
HIStory 3-Trapped, A Collection

The daily life snippets of the boys of HISTORY 3 TV series. The show must go on, even after the original show is completed.

Yukichi69 · TV
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27 Chs

Trapped 12-Trip

History 3-Trapped Snippet



Zhao Zhi: Ah Fei, you took such long leaves, where are you going this time?

Shao Fei: A vacation of course and to Thailand! I haven't been to Thailand and Tang Yi said he'll take me around Bangkok.

Zhao Zhi: Awww, I am so jealous. I wish I could go to Bangkok too. I know there are lots of good food there.

Jack appears out of no where.

Jack: How about we tag along too?

Zhao Zhi: Oh, Jack! You are here! Why are you here?

Jack: To accompany my boss to pick up his wife from work and along the way to pick up my wifey from work.

Zhao Zhi: Awww you are too sweet.

Jack: So, what do you say? Do you want to go on a vacation with me sweetheart?

Zhao Zhi: Ehh....will you take me to eat good food?

Tang Yi appears out of nowhere. Shao Fei pounces him immediately.

Tang Yi: Our Xi Tian Meng Group has partner restaurants in Thailand too. You are welcomed to come and try.

Zhao Zhi: Oh yay! Ok, I'll go to Bangkok too!

Shao Fei: That means it's a double date. Yay! Oh, I'll take you to this meeting called United Bottoms Association meeting.

Zhao Zhi: Oh, what is that? Is that an eating event?

Shao Fei: No, it's a meeting where all bottoms from BL series gather and exchange info about their hubbies.

Zhao Zhi: Huh? What do you mean?

Shao Fei: Never mind, you just come along and meet new friends.

Tang Yi: Wait. Will there be hot people around?

Jack: Don't worry Boss, I know connections to get us in too.

Tang Yi: Good job.
