

Shah_Newaz_7311 · Fantaisie
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The last ten days of Hitler

Exactly twenty years ago, on April 30, 1945, just before 3:30 pm, Hitler pulled out of his air-raid shelter (the bunker could not reach the belly of the cannon or the bunker dropped from a plane fifty feet deep under the concrete roof). With his fiance Efa, his fiance, he drew about forty hours ago after a friendship of about fifteen years (this is the word he used in Hitler's last will and testament. Married. About fifteen of his closest ministers, secretaries, generals, stenographers, khas attendants stood in rows in the corridor, including Goebe and Burman. Hitler and Efa quietly shook hands with everyone. After that, they stayed in the corridor as many as they needed - the rest were sent away. Hitler and Efa Khas entered the room. The attendants waited outside. After a while, the sound of a single pistol was heard. The attendants waited a little longer - they thought it would be two words. When that was not heard, they entered the room. Seeing him there, he could be said to be leaning forward, or lying down. His skull, face and the sofa on which he sat were all bloody. Some say he committed suicide with a pistol in his mouth, others say he was shot in the forehead. Effar's head is tilted on his shoulder. A small pistol on the ground near Effer. But he did not use it. He committed suicide by consuming poison.

Twenty years later, many articles have been published in many European languages ​​commemorating the day and the end of World War II a week later.

I come across German weekly written mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These take about two months to arrive. As a result of air-mail, the victim only knows what a horrible snail's pace the bookposts and printed goods are.

After the death of Hitler, his limbs disappeared. Some were captured by the Russians. Among them was Hitler's vassal Ling. Some are hiding in US-English-French occupied territories. They were also captured, mainly by the Americans. No trace of anyone else was found. Some of them are like Burman etc. It is unknown at this time what he did to cause the injuries.

Initially, a few days after Hitler's death, the Russian warlord Jukef announced that Hitler had committed suicide after marrying Efa Brown. Sitting in Moscow, Stalin said that Hitler was not dead, that he was in Spain under the auspices of dictator Franco (Stalin's intention was to eliminate Franco, the last fascist detactor in Europe). It is even said in some high places that the English (!) Gave him shelter. The English were then forced to investigate whether Hitler had really escaped the bunker, or whether he had died. The task was entrusted to Trevor Roper, a professor of history and a senior official in the wartime intelligence department.

He went in search of those who were with Hitler until the last moment. Some of them describe Hitler's death, cremation and burial in detail. But Bunker and the adjoining lands were then in the possession of the Russians (in East Berlin); They did not allow the professor to do any research there. The professor was not informed of the statements made by the Russians in the hands of Hitler's cronies.

Seven months after Hitler's death, Trailer Roper handed over his report to the government and it was published. More information is then revealed, but there is no need to alter the description given by the professor in his autopsy. In 1946, Trevor Roper wrote a booklet for the public and published it. His name is Last Days of Hitler.

The pamphlet is translated into almost every language in Europe, and its argument is so irrefutable that the public is in no doubt about Hitler's death. Meanwhile, the government, like Russia, did not kill Hitler.

But in the end, the Russians had to admit that Hitler was not alive. Kashiram Das has already said:

How long the water tilak is good

How long does the rock stay in the air?


Hitler then looked around for betrayal; This is another of his nemakaharam patterns in the sense that he accepted it. Goring gave an inaudible scolding in a sharp hoarse voice. Bebak forgot, he had a proposal for Goring, but when Burman demanded Goring's execution, he ordered Goring's complete surrender and service to the party and the to be ousted, and he was ousted from his omnipotence. Then he will not be his successor. And he was ordered to be arrested and held captive.

In the meantime, Hitler summoned the Goebbels couple and asked them to leave their home and settle down in the bunker next to him with their two children. Dr. Morrell, the shrewd hammer, has already cut tears (some say begging for tears, others say crocodile pot) begging goodbye to Hitler and cut off to the far south Not required). His room was in the bunker opposite Hitler's - Goebbels got that room too. Goek sat down to discuss the couple and Hitler's future. Goebbels said he would commit suicide, and despite Hitler's objections, Fry Goebbels said he too would take that path and poison the six children.

It's so horrible that no historian has ever commented on it. Hitler then ordered some of his own papers to be burned.

All day long, Foreign Minister Ribbentrop from the south, naval chiefs Dennis and Himmler from the north, and several other emirs urged Hitler to leave Berlin, but Hitler was adamant. On the 23rd he sent General Keitel to the western battlefield to General Venk to rescue Berlin with his army. The Russians had already left Berlin in the middle and moved fifty miles west, leaving Berlin for the construction of the Sarasi mass. Venk fights them but has to reach Berlin. Hitler is ticking the clock, what is the news of Venk, how far he has advanced! That is the last hope of all the bunkers. But he has no news.

On the 25th, the Russian army laid siege to Berlin. After that, there was no way for ten or twenty people to leave Berlin together. However, one or two people may get out in the dark of night by hiding and stealing through the gully. In that case, Hitler could no longer be asked to leave Berlin.

But twice or thrice a day in Bunker, Hitler began to lead his consultations. The only thing that could be found there was how far the Russians had penetrated into Berlin. Old men and boys between the ages of twelve and sixteen are fighting on the streets as much as they can. It is not easy for any fighter to capture the interior of a city. The Russians are advancing slowly, very carefully. Meanwhile, Russian troops from the east and US troops from the west have joined hands in Central Germany - Germany is now divided into two parts. From the north to Berlin, there is no question of prolonging the war in the Alps.

Hitler received the news of the handshake between the two armies in a cabinet meeting. The correspondent said that there was a quarrel between the two groups. Furar's pangsu's face brightened, as if the light in his eyes had suddenly returned. Sollase said, I did not say then? This time it will be Rs. But alas, the news came the next day, the two parties are quietly exchanging news consultations without any opposition.

The situation in Berlin is indescribable. The bomber struck shortly after noon and was accompanied by huge artillery on the outskirts of the city. Bombing the bunker. Many of the Germans captured in Stalingrad formed an independent anti-Hitler German party. These are the people who are showing the streets and houses of the Russians in Berlin today. So there is nothing wrong with tag. The bunker has cracks. If a flammable bomb catches fire in any part of the city, it spreads to other parts of the country as it cannot be extinguished due to lack of water. Millions of wounded soldiers are moaning in the underground cellar, children are crying. Thirst has become greater than hunger. The girls are carrying the murky water in a bucket of water that had accumulated before the water pipe burst in some places after the bombing.

As the news spread, the Russian troops were advancing on the streets, and at the same time they were advancing through the tunnels of the underground railway. Hitler ordered the gates of the Spray River (also known as canals) to be closed. That water will drown the Russians. But thousands of wounded German soldiers will die instantly - lying on underground station-platforms waiting to die untreated. Hitler did not starve them to death. Bolt says he has never heard such a heartless order in all wars. (I don't know if this order was obeyed).

Hitler has already given a more cruel order to Burman. The factories, waterworks, electricity, bridges over the river should all be blown up in front of the city where the enemy army will appear. Supply Minister Sper objected, saying, "After the war, what will the Germans build, how will they survive?" Hitler said that the war proved to be worse than the German-born Russians; Death is better for them. Spar but secretly thwarted the order.

Hitler gave the cruelest order to completely destroy the German race. From north-south-east to west, young and old men and women should be chased away, wounded in the bayonet, shot and gathered in a central part of central Germany. There will be no food on the way or there. They will all die on the way there. This order was not obeyed. No one mentioned the fact that there were not enough officers in the army to give orders, nor for any other reason. However, several historians have suggested that the biblical narration of Samson (Samson and Dalila's picture also occurs in this country) killed his enemies by pulling down their temples, while Hitler also wanted to take the Culley breed with him on the other side.

The Berliners, like the Parisians, had never fought a civil war among themselves and had never learned to build barricades on the streets with barrels, stones, furniture, broken cars, motors. The ones he made were so clumsy, raw, that he described them in Bernatte on the Swedish royal family's Count Falk. He came to Berlin as a hostage of the Swedish Red Cross to build a barricade to demand the release of his compatriots. (6) The Khas Berlin Conyers (like the Kuttis of Dhaka) were exchanging comments with each other about those barricades. One would say that it would take the Russians an hour or two to break them. How? It will take them an hour to stop laughing. And it will take two minutes to break them.

About six to seven hundred Hitler-bodyguards leaning against the wall in different bunkers, lying on the ground on benches or in countless tin cans of ham, bacon, sausage By the way, Germany is drinking its own excellent wine, champagne. They are not members of the traditional German army - they are fighting hard - they are Hitler-Himmler's own SS, they have no special interest in going to war. Seeing them, Boltu thinks to himself, why are they here? Furar and Johnny's enemies are inside and outside Buscar, where the fighting is taking place, but the Connie (Kudi) girls in the kitchen are outspoken. Suddenly some people shouted and said to them, hey, unfortunate team of helpless! If you don't go out right now and go to war, I'll give you clothes for girls to cook from. And we're going to fight. Twelve-fourteen-year-old boys are fighting to the death, sitting on the street and Hamdo Hamdo Tagara here!

Hitler is looking forward to the break.

Inside the bunker's madness, a man's head was clear - this was Himmler's representative, Fegeline. But he didn't know that it was crazy to be healthy-minded where everyone was crazy. He understands that Effar (whom Hitler married two days later) married his sister as if he had become part of the Hitler family - in fact everyone agrees, the man is worthless. In the beginning there was a race-course jockey. Finger-swollen banana tree, arrogantly insulting anyone - on the other hand Burman, Burgad, Cray, one of his glass ear. Although he was an honorary member of the Hitler family, he did not wish for greater glory by committing suicide and being burned at the stake. He was caught fleeing with the gold and jewels - the proof that Hitler kept an eye on everything during the crisis was the first thing he noticed when he noticed that there was no Fegeline. Following his capture, Hitler was stripped of his uniform, medal, and fired at the behest of Hitler.

On the last night of April 26, the Russians seemed to have a divine vision and began dropping bombs upon Hitler's bunkers, bombed after bombardment. The people of Buscar could hear in a daze as if every huge cannonball was exploding on their heads. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the Russians would attack Bunker directly at any moment.

That night Hitler sat in the assembly with his relatives. It was decided that everyone would commit suicide at the wholesale rate as soon as the first Russian troops appeared. After that, everyone discussed in detail how the corpses could be completely destroyed without being identified. He then swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler and Johnny in short speeches.

Bluff Bluff Bluff! All two or three keep their promises. And just three hours after the most ridiculous death of Hitler, the emir's first numbered Burman sent the fourth numbered Kebru to the Russians to make peace! When that failed, everyone except the two tried, divided into small groups, and Burman boarded a tank - he must have arranged it before he was sworn in - avoiding the Russian war, yet in undefeated North Germany he chose Donets (Hitler's head of state before his death). Go) to join. Those who were incapacitated and held captive by the Americans then began to compete in front of the Americans, to understand how much they hated Hitler.

Hitler still did not give up hope. Ever opening the map in front, with trembling hands, the Russian army, the army of Venk, the army of the Ninth Army, with colorful buttons, symbolizing the construction of the battlefield, paving the way for the attack; Sometimes he shouts and gives military orders - as if he is standing on the battlefield and leading the troops himself. Sometimes walking with a map in a sweaty hand - the map is rotting fast with the touch of a wet hand and show the map to whoever gets it; How, in some way, in a tactic of war, the enemy is ruthlessly wounded, as if in a miraculous surprise Venk came and freed everyone from this crisis.

Many of them have known by then that there is no such thing as an army of Vank. He allowed those who were still alive to flee to the West and surrender to the Americans. The Americans were better than the Russians, this is the belief of our people. But who tells Hitler the true story of Tenk? Kettle, Yodel knowingly does not answer any of the telegrams after Hitler's exaggerated telegram (nominally from the Army Headquarters. What will they answer?).

In describing Hitler's behavior at the time, Ling wrote that he had been walking briskly from one end of the room to the other for hours, sometimes বা or slowly. Sometimes he is standing in front of the wall and punching the wall with his fist. Why? To him, the four walls of the house have turned into the four walls of the prison.

And walk? It is his ancient practice. Why hour after hour? Day after day. Hitler's only friend, the photographer Hoffmann, wrote that when Hitler's first lover (according to all, this was his first and last love affair with the Great Love Effer was different), he could hear Hitler's footsteps from downstairs for three days and three nights. With occasional pauses. He did not touch the water for three days and three nights. After receiving the news that his girlfriend had died, Hitler stopped walking and went straight to the political arena and jumped again. (9)

And sometimes he keeps his elbows on the table and stares blankly for a long time.

And sometimes he keeps his elbows on the table and stares blankly for a long time.

The anticipation for Venk, his excitement and the chattering like a netted animal reached its climax on 26 April. The Russians then reached the center of the city of Berlin, fighting and advancing towards Hitler's residence. The Berlin commandant told Hitler that the Russians would arrive at the bunker in two days, in three days. But where is Venk? What could have happened?

Definitely betrayal again! Who would have thought that even a fraction of the energy needed to conquer Berlin was gone? On the evening of the 26th, Burman telegraphed Moni, a distant southern German, to his ally, Admiral Putkamar, at the request of the troops, and the authorities who could have sent them here to rescue us, remained silent. Betrayal has taken the place of fidelity. We will stay here. Furar-building fragmented.

An hour later, after much waiting, ripe news came from the outside world. After the ouster of Heinrich Himmler Gিring without hinting at Hitler, he is now the second man in Germany to propose a treaty to the Allies, through the aforementioned race leader, the Swedish Count Bernadette. The proposal was made in secret but who knows how it spread like wildfire. One of the radio stations broadcast it. An employee of Hitler's messaging department heard the news on the radio and realized the importance of the matter and came to give the news to Hitler face to face.

Cannonballs, bomber bombs then dal-bhat. So even if a bomb had exploded inside the house, Hitler would not have been so upset. Heinrich, the believer, who was ordered to be engraved on the belt of his special army - TREUE - Loyalty, Devotion, Nemkahalali. That dog now wants to sit in the seat of the deity, insulting him? This is the only Nazi leader whose unwavering devotion to the Lord has never been doubted. And as everyone knew, Hitler preached martial law on the first day of the war, and no mercy would be shown to any of his employees - no matter how high he may be - if he negotiated a treaty he would be put to death.

The last drop of blood disappeared from Hitler's mouth.

Why didn't Steiner's attack happen, why didn't Venk come - all these problems became simple for Hitler. Himmler's betrayal must be behind it. Of course, historians know that this suspicion is not true. Himmler, like many other Nazi leaders, was trying to save his life by proposing a last-minute treaty. They secretly deposited large sums of money in Switzerland and several German-sympathetic Nazi states in South America, and forged passports. Himmler was well known to the public; This approach was not possible for him. (10)

After Himmler's betrayal, there was no obstacle to decide on Hitler's latest actions. At first, Himmel's confidant Naib, Pratitu, was taken out of prison and interrogated. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. The questioners are not dead, they are missing. Hitler's argument is that if Fegelain did not know, why did he try to escape? What is without betrayal? Ordered to shoot him in the garden outside the bunker. In his book, Boltu states that we do not know whether Efa made any attempt to save her brother-in-law, or whether she had any influence over her husband, or whether she, like her husband, was a fanatical believer, deserving of the death penalty for treason. Whatever. We think both. At that time Mrs. Hannah Wright was in the bunker. He is one of the most famous pilots in the world (later he fell in love with Panditji and stayed in Delhi for a while as his guest). He says that Efa used to wrap his other hand in pain at that time and say to the one he could find, oh poor thing, poor Adolf. Everyone has abandoned him, everyone has betrayed him. Tens of thousands of people are not harmed, but Germany should not lose Adolf.

The Russians are only a thousand yards away from Bunker.

The night of 26/29 April. With the execution of Fegelain, Hitler turned his attention to other duties. The woman who had loved him for 14/15 years, was once seriously injured in a desperate attempt to commit suicide in the early days of love, the one whom Hitler trusted the most (Hitler also said he believed in two unjustly. Alone and his Alsatian Blondie), Despite repeated attempts by Hitler for security, who refused to leave, and who has repeatedly told more than one person, "Ad and my life are tied together" EFA would sit with the audience and listen to Hitler's speech - after all these years, he got his fair share of rights and seats. That night Hitler married her.

But Dordandapratap Raja dictators' darlings, concubines, concubines, wives romantically influenced the lives of their vallabh, play with the lives of many people in front of or behind the scenes plot, poisoning many things, Efar had no attraction. The busy Hitler hardly got time to meet him. Especially during the five years of the war, he was forced to stay close to different army headquarters, so he waited for him day after day alone in Hitler's secluded Nirananda Bergah forest on a compromise. The servants used to say that it was like a bird in a golden cage. Then suddenly one day Balpat would come and come with a very intimate Sangopang. The house was buzzing. Dinner, then Phil, then music, the last party at two in the morning - Hitler Titotellar, light tea, cup after cup, champagne. Hitler would wake up late. After eating, Efa, Blondie would go out on a lonely path with her attendants. A restroom at the end of the road. Tea, cakes, cream-ban were eaten there. Hitler often fell asleep. Everyone whispered, and when the Lord's sleep was disturbed, everyone would return home. But he had no place in the larger society. Before Hitler's death, no one in a million knew that Hitler had a girlfriend. (11)

It has not been easy to get a marriage registry officer in this difficult time. At last a man came, whom no one in the bunker knew. Goebbels brought the paintings together; According to Ling, this is the one who once married Gobes. Emergency or binotis marriages are omitted. Both sides verbally required a certificate from Hitler's Germany - they both swore that they had mixed Aryan blood, and that they had no hereditary disorder. After that both of them signed the registry. Brown wrote the letter B to write alone when signing the bride's name; He was stopped, he cut B and wrote the birth (nee) as Hitler and Brown. Goebbels and Burman witnessed. (12) It was one o'clock in the morning. Started April 29.

After the wedding, a party was held at Hitler's house. Champagne L. Hitler was present at the wedding when he married Goeb many years ago. The Goebbels and Hitler commented on the day, comparing it to a day of unhappiness. There's a song in German, I'm dancing with tears - it's like that. Hitler again spoke of his suicide. Said, his way of life (Veltanshawung) Nazism is over; It will never be reborn. His best friends have cheated and betrayed him. He will get relief from all these through death.

Leaving the party, he took his stent-secretary, Frau Junge, to the next room and began to say his two-word will. The first will is political, the second is about the division of his personal property. Readers will find copies of these two boxes in any book about Hitler. I row briefly. He first started by saying that it was a lie that neither I nor anyone else in Germany wanted this war. This is the reputation of the Jews and those who work for them… I will die voluntarily if the Presidential Palace is attacked because I no longer have troops. I will not fall into the hands of the enemy - so that the Jews may not make a new joke for the hysterical crowd about me. He then ousted Gori and Himmler from the Nazi party and from all seats, saying that they had not only betrayed me by proposing a secret pact with the enemy, but had also inflicted indelible stigma on Germany and its citizens. Hitler's motto was that the ultimate insult was to wage war or to make a living. Lastly, he vowed to prevent the Germans from mixing with their blood with the utmost devotion, and to ruthlessly resist the international Jews who are poisoning the world.

In his personal short will, he showed the background and reasons for marrying alone. He then said that he was voluntarily dying with me. He bequeathed all his property to the Nazi party, to the German state if the party ceased to exist, and if he did, he has no further instructions. He donated his vast collection of paintings to build a museum in his hometown of Linz. He also kept his financial arrangements in the will so that he and his wife's relatives, his fellow secretaries, etc. could live like a middle-class householder if necessary. Alas, the bed.

Goebbels also wrote his will. His main statement: Fুরhrer ordered me to take part in the new cabinet, but for the first time in my life (and if he wished I could write for the last time; why not, I understand) I am directly violating order. I, along with my wife and sons, will end my life on the side of Furar. Then there is the ubiquitous betrayal and so on.

That day is April 29. Arrangements were made to send the three wills to three different places by four trusted men around noon. Either way, they have to break through the maneuver, or if there is a loophole in the maneuver, they reach Dennis, or the British or American occupied territories.

The council met in the afternoon. The main news there is that the Russians have come forward and there is no news of Vank. The three officers - including our aforementioned book - said they were ready to deliver Furrer's order to find Venk and chase him to Berlin. Hitler allowed. Another was allowed to leave after the night's consultation.

During the night's meeting, the Berlin commandant said that the Russians had advanced into the city from all sides. On May 1, they will reach Bunker (and the State House. The German troops trapped inside Berlin will never be able to get out if they do not break through the Russians now.) The lack of ammunition, even with his weapons, the soldiers rallied, no matter how large the cavalry, he would never be able to get out. By the way, it was done;

At this point, Hitler sent his last telegram to General Yod. Surprisingly, incomparable historians like Trevor Roper did not mention this last telegram. It doesn't matter if Bolt left the bunker before him. I have not found any mention of it in any of Hitler's authentic biographies. Only Asma and any other naval commander mentioned it; Aman also gave a photo of the telegram in his history. In it, the question in Hitler's wailing voice, where is Venk, where has the advance of the Ninth Army reached, etc.; I want an answer right now.

The same day news reached Hitler-allied dictator Mussolini that Milan's rebels had left Italy with his wife and fled to Switzerland, killing the two and tying them up in a market in the middle of the city so that the agitated vengeful people could beat them. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. However, the end result of many dictators is not new news to Hitler. So at the time of writing the will, and even before that, Hitler had ordered that his and Ephra's bodies be burned to ashes in such a way that the Jews would have nothing to show the mad crowd. Multiple residents of Bunker have testified to this effect in exactly the same language.

On the afternoon of the 29th, at the behest of Hitler, his para-Alsatian dog, Blondie, was shot dead. On the same day, he regretted giving poison capsules to his two female secretaries for use in the extreme crisis, saying that he could not give any better gift than this at the last farewell.

That night, Hitler sent word to different bunkers, saying he wanted to say goodbye to women, so that they could wait. It was half past two in the night (April 30). About twenty officers and women lined up in the corridor. Hitler and Burman came out and walked past them and shook hands with the women. Many have written extensively on death, cremation, etc. Notable among them is Hitler's driver Kempker I burned Hitler and the story of gender. On his return to Germany, he made a statement, but it is safe to say that Trevor Roper, after verifying the statements and statements of all, followed him. The vegetarian who used to cook for Hitler was ।, who also stayed behind. Wow. He did not go to Linge, leaving it to his will not to go. As a result, Rasha was sentenced to ten years in prison.

People do not always break down in the face of imminent danger. When the Japanese occupied Singapore, the Singaporeans, especially the English, danced and danced. The same thing happened here. After Hitler's departure, everyone realized that this was the end, and that there was no hope. Hitler was the first in the second and third bunkers. Laugh, it's not a book for two days - literally two days in this place. Exactly two days later, the Russians occupied Bunker.