
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 3

I walked out from the bathroom, My whole body felt numb, and worst of all, I was just wearing a towel to cover my body because it was freezing in the toilet!. The red marks can be seen freely on my body,especially my neck. I feel nauseau everytime I remember how he touched my body!.

If I was the me from my past lifetime I would feel so happy that he slept with me. I know I should feel like the most special girl in this world because my husband is not only young, he is also rich and comes from a noble family, he is also very handsome too.

Well... my name is Li Arinne. I am 18 years old this year. I don't study anymore because I am so lazy thats why I decided to drop out of school and no one really cared because I am not the only child in my family, so thats why my parents doesn't care if I succeed in life or not, they don't really care what I do, unless its will dirties their name.

That's why they think I'm a child, and that's the reason why my family in law don't like me and hate me. My tempered is bad and everytime i am angry there must be something will destroy by my hand.

But believe me I never hurt someone, even an ant I am scared to pinch it!. I don't have any education but that doesn't mean i am stupid enough to let people bully me freely.

Actually i am a genius that's why i am lazy to study haha... but because my soft self and naively believe everyone around me, i fell and destroyed myself and my future.

But I promise this time I will protect myself and get away from this hellish palace! There is no way i want to live here and wait for my end

I don't want to take revenge because i don't feel they worth to make me take revenge. I just want to free again like before. But that not mean i don't do anything to save myself. I will build a shield that can protect me before and after i success to leave this palace.

If they want to hurt me, then I will hurt them twice or more or doubled than that. If they want my blood, I take their bone. Lost blood we can continue life again, right? but what about we lost some bone?? That feel dying better than living ah.

Okey i know i am so stupid enough when i have a chance to take revenge on everyhing they did to me at my previous life, but I don't take that chance, because that not what I want ah. I just want to live freely like how I always did before I married to that bastardman. And now i have that chance so must hold it and never lost it ah! Now is the time to make a plan to get away from this place hahaha....

That beast not at here anymore. Feel relieved I walk to the cupboard where I my cloth. I take my white long dress and my incloth. After finish wear cloth and time to sleep tomorrow i will have a long journey so I need to take as much rest I can have so I have energy to do my plan. I can't wait for tomorrow arrived and with a happy mood I have a very good sleep that I never dare to dream in the past life!.


Next day, because she live at this palace for seven year before she die she already have many information about this palace so easy to make path and quietly run away from this palace.

"Good morning Eldest Mrs. Yun".

Everytime she meet the guard or maid they will bow and dare not look at her. Well that was the rule of this palace. Shit to the rule!. She mock in her heart while walk faster to the rear building at this place. Previous she accidently discover a small hole that adjoined with the road to go to city.

That hole can fit her size but she must crawl to walk out and since she still teenage now so she easily pass the small hole.

"Yes success!"

She scream proudly to herself. After comfirm no one follow or saw her quietly run away from the palace used the small hole at the rear building as her way out, she smile with a bright and happy expression.

Even sometime she feel like a fool thieves, she was the Eldest Mrs. Yun why she need to use this small hole to run away from this big palace!. But she feel more stupid if she run use the front gate....

"Go to hell you trash! I will live my life in freedom from now on! No one can control my life anymore! I am a freedom woman hahaha....! Go to hell with your noble family! "

After have enough time to curse the beast at the cctv she continue to run and just ten second her shadow nowhere to see again. No one know where she go and what she do. But everyone know she never comeback again after that day and and no one saw her even after they pay force to find that girl.

- - -

At the night.

Yun Leifeng hold his head helpless when he hear the news of his wife gone. The palace now in panicked and everyone round the palace to find the new Mrs. Yun but no one can find her.

Yun Leifeng watch the CCTV, he saw the video where his wife curse him before run away. His brow knit, he can't discribe what he feel now. Angry, disappointed, annoy, disgrace and for the first time in his 20 year live at this world he feel all that feeling. He really don't like this disturbing feeling.

He feel weird. Why the girl run after marry him the most handsome guy at this world and a noble family!.

He have a money, he inherited many his family wealth add to his own company and his family empayer so what he lack to make his wife run just after married for 2 day!.

This really insult his proud pride. For the first time he feel lose.

Helpless he close the cctv screen and walk out from his study room.

"Lei how about sister in law?"

Ask his cousin, Yun Zhang .

He still can't believe his cousin's wife run after 2 day of their marriage. Its feel like a dream and he think that news must be his cousin most scary nightmare ever!. He almost want to laugh but he hold it, worry if his cousin know he will more angry.

Yun Leifeng sharp eyes stab Yun Zhang like a arrow. He shut his mouth after that.

"Spread to everyone my wife go to study abroad. She will not come back before she finish her study!"

He make a dictator command to all the guard and especially Yun Zhang and his sectery, Oh Qin.

" ...and what happen today no one say about it anymore and dont leak it to other if not i will kill you all!". He add with his fierce face.

Everyone feel cold and scare when hear their boss voice and he face. So scary!.

"Yes boss!!"

Everyone answer together with obsiquious face.

"Why you just don't divorce...."

"There's no way i make that bitch feel freedom! As long she still tie with me with the law of marriage she will never free!". And if she want to free she must meet me to ask divorce from me and that time i will make her regret when she make a fool to me!. But just he can hear that because he say that in his deep heart.


Comment Yun Zhang before follow Yun Leifeng.

He feel pity to the girl that make this cousin of him angry. Well that was the first time someone run from him and the person was his own wife. Who man in this world didn't feel angry and feel their dignity fall when your wife run after just two day they married!. What a savage girl ah...he chuckle in his heart.