
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 18

"Okey! My royal you can act freely now! You already have your script in mind right?"

The oldman voice only can hear in the studio because all of them  in this studio stand stiff in the corner while their eyes never leave from their newfounded goddess!.

In their heart feel so fortune because they was the first people who able to be the witness of this goddess first acting!.

Its really overwhelm right? But they couldn't help it you know! The newbie actress really abnormal pretty! Like a walking doll! She have a perfect curve body! Slim and have a very long and pretty leg! A good waist to hug! Skin so tender, white, soft and really like a doll without any scar!. Just one glance from her dark eyes really can make people feel their heart and soul been consumed!. So they don't want to blink their eyes and don't want to make any noise! They just want to look and hear their goddess voice!

But that oldman voice really disturbing their ear!. They almost want to roar to the oldman to shut up. Fortunately they still have their conscious to remember that was their boss! If not the less worst the oldman do to them is fired immediately from here add to his poisoned mouth!....

Qi Ran."....."

She really can't get this work arh! Why must she prepared her own script when acting?! Didn't they the one who should prepare scene or script so she can act immediately and get out from here?! My baby doll at home is waiting for me you know?!.

But even she can't understand and still confused but she still profesional to use all her brain and talent to acting this Add with all her might. She know with this Add she can start her new journey to achieve her goal she already set in mind and a long time ago!.

'Fighting Raran! This is just the starting


Her dark eyes look at the studio especially where will be the shoot taken.

The small scenary prepare by the staff is field full of flower.

She will acting today in one scene with a background full of rose but a white rose.

Because Royal Brand had five types of flavour which was a red rose ( Royal Blood spirit ), lavender (Royal Purple Spirit), vanilla ( Royal Silver Spirit), Oren ( Royal Flame spirit) and sakura ( Royal Fairy Spirit) so that mean she will acting in five scenery and different background!.

So today her first scene is the Royal Silver Spirit. Its really look like an anime arh....her mouth couldn't help but feel itchy! Just who the hell have a chunni brain to give the A-Level perfume that childish name?! I really want to kneel to him arh!.

"Okey. I am ready!"

After she tell her idea or script she think to the oldman the oldman quickly agree with his eyes more bright than before!.

She raise her hand and give thumb ups to the oldman who already waiting for her answer in while facing in the screen camera. Her briliant smile almost make soul flying from their body...(😧)


There's was a castle which have a lonely princess who can't leave the castle. Nobody around or stay at here...only her alone been eaten by the lonely.

Her pale skin almost match with her royal cloth. A plain white gaun.

She look everywhere to find something that can relieve her bored.

Her red lips didn't have a smile add to her dark eyes which look like its didn't have any light.

Can't find anything anymore that can vanished her sadness and bored she slowly wake up from her slumber to the window.


The window open...


When she opened the window a wind come and pass her skin while blow her dark long hair!.

Her eyes changed from hopeless to bright when her nose sniff something sweet and fragrant!.

Infront her now..or outside the castle is now a field full with a blooming white flower!.

The fragrant the wind bring to her earlier was from the flower.

She want to get out from this place! She want leave this place! But unfortunately no one there to help her get out from this place!.

She almost give up when she hear a voice far from here slowly come to this direction make her eyes turn bright!.

The people from the other town was been captivated by the fragrant that bring them to this forbidden place!.

When they near to the castle and found the lonely princess they help her to get out from the luxury castle but the truth is a prison to imprisoned the princess.

Because of the fragrant that bring the people here the princess now freedom from her cage and can save herself from the lonely.

She and the people together enjoy the blooming flower in the field with the sweet fragrant that can bring people feel happy and together!....


The shooting over with a perfect shoot. Director Huang feel very excited and worship the newbie because the newbie skill in acting really more than he thought!.

What a perfect royal! Its will be pity if she not get any award in this year! Even she newbie but her skill really good enough for her to get award!.

Qi Ran give a relief breath because she success to just take one shoot Without NG! .

Its not easy to acting with people in just one take without make some mistake!. So she use her cheating skill which was can make her to hypnotizes all people she want to acting like they have a same level with her!.

Its not a cheating like you all think...its was a skill when you already master all the skill you need in acting. Its use a science too, she study psychology and how to hyptonizes people or her enemy so she just use it when she acting. Its not always can work but as she can remember she never had a record fail to hyptonize people she want!!..ahahah...

"Oh my royal! You really briliant!"

The oldman dash to the pretty woman who just smile to him.

"Thank for the good collaboration guys!"

Ignore the oldman she turn her focus to the all supporting character who still have a shock face! They never thought they will not make any mistake in the scene earlier!. That probably the first time the acting in just one take and a perfect shoot!.

They dumbstruck when Qi Ran give them a very sweet smile! Almost fainted!.

"No...we should be the one who say thanks!"

With the chance infront their eyes all of them circle the newbie actress to requesting a sign from her.

When they so busy with their goddess nobody realized there someone who stand at the door while watching them with a sharp eyes.

Or....no...that person eyes not look at them but the pretty woman who have a bright and sweet smile while talking to all the staff and ignore the oldman who now sulky in the corner!

He touch his chest which now beat fast make his eyebrow knit!.


I almost lost idea when the type of flower part!. I dont really like flower and dont know many types of flower in this world!. So my limit is rose..lavender..sakura....etc!...🤣🤣 n i'am so lazy to search it in google....😎😎

Tulip too but....as i know lah...tulip didnt have any fragrant right??🤔😳🤗😄