
His Sweet Virgin( Caught In His Passion)

It all began when Sephy Bradford returned home to attend her twin sister's wedding. But she found out that Violet didn't want to get married to the man their father chose for her and Sephy could understand why her sister is hesitant to marry him since he gives off a scary and intimidating vibe. So being the crazy one of the two, Sephy thought of a plan to get her sister out. And right on the day of the wedding, Sephy claimed herself to be his lover causing chaos which got the marriage canceled. The twins were thrilled that Sephy planned to work but what they didn't expect is that the man who they had tricked would come back for revenge. He came back right on Sephy's wedding and caused the same chaos and his chaos is by kidnapping her and taking her to his den where most of his illegal activities were carried out. Living in the Lion den with a man she hates, Sephy tried to escape but all of her plans were futile because he wouldn't let her go. To him she must pay for having wreak his marriage to her twin sister a year ago and the only way to do that is by keeping her by his side as his s*x toy. But all that will change when someone.....

Salman_Abiodun · Urbain
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8 Chs



"Where have you taken my sister? Open this damn door !" Violet yelled out as she kept banging the door but there was no response.

Out of anger, she bangs the door again but ends up getting injured.

Blood kept oozing from her injured hand and her search to find something to stop the flow was all in vain.

Having only one option in mind, Violet seated herself on the bed and pulled the hem of her gown where she tore a part of it.

She was wrapping the piece of cloth in her hand when the door opened revealing Rex.

And the first thing Rex noticed was her thigh which was open due to the cut of her dress a while ago.

Violet stopped what she was doing when she saw him, realizing that his gaze was on her open thigh, she quickly pulled down her dress.

Rex let out a slow smile due to her action, he moved towards a box that was kept on a high counter before moving back to Violet.

"Let me see that?" He demanded referring to her hand.

"It's not necessary. What I want from you is to tell me where my sister is?" Violet demanded in return.

"Your sister is safe, so you don't have to worry about her," Rex replied.

"And when you mean safe, how safe is she?" Violet asked not to trust his words.

"If you consider her being with Raphael safe then she is safe. Now stop talking and give me your hand" he said wanting to take her hand but she stood up before he could achieve it.

"She being with Raphael isn't safe. I must get her away from him" she said moving towards the door but Rex got to her and pulled her back into the room.

"Let me go!" Violet yelled.

"Shut up before I hit you!" He threatened and that got her sitting still.

She watches him disinfect her wound before putting a bandaid on it.

If it had been someone else, Violet would have been touched by his action but it's none other than this jerk, she thought, pulling her hand out of his.

"Is that the way rich brats like you say thank you?" He asked.

"Am not a brat and if it had been someone else, I would have gladly thanked him '' She replied hotly.

"You have no intention of thanking me then?" He asked, staring at her flashing gray eyes.

"I have no intention of thanking a hooligan like you!" She stated firmly.

"Whatever! Am used to dealing with brats like you" he said in return even as he moved towards the counter to replace the box.

"What do you plan to do to me?" Violet asked suddenly.

"Everything a hooligan does to innocent girls like you" he replied making Violet feel uneasy.

"If you dare touch me, I...."

"Oh, before I forget. I wanted to ask who Cupid is? " he said, cutting her off abruptly.

"How on earth do you know Louis?" Violet asked.

"So Cupid is a guy?" He exclaimed and when she said nothing, he continued.

"Your cupid or Louis kept calling and wouldn't stop. Is he perhaps your boyfriend?"

"That is none of your concern, give me my phone" Violet yelled wanting to take it from his grasp but he moved away.

"Why? Do you intend to tell him to come save you? You should know that it will only lead to his death" Rex told her softly.

"Don't you dare touch a....." She stopped talking when her phone began to ring.

"It's Cupid calling, I better answer him," Rex said and immediately Violet tried taking her phone again.

Louis is a guy she recently met at work, after months of being courted by him, she finally decides to date him.

"Hello," Rex said, holding her away from him.

"Me! Am someone very close to Violet" he replied with a naughty smile while making it hard for Violet to take the phone from him.

"Louis! You've got to help me, have been....." Violet didn't get to complete her sentence because Rex ended the call and she found herself being pushed against the wall.

"Let me go!" She said, trying to move out of his hold.

"Am trying to set things straight with this cupid of yours and so if you don't want me to do something crazy, you better shut up" He threatened.

"And if I don't! What are you going to do?" She asked, breathing heavily.

"I love it when girls ask me this sort of question and since you've asked, why don't I show you what I am capable of?" He said dryly.

Taking hold of her waist, he pulled her towards him and kissed her.

Violet was shocked at first but when she felt his hand on her thigh, she began to fight him.

She succeeded in ending the kiss but when she tried to pull out of his arms, he carried her to the bed.

"Let go of me!" Violet said fighting him off and when he tried to kiss her again, she kept struggling not giving him a chance to succeed.

She's had her share of fun and although she is not a virgin, she couldn't let him do this to her, she thought as she kept struggling giving in to the tears that have been threatening to spill a while ago.

"Don't do this to me" she cried out softly and that somehow got Rex stopping.

He moved away from her and at the same time, Her phone began ringing again.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Rex answered the call.

"You want to know who I am?" She heard him say and no one had to tell her that it was Louis calling.

"Well, I am Violet's soon-to-be lover, does that give you the answer you want?" He answered, staring at Violet who sat on the far side of the bed, far away from him.

"It is the truth and you better accept it and never call her again, understand!" He barked into the phone and after listening for a while, he ended the call.

"Your cupid won't be calling again," he said getting off the bed while heading towards the door.

"Why? Why did you say that to him?" Violet asked suddenly and that got him stopping.

"Cause it's fun"

"Fun! It's fun to ruin someone's life? I understand that this is what I get for messing with Raphael but I never did a thing to you, so why are you doing this to me?" Violet asked even as the tears kept pouring.

Seeing the tears, Rex felt a pang of guilt but he easily dismissed it.

"To tell you the truth, you should have been dead by now. Back at the parking lot, I planned to shoot you as soon as you got out but then your thighs..." he paused, staring at the thighs which is still driving him nuts.

"Your thighs caught my attention and so…I changed my mind and decided to bring you here. I have no idea why I chose not to kill you but what I do know is that I want you. So brace yourself, Violet, 'cause there will come when I will fulfill my desire, and not even your tears will stop me" he told her firmly before leaving the room.


"Where are we going?" Sephy, who was being led by two guards, asked.

"Keep walking and shut up!" The first guard yelled in return.

"There is no need to shout, I am not deaf" she snapped in return, making the guard push her.

"You don't know what's coming for you 'cause if you did, you would stop blabbering" the second guard replied making her feel uneasy.

"And what's coming for me? Death? Do you all plan to kill me?" Sephy asked bravely but scared within.

"Don't worry, you will know soon. Now walk!" The second guard said, pushing her.

Where exactly are they taking her? Does Raphael plan to punish her by getting her flog or something, she thought as they made a turn.

A maid who left a room was holding onto a tray.

Sephy spotted a knife amongst the things she carried and thought of a way to get it from her.

She thought of a brilliant plan and as soon as the maid got to her side, she stumbled towards her letting the tray fall.

"Oh no! Am sorry" she said as she help the maid pick up the things which fell, holding onto the knife.

"It's okay" The maid replied before walking off.

Sephy hid the knife in the fold of her dress hoping the guards wouldn't notice and she let out a relieved sigh when they got to their place of destination but on seeing the room she was told to go in, she began panicking.

"Why are we here?" She asked the guards who smirked at her in return.

"What do you think?" The second guard said before pushing her into the room and before she could get out, the door was closed.

"Why am I in his room?" She muttered as she made her way in.

It was the same room she had been in earlier, the same one she had seen him making out with that blonde girl.

She should leave since there's no one around, she thought as she turned towards the door but she heard the sound of a door opening.

"You're finally here," Raphael murmured as he went toward his dressing table.

"Why did you ask them to bring me here? What are you planning?" Sephy asked.

"What do you think?" He replied, his back still turned towards her.

"Get straight to the point. Am sick of your games" she snapped.

"Fine then," he said, turning towards her.

"You were brought in here to please me, " he answered smoothly.

"What do you mean by pleasing you?"

"Are you that daft to take the hint?" He asked in return.

"Am not daft, I just....." She stopped talking when a thought came to her.

He couldn't possibly be referring to that kind of pleasing right? She asked within and when she looked at him to see the look in his eyes, she got the answer she wanted.

"Am sure you don't need me to explain, so let's save ourselves from much talk and get to business, start stripping" he ordered before turning away from her.

"You must be sick if you think that I will sleep with you" Sephy yelled at him turning towards the door.

"Leaving won't stop what's bound to happen tonight. I plan to take you and you will do your best in pleasuring me. I told you not to make me angry, this is what you get for doing so"

"Must you go far just to attain your revenge? It was wrong of me to lie but that doesn't give you the right to kidnap me and demand for s*x. It's vile!" She screamed at him.

"Stop screaming and get undressed. I want it to last as long as the night is" he muttered, still having his back turned on her.

Knowing him to be someone who always has his way, he will surely do as he says, Sephy thought, clutching her gown in fear.

It was then she realized that the knife she had taken earlier is still in her grip.

She isn't a murderer and so she won't kill him but hurting him will surely prevent whatever he has in mind.

Moving towards him, she pulled out the knife prepared to cut him on the cheek but she stopped.

Somehow she couldn't do it, no matter what pain he is inflicting on her, she just couldn't do the same.

"If you don't have the guts to stab me, why take a knife then?" He asked, startling her.

How on earth did he know, she thought, staring at his broad back.

Feeling more scared than ever, she turned to leave but she didn't get far because he pulled her roughly against the wall.

"One thing I hate is being messed with and you have been messing with me ever since a year ago, it's time you pay," he said, looking very frightened.

She turned to leave but her attempt got him ripping her wedding dress.

"Let me go!" She cried out in fear.

"This time I won't let you off easily" he replied trying to kiss her and her attempts to push him off got him stumbling.

"Stay away from me! Don't you dare come close!" Sephy yelled, moving backward until she fell on the bed.

"Why? Aren't you supposed to be used to this kind of thing? I only want to have a bit of fun, after all, you did the same to me a year ago, so why are you scared?" He asked to move towards her.

"That's....that's because I…. haven't…. haven't been touched by...." she stopped when she saw the knowing look in his eyes.

"So you haven't been f**ked by a man" He concluded harshly which made her wince in return while she clutched onto the bed sheets hoping he would leave her alone.

But instead, he got into the bed and trapped her underneath him making it hard for her to move.

"I don't mind you not being f**ked since I will get the satisfaction of being the first, my sweet virgin. 'causet ready cause it's gonna be a long night for you and me...." He told her firmly as he bent towards...