


The following morning, I woke up early just like I always do. I didn't have to be at work until 7 since I work at one of the clubs down town. But I still had many things to do.

Just like what the hell am I supposed to do about the guy sleeping in the other room. It doesn't bother me that much but I just hope Hes not some sketchy guy who's going to kill me in my sleep or steal my stuff. I have movies to blame for that.

I decided on making some breakfast, I always start with a healthy smoothie and then normally make some kind of meal whether its English breakfast, pancakes and even fruit. The odd occasion my mom will come over and bring some delicious goodies.

Since I am half Filipino I have naturally come to like the idea of having pandesal or puto in the morning. My dad is the one who always promotes healthy eating and fitness I mean you would if you were a fitness instructor. But my mom she likes to eat and live comfortably.

Both of them decided to go travelling, they started this when I left home to live on my own. I don't hate them for it I actually want them to do that since they had me quite early on and basically cut their life off just to bring me up.

I decided to make some cooked breakfast and made double since I thought he would be hungry. Thinking about it now I don't even know his name or anything about him for that matter.

Opening my fridge, I pulled out some eggs, bacon, hash browns and some Filipino sausage I had from my mums last visit.

I started to cook everything and let the news play in the background. I enjoyed listening to what was happening in the world. My best friend is a news journalist so she would hate it if I didn't keep updated.

I was busy cooking away when I automatically felt like I was being watched. I turned around and funny enough he was here in the kitchen with me. He was wearing the t-shirt and joggers I had given to him.

/"you know if you're going to stay here for a few days I think we need to know each others names/" I said leaning against the counter. He stepped further into the kitchen a faint smile taking over his face.

/"you're right I'm Zachary but just call me Zach/" he says he actually brought his hand out to shake mine. I just laughed.

/"alright Zach,/" I say shaking his hand.

/"Imogen, but you can call me gen/" it was refreshing to see him laugh but that was short lived when he looked behind. Oh shit.

I quickly switched the heat off and opened a window when I saw all the smoke. Great well at least it's not burnt.

I managed to plate up two plates and set them on the breakfast counter. We ate in peace barely managing simple small talk.

When he was finished I told him he could use the shower if he wanted and I would clean up. He did offer but I declined as he is the guest, how could I make him wash up.

I heard the faint sound of the water running and turned up the tv so I could actually watch the news. I also scrolled through my phone checking Instagram and twitter just like I do every morning.

Well known billionaire missing, Serena Johnson has filed a missing report for her younger brother and has sparked rumours to exactly what happened to Zachary Johnson/"

My finger hovered over the screen as soon as the words registered within me. My mind was so confused, a billionaire. Why the fuck am I giving my home to a man swimming in money.

I turned out of my seat and was about to storm into the bedroom not caring if he wasn't done yet. But I was met with the man himself. He stood before me in all his glory his eyes watching me carefully.

/"when were you going to tell me, you were filthy rich?/" I say placing my hands on my hips. His hard gaze on me was slightly intimidating but I tried not to show any weakness.

/"wasn't on my mind but you know now/" he waves it off. I know I'm probably overacting I mean frankly its none of my business but He's living in my house.

/"and you're missing, what happened to you last night,/" I say instantly worried about him I mean I did find him tied up to a chair in a dark room.

He sighed rubbing his eyes. I decided to bring him into the lounge and sit down with him.

/"I know its none of my business but if you're in trouble I want to be prepared,/" I said much more calmly this time.

I had the act of being calm in stressful situations like these.

/"I did some risky deals with the company and turns out that wasn't taken lightly, next thing I know I'm waking up with you in front of me/" i purse my lips wondering of that was the complete truth but I wasn't going to push him it really wasn't my place.

/"don't you have family; your sister seems to be worried,/" I said referring back to the news she was clearly wanting her brother back.

/"don't need my family getting involved, but I am going to need your help/" i gaped at him, this surprised me more than anything. What could I possibly do to help him.

/"what/" he randomly puts his hand over mine which stopped me from talking altogether.

/"I can't be seen out in the city yet, I need my team here so I can figure out how I'm going to do this. I have people wanting me dead I'm pretty sure last night a man was on his way to beat me to the pulp/" I cringe just thinking about that.

Thank god I went in there. I barely knew this man but I still had a heart and wouldn't want anyone dying on my account.

/"I don't know Zach this seems to scary,/" I said because honestly, I didn't want to find myself in trouble. What if they come after me instead maybe they saw me helping him.

/"I'm not going to force you but Imogen I really do need your help/" he was pleading with me now and the fact that a fully-grown man is pleading with me to help him is probably the worst thing.

I hesitated at first but deep in my heart I knew I was going to help him.

/"fine Zach just tell me what you need,/" I said making my decision. I think he was overly surprised with my answer but none the less he went on and told me everything he needed me to do.