

20 year old Khole was living the life anyone her age would when the most notoriously dangerous gang crashes into her home late one night. The leader, Zach, knows that’s he’s not a good man but thinks he could give Khole a better. He’s obsessed with her which makes her his target.

Classy_Barbiez · Général
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I didn't know what that was that had woken me, it was 3AM in the morning, I heard a big piece of shattered glass hitting the wood flooring we have downstairs. That had woken me from my awkward dream. Whatever it was, I was wide awake and alert, sitting up in my bed staring at my bedroom door, waiting to see if it was going to open at any moment, but nothing happened.

I begin to listen carefully and closely, hearing several footsteps bounding up the stairs loudly sounding like heavy military boots, as they walk right past my shut bedroom door going across the hall towards my parents bedroom. What should I do?

In my bed, frozen by fear, I was thinking if I should go peek out of my bedroom door to see who these intruders are; but I had the massive fear that I might get caught so I needed to think of another idea. What if I just lock my bedroom door, find a place to hide, and then proceed to call the police. I like the idea. So, with one swift but quiet motion, I removed the covers and my feet touched the floor. I begin to slowly tip toe over to the door.

On my way to the door, my hands start to shake vigorously. With shaking hands, I turned the doorknob as slowly as I could. Looking into the hallway once the door was cracked open. Instantly I see two really tall figures with guns that are as large as the ones that they use in the military. They stood in front of my parent's open bedroom door. I couldn't tell what kinds of guns that they had because it was dark, and I was only looking through the crack of my door.

"Please don't hurt us! You can take anything you want, we have money." I hear my mother shriek.

Hearing the screams that came from my mother is one that I'll never be able to forget. After hearing my mother plead for her own life and that of myself and my father, I hear several gunshots. I close my eyes and cover my mouth to stop myself from screaming. Before I closed my eyes, I could see the flashes from the gun as they shot rounds of bullets into my parents. After the first round of shots are done, I can hear my mother choking on her own blood, crying for some or any kind of help. While closing my eyes to try to escape my horrible reality, I hear four more shots, silencing my mother permanently.

Completely paralyzed by fear, my eyes begin to go wide as it's registering in my brain that I just witnessed the murders of both of my parents. Without thinking clearly, I open the door a little more and I see that my parents are actually dead. I let out an agonizing scream. Before being able to cover my mouth, the two tall figures snapped their heads in my direction to see where the noise came from. I closed my door as quickly and as quietly as I could, turning the lock, and then sprinting across my room to grab my phone from the edge of the bed.

I dialed 9-1-1 as fast as I knew how while scanning my room for a good place to hide. The closet? No, too obvious. Under the bed? No, a typical horror movie hiding place. They'll look in those two places as soon as they hit the room. I became frantic, I felt as if I was in a horror movie.

"9-1-1 what is your emergency?" A soft shallow voice comes across the phone line from the other side of my phone.

"There are two tall intruders in my house, they have loaded weapons. After breaking in they killed my parents with several gunshots." I silently let out a sob at the end.

"What is your callback number?" As the woman on the other line asks another question as she continues to type on her end of the line.

I began to speak again. "Yes my number is (605) 475-6968." She went back quiet as the woman types her life away all you can hear is the keyboard.

"When did this occur and how long ago?"

"It happened like maybe 2-4 minutes ago so not that long ago before I called 9-1-1. it occurred inside my home this morning can you not see what time it is?"

"Who are the intruders, if there are any."

"I have no idea at all. I could barely see what they were wearing or even what their faces looked like because they were wearing ski masks."

"Are there any weapons involved?"

I began to cry again after the woman asked her that question, being reminded how both of her parents died.

"Yes I think it sounded like a 9mm Varmint gunshots as they were being used to kill both of my parents."

"What's your location?" Her tone hardens and becomes more extremely concerned.

"847 Livingston Drive Newton." I finished the line with my own city and zip code, crying into the phone as I began to hear the loud military boots approaching my bedroom door.

"What is your name? How old are you sweetheart?"

"Khole Aviana Green. I am 20 years old." I stand up from the edge of my bed and quietly walk towards my walk-in closet and slowly open it. As I drop to my knees inside of my closet, closing the door without making any noise.

"Khloe please don't hang up the phone. Help is on the way."

"Please hurry up, I'm scared for my life. I just know I'm next after seeing what they did to my parents." I whispered into the phone. As the two tall men stand outside of my bedroom door, my body starts trembling fast and quickly.

My bedroom door was busted open with the wood of my door breaking off, shutting me the fuck up quick. Then I realized that there were more than the two men who I had seen originally with the guns.

"Where the fuck is she?" One of the men asked.

"That bitch is probably trying to play hide and seek. So find that bitch now! Boss will want to see her before we kill her."

My unsuspecting eyes as I lean back into my closet more.

As the men began searching the room, tearing up any and everything that was in their way. As a man in an all black ski mask stood at the closet door, my heart began to slow down until it came to a halting stop. He pulls on the door knob, slowly opening it. I sank back against the wall as far as I could. I covered my mouth so I couldn't scream.

His darkened eyes landed directly on me as he started smirking under his black ski mask. He yanks my arm hard, grabbing me up from the walk-in closet.

"Get off me! Let me go!" I screamed loudly pleading for my life, my phone dropped to the hardwood floor leaving a split crack in the middle of my phone. He throws me on the floor with no remorse at all.

"That little bitch called the police, we need to make this quick."

One of them says loudly mean mugging the fuck outta me on floor.

Another shadow figure appears in the doorway as he begins to enter the bedroom. Tall, no ski mask at all on site. He has silky, fair even skin. It was very dark to pinpoint what color his eyes were, his hair was medium black.

As he begins to walk more into the bedroom coming towards me, he completely stops in front of me on the ground with his head down as my hair blocks my face. He begins to cup my face, raising it so we can have full eye contact. He looks strangely familiar one of the strong men grabs me by my arms tightly, pulling me up off the floor. Now I am on my knees in front of the man. I slowly look up at him staring into his eyes, completely and utterly terrified.

"Please, Please, Please. Don't kill me." I beg as he tilts his head slightly, narrowing his eyes at me. I began to realize where I recognize him from the news a couple days ago.

He's the leader of this dangerous mafia. Even saw his picture flashed on the news.

He looks a few years older than the pictures of him flipping off a store camera, holding a gun. Before he robbed a bank, he shot everyone inside with no hesitation. Zack. He's also accused of kidnapping and killing many high up business employees for many years without getting caught.

He steps aside as one of his men approaches me, shoves a gun in my face. My breathing becomes heavier and more uneven. I begin to rapidly shake my head as tears slowly flow down my face.

"Please." I beg. In my head, I'm thinking where are those officers? They should've been here by now. The man presses his 9mm Varmint gun barrel to my forehead.

"Please. Don't shoot me…" I whispered. Zack tilts his head. I see the man's finger move to the trigger. I squeeze my eyes shut. Knowing my life about to end right here, right now. I looked up the ceiling and thought mom and dad I love you and I'm so sorry this happened to you.

"Stop. Don't shoot, you can remove your finger from the trigger." Telling his men to disarm and not to engage." Zack speaks finally and I open my eyes rapidly. All his men look over at him, confused, awaiting instructions.

"Take her with us." He demands and the man moves his gun away from my head as the man who pulled me out of the closet, drags me up.

"Walk." He says in a demanding tone and I follow Zack and the others out of my room with a gun pressed into my back. I glanced down the hall to my parents room. My dead parents. Are they waiting to kill me later?

I stumble down the stairs and walk faster as the man behind me presses the gun harder into my back. They lead me to the back door and shove me out the door and to a couple black cars with tinted illegally dark windows.

"She'll ride with me. Zip tie her wrist, duct tape her mouth then put her in the back of the trunk." He demanded and pulled his keys from his pocket walking to one of the black sports cars. He pops the trunk as he walks to the driver's seat while the man who has his gun in my back pushes me towards the trunk.

He grabs both of my wrists and closes a zip tie too tightly around my wrists, as he puts duct tape over my mouth after that he throws a black bag over my head. Before I have a chance to get in the trunk myself, the man strikes the back of my head with the butt of his gun, knocking me unconscious.