the members of six secretive hitman organizations, each wielding god-like abilities and manipulating the world from the shadows. From the savage Berserkers to the enigmatic Mages, these organizations are feared and revered, their influence extending far beyond the mortal realm. At the center of this world stands Taizen Silver, a young boy born into a rare and powerful bloodline of hitmen. As he navigates the treacherous politics of the hitman organizations, Taizen uncovers dark secrets and confronts powerful foes, all while trying to unravel the mystery of his own bloodline. From the ruthless Berserkers to the corrupt Agent Organization, Taizen must tread carefully, for in this world of intrigue and violence, trust is a rare commodity. With allies and enemies lurking around every corner, Taizen must use all his wit and strength to survive and uncover the truth behind his own lineage. But as Taizen delves deeper into the secrets of the hitman organizations, he discovers that his fate is intricately tied to theirs—and that the fate of the world may rest in his hands. With the forces of darkness closing in, Taizen must harness his own power and confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a world where power is everything and trust is a luxury, Taizen Silver must navigate a treacherous path to uncover the truth and protect those he loves. But with the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Taizen will stop at nothing to ensure that the burning of the past does not herald the end of the world.

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27 Chs

Special Weapon

Weeks turned into months, and Taizen's determination and hard work began to pay off. He was making serious progress in his hand-to-hand combat skills, even without the use of inner. He was now one of the top students in the agency, and his skills were only getting better with time.

One day, he met with Mionara, another top student in the agency. They sparred together and Taizen was amazed at Mionara's skills. They quickly became good friends, and Mionara taught him some new techniques that helped him improve even further.

Taizen enjoyed his life in the agency, and he was happy that he had decided to join. He felt like he had found a new family and sense of purpose. The agency had become his home, and he was grateful for the opportunity to train and become stronger.

As time went on, Taizen continued to improve and became even more skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He was no longer intimidated by the other students and felt confident in his abilities. He even began to explore his other interests, like weapon training and strategy.

Despite his inability to access inner, Taizen had become one of the agency's strongest and most skilled fighters. He had proven to himself and others that he didn't need to rely on inner to be a formidable opponent.

It was finally time for the students to pick their special weapons, they met up with Mr Piock in school.

Mr. Piock led the students through a long corridor, the walls lined with various gadgets and machines. They finally reached a large room filled with scientists and engineers, all busy at work on their projects. The room was buzzing with activity, the sound of machines and computers filling the air.

"Welcome, students," said Mr. Piock, gesturing towards the scientists. "These are the brilliant minds behind our technology. They've been responsible for some of our greatest innovations and today, they're here to help you create your own weapon."

Excitement and anticipation filled the room as the students eagerly approached the scientists. Taizen felt a thrill of excitement as he thought about the weapon he wanted to create. He had always been fascinated by swords and decided that he wanted to create his own personalized sword.

"I want a sword that is lightweight and easy to maneuver," Taizen said, as he spoke to the lead scientist. "I also want it to be able to channel my inner."

The scientist listened carefully and began to jot down notes. "I think we can create something that meets your requirements," he said. "We can use a special alloy that is both lightweight and strong, and we can also incorporate a crystal that will allow you to channel your inner."

Taizen was thrilled at the possibilities. As he watched the scientist work on his sword, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what he was creating. He knew that having a personalized weapon would give him an edge in battle and help him to become an even stronger agent.

Meanwhile, Mr. Piock was walking around the room, checking in on the other students. He could see that everyone was working hard on their weapons and he was pleased to see how enthusiastic they were about the project.

"I know a lot of you like to fight hand to hand," he said to the group. "But using a weapon will give you an edge in battle because the enemy may not have dealt with anything like it. It's important to be versatile and to always be prepared for whatever situation may arise."

The students nodded in agreement, knowing that Mr. Piock was right. They continued to work on their weapons, each one eager to see what they could create. And as they did, the scientists continued to guide and assist them, sharing their knowledge and expertise to help each student create the perfect weapon for them.

After the students had placed their orders and the scientists had started working on their weapons, the excitement among the students grew each passing day. Everyone was eagerly waiting for their weapons to be finished, and Taizen was no exception.

Days went by, and finally, the school assistant arrived at the dorms with a stack of packages, each one containing a special weapon for the students. The students gathered around him, buzzing with anticipation as they eagerly received their weapons one by one.

Taizen could feel his heart racing with excitement as he opened his package. His weapon was a beautiful katana with a purple tint and a black handle, crafted with intricate details and a flawless finish. He unsheathed it and was amazed at how light and balanced it felt in his hand.

The katana was designed to complement Taizen's natural abilities and fighting style. It was the perfect weapon for him, and he couldn't wait to try it out in battle.

As he examined his weapon, Taizen noticed that each weapon was unique, and the scientists had put a lot of thought and care into crafting them. He felt grateful for the opportunity to have a weapon tailored to his specific strengths and attributes, which would undoubtedly give him an edge in battle.

Taizen admired his katana for a while longer before sheathing it and heading off to the training grounds to test it out. He felt more confident than ever, knowing that he now had a weapon that was perfectly suited to his skills.

Taizen was excited to see what weapons his friends were given. As they gathered in the courtyard, Luna pulled out two small daggers from her belt. They were short, but sharp and looked like they could inflict some serious damage. Ragra, on the other hand, was wielding a long wooden staff that had metal plates at the end of it. It looked like it could be used to deliver a powerful blow or to keep enemies at a distance.

Mionara showed off his two short katanas that were similar in style to Taizen's, but with a silver tint and a white handle. "These are amazing," Taizen exclaimed, admiring the intricate design of the katanas.

Mr. Piock led the group into the training facility, which was equipped with robots that would adjust their combat style to match that of the students. Taizen felt uneasy as he was still unfamiliar with using a katana, despite how much he loved the weapon.

He watched in awe as Ragra expertly wielded her staff and took down several robots with ease. Luna was quick and nimble with her daggers, making swift and calculated strikes. Mionara, who was already skilled with swords, moved with grace and precision as he dispatched the robots with his twin katanas.

Taizen felt inadequate as he struggled to find his footing. The weight of the katana felt foreign in his hands and he couldn't seem to find the right rhythm. His movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, and he missed his targets more often than not. He became frustrated with himself as he watched the others excel.

Mr. Piock noticed Taizen's struggle and approached him. "Don't be discouraged, Taizen. Learning a new weapon takes time and practice. Keep at it, and you'll get the hang of it eventually," he said encouragingly.

Taizen nodded, determined not to give up. He continued to practice with the katana, determined to master it. He asked Mionara for tips and advice, and she graciously shared her knowledge with him. With each passing day, Taizen's movements became smoother and more confident. He began to feel a connection with the katana, as if it was an extension of his own body.

Finally, the day came when they faced off against the robots again. Taizen took up his katana, feeling more ready than ever. He moved with purpose, his strikes landing true. He no longer felt inadequate, but rather empowered. As the training session ended, Mr. Piock approached Taizen once more. "Impressive improvement, Taizen. Keep up the good work," he said with a smile. Taizen felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that he had never experienced before.