
His Wife Run Away After Rebirth.

This is about a young girl who gets married to a young man from a noble family. She died after 7 hellish years of marriage to Yun Leifeng. She gets rebirth to the night of her wedding, but she doesn't want to get revenge, just a peaceful life. She ran away and came back after 5 years with a little bean, not as Mrs.Yun or as Li Arinne. read to find out more please~

Ghost_Sinker · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 17

"Jiejie manager!"

The pretty girl with her bright eyes run like a child saw their mother to He Ji Ah... she almost thought that she was not a manager but a nanny!.

"Good you come early"

She really worried since earlier if this girl will not come early as she promise yesterday night.

"Of course! This is my first day start my work!"

"Are you ready Raran?"

She ask because she couldn't help okey!. This girl attitude so easy and go and like she didn't have anything in this world that can make her worried about !.

"Sure, i am ready to go wa...."

"My royal!"

The two girl startled when they hear a very loud voice  behind them which slowly come to their direction....

They now stand outside the Royal Brand private studio. The owner of course Director Huang.

Everyone eyes now look at that oldman direction. Just imagine some oldman who already near 60 year old walk faster or can't said it walk anymore but run like a child to the two girl which look at him with a worry expression.

'I hope this oldman didn't fell from his step!'

She said in her heart because the weird Director really make people dumbfounded. She as someone who life for a second time at this world already have this oldman information with how this oldman is so overbearing!. He really appreciated people who have a talent but will K.O the people who don't have talent but still want to show their worst skill infront him with his poisoned mouth!. You just can see his child self when you have a talent...

"Good morning Director Huang!"

Qi Ran as a bright girl and overwhelm pretty greet the oldman with her salute make the oldman giggle and look at her with his tender eyes....

She couldn't help it but thought, is this oldman have any blood tie with me? Why the way he look at me like i am his long lost granddaughter?!.

Assistant Li which was the oldman assistant too wide his eyes with this oldman new self! He really can't believe his eyes!.

That show how he appreciates this newbie talent ah.

"Lets go my royal! Today is our first day work together! This oldman hope you can show all your talent in this add! I will make you knowing by all people through my Royal Brand project!"

Qi Ran couldn't prevent her lips from creak to a grin and a flash mischievous smile that can made people who saw that smile feel their soul been consumed!.

"Sure! I will do all the best i could to promote the brand i will ambassador for!"

When two people who have a weird character meet with each other its really make the normal people around them feel this two not from a same planet with them but from another planet !.


"I really couldn't believe the director who knowing by all worker at entertainment as old devil will talk with you like that! We really can't believe a random gossip arh...if we didn't meet the real person face to face!"

Whisper He Ji Ah to Qi Ran who now changed her cloth at the suiting room.

"That gossip is real jiejie manager. Director Huang just show his other character to people who have a high skill in acting like me!"

She said it with a very proud face made all eyes at this suiting room look at her direction.

Who this beautiful shameless lady again?.

He Ji Ah."..."

She remind herself to make this girl less her narcistic self after this shooting over...send her to Four Art Class! .

"Wow! Miss Raran skin really soft and perfect!"

The jiejie who will do makeover to Qi Ran feel excited and impress when she look this newbie skin!. Even she didn't wear powder her skin will still pretty, her skin so tender and soft like a jade!.

She never saw a natural beauty skin like this woman since she work in this industry. As a woman too, she really dream to have a perfect skin like this! And couldn't help but feel jelous. The god really biased arh!.

"Oh thank you jiejie! Honestly jiejie, when i first saw jiejie earlier i almost blind my eyes!  Jiejie really prerty like a fairy. If i was a man, i already make jiejie become my princess!"

Miss Fang speechless when she hear what come out from this pretty girl mouth!. Even her face which was already use a thick powder couldn't hide her blushing face!.

"Miss Raran really have a sweet tongue arh!"

Miss Fang said shyly like a teenager who just falling in love at first sight!.

Qi Ran laugh and give a very sweet smile to all woman or girl in this suiting room make all the woman blush!.

He Ji Ah who just stand near them speechless when hear the actress she manage flirting with all the woman in this roon!. Her flirting skill really A-Level and can beat CEO Wu when flirting a girl, despite his sometimes serious attitude when in his work mode that you can't even have a heart to joke with him, if not you will be scolded by him ah!. Fortunately this newbie was a woman if not the artist she handle really turn to be a playboy!.

And she almost doubt this pretty girl is over to same gender but when she remember what CEO Wu said that time she quickly feel relief!. What a waste arh if this pretty girl like a same gender!.

20 minute after that...


The suiting room door been open from inside


Everyone turn over their head to see the person who walk out from the room and gasp.

The woman wear a white gaun...

Everything around her bright!. Bright like that can make all their eyes want to fell down from the socket!.

When she walk, the floor her leg step look like a cloud and she floating in the sky!.

She like a goddess who fell from the sky and end up at this studio infront them.

All the man heart tremble, their heartbeat become fast and almost want to kneel and offer their soul personally to become this goddess slave!.

Not just man but the girl too have impact when they see this goddess! Their heart beat fast too! And have a thought did they already bent?!.


before the fml meet the ml...i want the second ml first make an appearance!. I think u all already can guess who bcoz i already make his first debut but i dont give him any name in that chapter...😁

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